Verbs and Their Forms – A Complete Guide

Imagine a world without action—no movement, no speech, no thoughts. It would be lifeless. Verbs are the heartbeat of a language; they bring words to life by expressing actions, states, and occurrences. Whether you’re running in a race, thinking about the future, or being happy, verbs make communication possible.

In English, verbs change their forms to indicate time (tense), aspect, and voice. Mastering these verb forms is crucial for fluency. They are categorised into regular and irregular verbs. Let’s explore them in detail!

Unlike regular verbs, irregular verbs do not follow a consistent pattern. Their past simple (V2) and past participle (V3) forms change unpredictably. However, you don’t need to memorise them randomly! Instead, you can learn them by recognising 5 different sound patterns: ✅

Learn Irregular Verb Forms by Patterns – English Verb Conjugation

Irregular Verb Forms by Patterns

Click on any word for pronunciation

Pattern 1: V3 ends with ‘n’ sound
V1 V2 V3 അർത്ഥം
Bear Bore Borne സഹിക്കുക
Begin Began Begun ആരംഭിക്കുക
Break Broke Broken നിർത്തുക/ പൊട്ടിക്കുക
Choose Chose Chosen തിരഞ്ഞടുക്കുക
Do Did Done ചെയ്യുക
Draw Drew Drawn വരയ്ക്കുക
Drive Drove Driven ഡ്രൈവ് ചെയ്യുക
Fall Fell Fallen വീഴുക
Fly Flew Flown പറക്കുക
Forbid Forbade Forbidden തടയുക
Forget Forgot Forgotten മറക്കുക
Forgive Forgave Forgiven ക്ഷമിക്കുക
Freeze Froze Frozen ശീതീകരിക്കുക/ മരവിപ്പിക്കുക
Get Got Gotten/Got നേടുക
Give Gave Given നൽകുക
Go Went Gone പോകുക
Grow Grew Grown വളരുക
Know Knew Known അറിയുക
Lie Lay Lain കിടക്കുക, കള്ളം പറയുക
Ride Rode Ridden ഓടിക്കുക
Rise Rose Risen ഊർജ്ജം ഉയർത്തുക
See Saw Seen കാണുക
Shake Shook Shaken കുലുക്കുക
Bite Bit Bitten കടിക്കുക
Speak Spoke Spoken പറയുക
Stride Strode Stridden വേഗത്തിൽ നടക്കുക
Swear Swore Sworn സത്യം ചെയ്യുക, ചീത്ത വിളിക്കുക
Take Took Taken എടുക്കുക
Throw Threw Thrown എറിയുക
Wake Woke Woken ഉണരുക
Wear Wore Worn ധരിക്കുക
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn പിന്മാറുക
Pattern 2: V3 ends with ‘k/g’ sound
V1 V2 V3 അർത്ഥം
Drink Drank Drunk കുടിക്കുക
Ring Rang Rung ബെൽ അടിക്കുക
Shrink Shrank Shrunk ചുരുക്കുക
Sing Sang Sung പാടുക
Sink Sank Sunk മുങ്ങുക
Sling Slang Slung ചുഴറ്റുക, വലിച്ചു കെട്ടുക
Spring Sprang Sprung പോട്ടിമുളക്കുക, കുതിക്കുക
Stink Stank Stunk നാറുക
String Strung Strung വരിഞ്ഞു മുറുക്കുക
Swing Swung Swung പലചരിയിൽ ചലിക്കുക
Wring Wrung Wrung പിഴിയുക
Fling Flung Flung വലിച്ചെറിയുക
Hang Hung Hung തൂക്കിയിടുക
Cling Clung Clung പറ്റിപ്പിടിക്കുക
Slink Slunk Slunk കാണപ്പെടാതെ ഒഴിഞ്ഞുമാറുക
Stick Stuck Stuck ഒട്ടിക്കുക
Pattern 3: All forms are the same
V1 V2 V3 അർത്ഥം
Bid Bid Bid വില പറയുക (ലേലത്തിൽ)
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുക
Burst Burst Burst പൊട്ടുക
Cast Cast Cast വലിച്ചെറിയുക, ചലച്ചിത്ര വേഷം നൽകുക
Cost Cost Cost ചെലവാകുക
Cut Cut Cut മുറിക്കുക
Fit Fit Fit അനുയോജ്യമാകുക
Hit Hit Hit അടിക്കുക
Hurt Hurt Hurt പരുക്കേൽപ്പിക്കുക
Knit Knit Knit നെയ്യുക
Let Let Let അനുമതി കൊടുക്കുക
Put Put Put വെയ്ക്കുക
Quit Quit Quit നിർത്തുക
Read Read Read വായിക്കുക
Set Set Set സജ്ജീകരിക്കുക
Shed Shed Shed തളിക്കുക, കൊഴിക്കുക
Shut Shut Shut അടയ്ക്കുക
Slit Slit Slit പിളര്‍ക്കുക, ചീന്തുക
Split Split Split വിച്ഛേദിക്കുക
Spread Spread Spread വ്യാപിക്കുക, പരത്തുക
Thrust Thrust Thrust ബലത്തിൽ തള്ളുക, കുത്തികയറ്റുക
Wet Wet Wet നനയ്ക്കുക
Pattern 4: V1 ends with ‘d’; V2&V3 with ‘t’
V1 V2 V3 അർത്ഥം
Bend Bent Bent വളയ്ക്കുക
Lend Lent Lent കടം കൊടുക്കുക
Rend Rent Rent പിളർത്തുക, കീറുക
Spend Spent Spent ചെലവഴിക്കുക
Blend Blent Blent കൂട്ടിക്കലർത്തുക
Send Sent Sent അയയ്ക്കുക
Build Built Built നിർമിക്കുക
Pattern 5: V2&V3 end with ‘t’ sound
V1 V2 V3 അർത്ഥം
Buy Bought Bought വാങ്ങുക
Bring Brought Brought കൊണ്ടുവരിക
Seek Sought Sought അന്വേഷിക്കുക
Teach Taught Taught പഠിപ്പിക്കുക
Think Thought Thought ചിന്തിക്കുക
Catch Caught Caught പിടിക്കുക
Keep Kept Kept നിലനിറുത്തുക, സൂക്ഷിക്കുക
Leave Left Left വിടവാങ്ങുക
Feel Felt Felt അനുഭവിക്കുക
Light Lit Lit പ്രകാശം കൊടുക്കുക, കത്തിക്കുക
Build Built Built നിർമിക്കുക
Fight Fought Fought പോരാടുക
Sleep Slept Slept ഉറങ്ങുക

Regular Verb Forms

Click on any word for pronunciation

REGULAR VERBS – end with “ed”
V1 V2 V3 അർത്ഥം
Accept Accepted Accepted സ്വീകരിക്കുക
Ask Asked Asked ചോദിക്കുക
Bake Baked Baked അപ്പം ചുടുക
Call Called Called വിളിക്കുക
Dance Danced Danced നൃത്തം ചെയ്യുക
End Ended Ended അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുക
Finish Finished Finished പൂർത്തിയാക്കുക
Guess Guessed Guessed അനുമാനിക്കുക
Help Helped Helped സഹായിക്കുക
Jump Jumped Jumped ചാടുക
Kiss Kissed Kissed ചുംബിക്കുക
Laugh Laughed Laughed ചിരിക്കുക
Move Moved Moved നീങ്ങുക
Need Needed Needed ആവശ്യമാകുക
Open Opened Opened തുറക്കുക
Paint Painted Painted ചായം പൂശുക
Play Played Played കളിക്കുക
Reach Reached Reached എത്തുക
Study Studied Studied പഠിക്കുക
Talk Talked Talked സംസാരിക്കുക
Use Used Used ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
Walk Walked Walked നടക്കുക
Watch Watched Watched കാണുക
Work Worked Worked ജോലിചെയ്യുക

Verb: Bear

V1 (Base): Bear

V2 (Past): Bore

V3 (Past Participle): Borne

Example: The mother bear bore her cubs into the den.

Embedded Videos

A verb is a word that expresses:

  1. Action → “She writes a letter.”
  2. State of being → “He is tired.”
  3. Occurrence → “A storm developed suddenly.”

Verbs are dynamic and adapt to different grammatical situations through four main forms:

  1. Base Form (V1) – The simplest form (e.g., go, eat, write)
  2. Past Simple (V2) – Used for completed actions (e.g., went, ate, wrote)
  3. Past Participle (V3) – Used in perfect tenses and passive voice (e.g., gone, eaten, written)
  4. Present Participle (V4) – The “-ing” form used in continuous tenses (e.g., going, eating, writing)

Let’s explore each verb form in detail with examples.

1. Base Form (V1) – The Root of Action

The base form of a verb is its simplest form, free from tense or conjugation. It is used in:

Present Simple (except third-person singular)

  • “I run every morning.”
  • “They speak three languages.”

Infinitive (with “to”)

  • “I love to read books.”
  • “She wants to travel the world.”

Commands (Imperatives)

  • Sit down!”
  • Open the door.”

🚀 Examples of Base Forms:
go, eat, write, play, think, dance, sing, sleep, jump, watch

2. Past simple form (V2) – Expressing Completed Actions

The past simple form shows actions that happened in the past and are finished.

Regular verbs add “-ed” or “-d”:

  • “She worked late last night.”
  • “They danced at the party.”

Irregular verbs change completely:

  • “He went to school early.” (go → went)
  • “I wrote a poem.” (write → wrote)

🔎 Usage Examples:

  • We watched a movie yesterday.” (Regular)
  • She ate an apple for breakfast.” (Irregular)

🚀 Examples of Past Simple Forms:
went, ate, wrote, played, thought, danced, sang, slept, jumped, watched

3. Past Participle (V3) – The Key to Perfect Tenses

The past participle is used in:

Perfect tenses (with has/have/had)

  • “She has finished her homework.”
  • “We had eaten before they arrived.”

Passive voice (with “be”)

  • “The letter was written by John.”
  • “A new law has been passed.”

🔎 Regular verbs → same as past simple (played, walked)
🔎 Irregular verbs → unique changes (gone, eaten, written)

🚀 Examples of Past Participles:
gone, eaten, written, played, thought, danced, sung, slept, jumped, watched

4. Present Participle (V4) – The Continuous Action

The present participle is the “-ing” form of a verb. It is used in:

Continuous tenses (with is/am/are/was/were)

  • “She is reading a book.”
  • “They were playing football.”

Gerunds (verbs acting as nouns)

  • Swimming is my favourite sport.”
  • Reading helps improve vocabulary.”

🚀 Examples of Present Participles:
going, eating, writing, playing, thinking, dancing, singing, sleeping, jumping, watching

Comparison of Verb Forms

Base Form (V1)Past Simple (V2)Past Participle (V3)Present Participle (V4)

Regular and Irregular Verbs – A Complete Guide

What Are Regular and Irregular Verbs?

In English, verbs are divided into regular and irregular categories based on how they change in the past simple (V2) and past participle (V3) forms.

1. Regular Verbs

Regular verbs follow a consistent pattern when forming the past simple and past participle. They simply add “-ed” or “-d” to the base form (V1).


  • Walk → Walked → Walked
  • Play → Played → Played
  • Talk → Talked → Talked

2. Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not follow a fixed pattern. Their past simple and past participle forms change in unpredictable ways.


  • Go → Went → Gone
  • Eat → Ate → Eaten
  • Write → Wrote → Written

Regular Verbs – Rules & Examples

Regular verbs follow three simple rules when forming their past tense:

Rule 1: Add “-ed” to most verbs

For most verbs, simply add “-ed” to form the past simple and past participle.


  • Work → Worked → Worked
  • Jump → Jumped → Jumped
  • Call → Called → Called

Rule 2: If the verb ends in “e,” add only “-d”

If a verb already ends in “e,” just add “-d” instead of “-ed”.


  • Live → Lived → Lived
  • Love → Loved → Loved
  • Change → Changed → Changed

Rule 3: If the verb ends in consonant + “y,” change “y” to “i” and add “-ed”

If a verb ends with a consonant + “y,” change “y” to “i” before adding “-ed”.


  • Study → Studied → Studied
  • Carry → Carried → Carried
  • Cry → Cried → Cried

🚨 Exception: If the verb ends in a vowel + “y,” just add “-ed”:

  • Play → Played → Played
  • Enjoy → Enjoyed → Enjoyed


1. What are the four verb forms in English?

✅ The four main verb forms are:

  • V1 (Base Form): The original verb (e.g., go)
  • V2 (Past Form): Simple past tense (e.g., went)
  • V3 (Past Participle): Used in perfect tenses (e.g., gone)
  • V4 (Present Participle): The -ing form (e.g., going)

2. Why are verb forms important in English?

✅ They are essential for forming correct tenses, including past, present, and future perfect tenses.

3. Can you give an example of all four verb forms?

✅ Example with the verb “Eat”:

  • V1: Eat
  • V2: Ate
  • V3: Eaten
  • V4: Eating

4. How can I memorise verb forms easily?

✅ Practice verb lists, use flashcards, and read sentences with different verb tenses to reinforce learning.

5. How can I learn all the verbs in the world?

To master all verb forms, start by learning the patterns shown on this page for V1, V2, V3, and V4. Observe how verbs follow consistent rules and apply the same logic to other verbs. Instead of memorizing each verb individually, focus on understanding the patterns and structures demonstrated in the table. This approach will make learning verb forms easier and more effective.

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