Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre
The director,
Community child health service
41 Jones street, Ekbin.
Dear Director,
Re: Vamuya Obeki, 23 May 2005.
I am writing to refer Vamuya and his 2-year-old brother, Saeed, who need advice on recommended course of vaccines. Vamuya underwent treatment for acute meningoencephalitis, secondary to complications associated with mumps.
Vamuya, at present, exhibits good progress and seems to be completely recovered from acute meningoencephalitis as well as mumps. However, he needs to undergo neurological check up at your facility.
Vamuya’s family had migrated from Sudan to Australia in 2008 as refugees. Vamuya’s mother, Miri, is a housewife and the father, Abdullah, works in a factory. Abdullah speaks Dinka and Arabic and both the parents have limited fluency in English. Therefore, interpreter facility might be required for you to interact with the family. They live in rented accommodation.
Due to the loss of vaccination records, Vamuya’s parents are uncertain about the vaccination status of their children.
Based on the information provided, following Vamuya’s discharge today, we kindly request the provision of follow-up care for this family. Please educate them and administer the appropriate vaccinations to both children. Their residential address is attached to this letter. If you require further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me
Yours faithfully,
Registered Nurse.
(word count: 187)
Writing task: Question
TASK 35. Today’s Date 25/07/09
Notes: Vamuya Obeki was admitted through the Children’s Emergency Department for acute meningoencephalitis as a result of a complication following mumps.
Patient History. Address : 32 Sexton St, Ekibin
Phone : (07) 38485555
Date of Birth: 23 May 2005
Admitted : 15th July 2009
Gender : Male
Discharged : 25th July 2009
Country of birth: Sudan
Diagnosis : acute meningoencephalitis
Social History. Parents : Miri & Abdullah Obeki, refugees, arrived in Australia in 2008 Employment:
Abdullah: Golden Circle pineapple factory, shift worker
Miri : housewife
Accommodation : Recently moved to rental accommodation
GP : No family doctor
Sibling : 2 year old brother, Saeed
Language : Dinka, Arabic
Interpreter needs : Abdullah understands spoken English but has limited written skills. Miri has limited understanding of English. Abdullah attends English classes
Medical History: Parents state both children had some kind of vaccination at birth but the vaccination record has been lost. Parents unaware of vaccine for Mumps.
Discharge Plan: Appears to have fully recovered from mumps and acute meningoencephalitis. Will need advice on recommended vaccines for both children.
Will need neurological check-up.
Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Community Child Health Service, 41 Jones Street, Ekibin, requesting follow-up of this family.
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