Vamuya Obeki OET letter

TASK 35. Today’s Date        25/07/09

Notes: Vamuya Obeki was admitted through the Children’s Emergency Department for acute meningoencephalitis as a result of a complication following mumps.

Patient History.  Address      : 32 Sexton St, Ekibin

Phone  : (07) 38485555

Date of Birth: 23 May 2005

Admitted          : 15th July 2009

Gender          : Male

Discharged : 25th July 2009

Country of birth: Sudan

Diagnosis        : acute meningoencephalitis

Social History. Parents         : Miri & Abdullah Obeki, refugees, arrived in Australia in 2008 Employment:

Abdullah: Golden Circle pineapple factory, shift worker                             

Miri     : housewife

Accommodation        : Recently moved to rental accommodation

GP          : No family doctor

Sibling : 2 year old brother, Saeed                 

Language        : Dinka, Arabic

Interpreter needs : Abdullah understands spoken English but has limited written skills. Miri has limited understanding of English. Abdullah attends English classes

Medical History: Parents state both children had some kind of vaccination at birth but the vaccination record has been lost. Parents unaware of vaccine for Mumps.

Discharge Plan: Appears to have fully recovered from mumps and acute meningoencephalitis. Will need advice on recommended vaccines for both children.

Will need neurological check-up.

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Community Child Health Service, 41 Jones Street, Ekibin, requesting follow-up of this family.


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