Tetanus injection OET role play

Interlocutor Role Play Card: Setting: General Practice
Patient: You are the parent of a four-year-old boy, who has just put his hand through a rusty nail whilst playing at the local park. Your child is very upset and does not want to receive the necessary tetanus injection.
Explain that it happened about 25 minutes ago at the local park when he picked up a plank of wood to play with. You removed his hand from the nail.
Say that you don’t want your son to receive the tetanus injection now because it’s too stressful.
Explain that you forgot to bring him for his childhood vaccination and tell the nurse that you would prefer your partner to come after work to support you.
Reluctantly agree to your son having the injection.
Candidate Role Play Card: Setting: General Practice
Nurse: You are the Nurse at a General Practice. A parent comes to see you with their four- year-old son, who has just put a rusty nail through his hand whilst playing at the local park. He needs to have a tetanus injection immediately but is distressed and refusing to have it.
Find out the details of the incident.
Explain that you need to clean and dress the wound and that he will need a tetanus injection.
Explain why the child needs the injection immediately (did not receive it as part of childhood vaccination program, deep wound, foreign bodies present).
Persuade the parent to allow their child to have it now and warn about the potential risks of tetanus (fatal disease, causes seizures, muscle stiffness, lockjaw, difficult breathing). Offer your support and reassurance.
After giving the injections, explain the rare and mild side-effects (feeling achy/tired, mild nausea/light-headedness)

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