Test 3 – Duolingo – Interactive Reading

Freshwater Pollution Quiz

Freshwater Pollution

Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

Some people live near a body of freshwater of some __________, such as a lake or river. Unfortunately, these areas can become polluted, __________ human trash. Trash made of metal, such as bicycles or tools, __________ to the bottom, __________ it can remain for years or decades. As the __________ degrades, it __________ detrimental to aquatic plants and animals living in the ecosystem. One __________ solution to this problem is a relatively new hobby known as magnet fishing. Magnet fishing uses powerful magnets, plus a strong rope, to catch on to pieces of metal, such as iron, nickel, or steel submerged in __________. Magnet fishers often work from a bridge or boat to __________ what they can discover. The thrill is the surprise factor. Usually, it's hard to __________ just what might be lying down below, especially if the water is deep or murky.

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