Test 1 – TensesBy Jomon P John / June 6, 2024 At Lifestyle Training Centre, we teach the entire English grammar in just one week. Join us today and become an expert English speaker. English Grammar Quiz English Grammar Quiz Time left: 03:00 minutes! Present Simple 1. Do you selectlikelikedlikes coffee? 2. Does she selectplayplayedplays the piano? 3. Do they selectworkworkedworks on weekends? 4. Does he selectspeakspokespeaks French? 5. Do you selectexerciseexercisedexercises regularly? Present Continuous 6. Are you selectreadreadingreads any good books now? 7. Is she selectcomecomingcomes to the party tonight? 8. Are they selectplayplayingplays soccer? 9. Is he selectworkworkingworks on his project? 10. Are we selectmeetmeetingmeets tomorrow? Present Perfect 11. Have you everselectbebeenbeing to Paris? 12. Has she selectfinishfinishedfinishes her homework? 13. Have they selectseeseensees the new movie? 14. Has he selectcallcalledcalls you yet? 15. Have we selectmeetmetmeets before? Present Perfect Continuous 16. Have you been selectwaitwaitedwaiting long? 17. Has she been selectstudystudyingstudied for hours? 18. Have they been selectlivelivedliving here since 2010? 19. Has he been selectworkworkedworking out? 20. Have we been selectwalkwalkedwalking the right way? Try Again