TELEVISION: IELTS speaking model questions and answers

Task 1 Answers with Idioms, Phrases, and Rich Vocabulary

1. How much TV do you usually watch?

I usually watch television quite frequently, but the amount of time I spend glued to the screen depends on my workload and priorities. On average, I might watch around two to three hours a day, mostly in the evenings when I can kick back and relax after a long day. Watching TV is my way of unwinding, much like taking a mental vacation. However, I make it a point not to let it become a time sink, as it’s easy to lose track of hours. Balance, as they say, is the key to a happy medium in life.

2. What’s your favourite TV programme?

My favourite TV programme is undoubtedly Breaking Bad, a masterpiece that raised the bar for storytelling in television. The intricate plotlines and edge-of-your-seat suspense make it unforgettable. What truly sets it apart are the morally ambiguous characters, who force viewers to question right and wrong. The way the show explores the slippery slope of bad decisions and their consequences is nothing short of brilliant. It’s a programme that has left an indelible mark on the world of television.

3. Did you watch much TV when you were a child? (How much?)

When I was a child, I wasn’t one to be glued to the box all day, but I did watch a fair amount of TV during weekends and holidays. Cartoons were my go-to, providing both entertainment and a bit of learning along the way. My parents were sticklers for routine, so weekday viewing was limited to short bursts after homework. Back then, TV felt like a magical portal to worlds of imagination, and I still cherish those simpler times. It was never too much, just enough to whet my appetite for adventure.

4. What types of programmes did you watch when you were a child?

As a child, my tastes were as varied as a mixed bag of treats. I adored morning cartoons that were both light-hearted and informative. Nature documentaries had me wide-eyed with wonder, sparking a fascination for wildlife and the environment. Evenings often included family dramas or sitcoms, where laughter filled the room. Occasionally, I’d venture into quiz shows, which were both fun and educational. Each programme was like a piece of a puzzle, shaping my understanding of the world.

5. Do you think television has changed in the past few decades?

Television has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, and the change is nothing short of revolutionary. Gone are the days of waiting a week for the next episode; on-demand streaming services have transformed how we watch TV. Content has become more diverse and tailored to individual tastes, with algorithms predicting what we’d like to see. The line between movies and TV shows has blurred, as TV now boasts cinematic quality productions. It’s safe to say, the golden age of television is here, offering more choices than ever before.

6. Has television changed your life in any way?

Television has been more than just a pastime; it has been a window to the world for me. Documentaries have broadened my horizons, offering insights into cultures, science, and history. Certain shows have been food for thought, sparking deep conversations and introspection. On tough days, a light-hearted comedy has been my saving grace, lifting my spirits. TV has also brought families together, serving as a bonding activity over shared stories and laughter.

7. What’s your opinion on TV advertising?

TV advertising is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it funds the programmes we enjoy, and some ads are so creative they become mini works of art. On the other hand, excessive ads can disrupt the flow of viewing, leaving viewers gritting their teeth in frustration. The saving grace of modern times is the option to skip ads on streaming platforms. A well-placed, innovative ad can leave a lasting impression, but a poorly executed one is just background noise.

8. Do you prefer watching TV shows or movies?

I lean towards TV shows because they allow for a slow burn, where characters and plotlines can unfold at a measured pace. TV shows often feel like old friends, offering familiarity and comfort over time. That said, movies have their own charm, delivering a punchy narrative within a couple of hours. Both formats have their strengths, but a well-crafted series offers a layered experience that keeps me hooked season after season. Ultimately, it’s about the story and how well it resonates with me.

9. How do you think streaming services have changed TV habits?

Streaming services have redefined the game, offering unparalleled convenience and variety. The ability to watch anything, anywhere, anytime is a luxury of the digital age. Binge-watching has become the norm, transforming how we consume content. Traditional TV schedules seem almost obsolete, as people now prefer on-demand viewing. This change has given viewers more control but has also introduced the challenge of finding a balance in how much we watch.

10. Do you think TV can be educational?

Television can be a goldmine of knowledge if used wisely. Educational programmes, documentaries, and quiz shows can enrich the mind, covering topics from science to history. Even fictional shows can offer teachable moments, sparking curiosity and dialogue. However, as with everything, moderation is key; too much TV, regardless of the content, can become counterproductive. Ultimately, it’s up to viewers to separate the wheat from the chaff and choose quality over quantity.

Task 1. List of Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrases

  1. Punctuality – Being on time; promptness.
  2. Commitment – A pledge or promise to do something.
  3. Engrossed – Fully absorbed in an activity or thought.
  4. Moderation – The avoidance of excess or extremes.
  5. Obsolete – No longer in use; outdated.
  6. Cinematic – Having the qualities of a movie; visually dramatic.
  7. Seismic shift – A major and impactful change.
  8. Curiosity – A desire to learn or know about something.
  9. Introspection – The examination of one’s thoughts and feelings.
  10. Convenience – The state of being able to proceed easily or comfortably.
  11. Innovative – Featuring new methods; advanced and original.
  12. Reliability – The quality of being trustworthy or dependable.
  13. Binge-watching – Watching multiple episodes of a TV show in a single sitting.
  14. Portal – A gateway or entrance, often metaphorical for access to something new.
  15. Revolutionised – Completely changed, usually for the better.
  16. Bonding – The development of a close relationship between people.
  17. Enrich – Improve the quality or value of something.
  18. Obtrusive – Noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome way.
  19. Mediocre – Of only average quality; not very good.
  20. Immersion – Deep mental involvement in something.

Idioms with Meanings

  1. Kick back and relax – To unwind or take it easy.
  2. Unwinding after a long day – Relaxing after being busy or stressed.
  3. Time sink – An activity that consumes a lot of time without much return.
  4. Key to a happy medium – Finding a balance that works well.
  5. Edge-of-your-seat – Extremely exciting or suspenseful.
  6. Slippery slope – A process that leads to an inevitable and often negative outcome.
  7. Glued to the box – Watching TV for a prolonged period.
  8. Sticklers for routine – People who insist on strictly following rules or routines.
  9. Mixed bag of treats – A variety of experiences or items.
  10. Wide-eyed with wonder – Extremely curious or amazed.
  11. Seismic shift – A significant change.
  12. Saving grace – A redeeming quality in an otherwise negative situation.
  13. Double-edged sword – Something that has both positive and negative effects.
  14. Food for thought – Something that makes you think deeply.
  15. Bonding activity – Something that helps people connect and build relationships.
  16. Grating on your nerves – Annoying or irritating.
  17. Bite the bullet – To endure something unpleasant.
  18. Separate the wheat from the chaff – To distinguish the valuable from the worthless.
  19. Punchy narrative – A story that is concise and impactful.
  20. Golden age – A period of great success or happiness.

Phrases with Meanings

  1. A window to the world – A means of exploring or understanding new things.
  2. Masterpiece that raised the bar – An excellent work that sets higher standards.
  3. Layered experience – An activity or event that has depth and complexity.
  4. Transforming habits – Changing one’s regular practices or behaviours.
  5. Broadening horizons – Expanding one’s perspective or knowledge.
  6. Teachable moments – Opportunities to learn something valuable.
  7. Time flies when you’re having fun – Time passes quickly when you’re enjoying yourself.
  8. On-demand viewing – Watching content at your convenience.
  9. Food for introspection – Something that encourages deep thinking.
  10. Lost in the narrative – Deeply absorbed in a story.

7. Topic: An Interesting Hobby

   – Question 7: Describe an interesting hobby you have or have had.

   – You should say:

     – What is the hobby, and how did you get into it?

     – What do you enjoy about this hobby?

     – How has it enriched your life?

     – Do you plan to continue pursuing this hobby?


Task 3 follow-up question and answers:

1. How do you think pursuing a hobby can improve mental health?

Engaging in a hobby is like having a sanctuary for the mind, offering relief from the daily grind. It helps me channel my energy into something constructive, which in turn reduces stress. Hobbies provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose, lifting one’s spirits. They act as a pressure valve, releasing pent-up tension and promoting relaxation. Overall, they’re a powerful tool to keep the blues at bay.

2. Have you ever been inspired by someone else’s hobby to try something new?

Absolutely! Seeing a friend passionately pursue their love for photography lit a fire under me to give it a shot. It’s incredible how someone’s enthusiasm can be so infectious. Watching their dedication and the joy it brought them made me realise the value of exploring new interests. It was a classic case of monkey see, monkey do, but it turned out to be a wonderful experience.

3. How do you think hobbies can strengthen relationships?

Hobbies have a way of bringing people together, like bees to honey. Shared interests often lead to meaningful conversations and mutual understanding. For instance, participating in a book club with friends allowed me to connect on a deeper level. Engaging in a hobby together creates a bonding experience, fostering camaraderie and building lasting memories. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

4. Do you think hobbies should be mandatory in schools? Why or why not?

Yes, introducing hobbies in schools would be a game-changer. They encourage creativity, help students discover their talents, and provide a break from academic pressures. For example, learning music or art adds another string to one’s bow, equipping children with versatile skills. It’s like planting seeds of curiosity and passion that grow into lifelong pursuits. Hobbies are not just extracurricular; they’re life-enriching experiences.

5. Can a person have too many hobbies? What are your thoughts?

While having hobbies is wonderful, biting off more than you can chew can dilute the joy. Juggling too many interests might leave a person feeling spread too thin, unable to truly excel or enjoy any of them. It’s important to strike a balance and prioritise what resonates most. After all, quality trumps quantity when it comes to pursuing passions.

6. How do you think hobbies have evolved with advancements in technology?

Technology has revolutionised hobbies, making them more accessible and dynamic. For instance, digital art and online gaming are hobbies that didn’t exist a few decades ago. Platforms like YouTube and Pinterest have turned into gold mines for inspiration and learning. However, there’s a downside, as screen-based hobbies can sometimes replace outdoor or hands-on activities. It’s a double-edged sword, offering both opportunities and challenges.

7. What role do cultural differences play in the choice of hobbies?

Cultural influences often shape our preferences, making some hobbies more popular in certain regions. For example, origami is deeply rooted in Japanese culture, while cricket is a crowd-puller in India. Exploring hobbies from other cultures is like broadening one’s horizons, offering insights into traditions and ways of life. It’s fascinating how hobbies can act as a cultural bridge, connecting people from diverse backgrounds.

8. How do you feel about people turning their hobbies into full-time careers?

Turning a hobby into a profession is like hitting the jackpot, combining passion with livelihood. However, it’s not always a bed of roses. The pressure to monetise can sometimes take the joy out of it. Striking a balance between personal satisfaction and financial viability is key. Still, doing what you love for a living is a dream worth chasing.

9. What would you recommend to someone struggling to find a hobby?

I’d advise them to dive in headfirst and try out different activities without overthinking. Sometimes, the best hobbies are discovered by accident or through sheer curiosity. Whether it’s cooking, hiking, or pottery, there’s a whole world waiting to be explored. It’s about keeping an open mind and allowing yourself the freedom to experiment. After all, every master was once a beginner.

10. Can hobbies be a reflection of societal trends?

Definitely! Hobbies often mirror the pulse of the times. For instance, the rise of sustainable living has made gardening and DIY crafts immensely popular. Similarly, tech-savvy hobbies like coding or content creation are a product of the digital age. Hobbies are like a barometer, showcasing the evolving interests and priorities of society at large.

List of Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrases: (Task 3)

  1. Sanctuary – A place of comfort or safety.
  2. Channel – To direct or focus energy toward something.
  3. Constructive – Serving a useful or positive purpose.
  4. Pressure valve – A mechanism or tool that releases built-up pressure.
  5. Enthusiasm – Intense and eager enjoyment or interest.
  6. Versatile – Able to adapt or be used in various ways.
  7. Camaraderie – A spirit of friendship and trust among people.
  8. Revolutionised – Completely transformed in a dramatic way.
  9. Crowd-puller – Something or someone that attracts large groups of people.
  10. Monetise – To earn revenue from something.
  11. Viability – The ability to work successfully or to be practical.
  12. Livelihood – A means of securing the necessities of life.
  13. Pulse – The rhythm or heartbeat of something, often used metaphorically to describe trends.
  14. Barometer – An indicator or measure of change.
  15. Sustainable – Capable of being maintained over time without depleting resources.


  1. Sanctuary for the mind – A safe or comforting mental space.
  2. Lit a fire under me – Inspired or motivated me to take action.
  3. Monkey see, monkey do – Imitating someone else’s actions.
  4. Bees to honey – Naturally attracted to something.
  5. Adds another string to one’s bow – Gaining an additional skill or ability.
  6. Game-changer – Something that significantly impacts or alters the current situation.
  7. Biting off more than you can chew – Taking on more responsibilities than one can handle.
  8. Spread too thin – Trying to do too much at once, leading to inefficiency.
  9. Double-edged sword – Something that has both advantages and disadvantages.
  10. Hitting the jackpot – Achieving great success or fortune unexpectedly.


  1. Daily grind – The routine of daily work and responsibilities.
  2. Pressure valve, releasing tension – A metaphor for a mechanism that eases stress.
  3. Keeping the blues at bay – Preventing feelings of sadness or melancholy.
  4. Bonding experience – An activity that strengthens relationships.
  5. Broadening one’s horizons – Expanding knowledge or experiences.
  6. Cultural bridge – A means of connecting people from different cultures.
  7. Dive in headfirst – To start doing something with great enthusiasm.
  8. Keeping an open mind – Being willing to consider new ideas or experiences.
  9. Planting seeds of curiosity – Creating an interest that grows over time.
  10. Showcasing the evolving interests – Displaying how preferences change over time.

IELTS Speaking Task Topics | Tasks 1, 2 & 3 Model Questions & Answers

IELTS Speaking Task Topics

Click on any topic to explore more!


Learn about the importance of names and their cultural significance.

Study / Job

Discuss various aspects of studying and working in different fields.


Explore the charm of your hometown and its unique features.


Understand various types of accommodation and living situations.


Learn about how weather influences daily life and activities.


Discuss the concept of time, its importance, and time management.


Talk about the role of television in modern entertainment.


Discuss the cultural importance of museums and historical exhibits.


Explore the significance of holidays and different celebrations.


Learn about the impact of films on culture and society.

Leisure Time
Leisure Time

Discuss how leisure activities impact personal well-being.


Talk about the role of sports in health, entertainment, and culture.

Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetables and Fruits

Discuss the health benefits and importance of fresh produce.


Explore the role of mathematics in various aspects of life.


Discuss the beauty and scientific significance of the sky.


Explore how clothing reflects culture and personal expression.


Discuss the importance of weekends and ways people relax.


Learn about the importance of reading and various reading habits.


Explore how sleep impacts physical and mental well-being.


Discuss the environmental and health benefits of plants.


Discuss the evolving role of newspapers in the digital age.


Explore the role of text messaging in modern communication.


Learn techniques for improving memory and memorization.


Discuss the importance and impact of traveling in modern society.


Explore the modes and significance of communicating well


Explore the differences and significance of letters vs. emails.


Discuss the benefits of swimming for health and fitness.


Explore the role of snacks in daily nutrition and lifestyle.


Discuss photography’s cultural and artistic significance.


Talk about the importance of offering and receiving help.


Discuss historical events and their impact on modern society.


Explore the significance of handwriting in education and culture.


Learn about the influence of music on emotions and society.


Discuss how colours affect perception and mood.


Explore the role of teachers in shaping students’ futures.

Being Alone
Being Alone

Talk about the experience and benefits of spending time alone.


Learn the importance of teamwork in professional and social contexts.

Countryside & City

Explore the charm and benefits of living in the countryside.

Social Media
 Social Media

Discuss the impact of social media on society and relationships.


Explore the importance of friendships in life.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Talk about the future of AI and its role in society.

Climate Change
Climate Change

Discuss the causes and consequences of climate change.


Explore different modes of transportation in your area.

Sustainable Transportation

Explore ways to make transportation more environmentally friendly.

Space Exploration

Learn about the latest advancements in space exploration.


Explore how shopping influences culture and the economy.

Modern Technology
Modern Technology

Discuss how modern technology is reshaping society.


Learn about the role of technology in everyday life.

Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living

Explore ways to live sustainably for the future of the planet.


Learn about the effects of globalisation on society and economies.

Global Warming

Discuss the causes, effects, and solutions to global warming.

Gender Equality

Explore the importance of gender equality in modern society.

Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness

Discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy

Learn about renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment.

Cultural Traditions in Kerala
Cultural Traditions in Kerala

Explore the unique cultural traditions of Kerala, your hometown.

Cultural Traditions in Your Country
 Cultural Traditions in Your Country

Learn about the cultural traditions in your country.

Education System
Education System

Discuss the education system in your country and its effectiveness.

Traditional Cuisine
Education System

Explore the significance of traditional cuisines in your culture.

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