Tag Archives: Sarah Keating OET letter answer

Sarah Keating OET letter answer

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ms. Jan Piper,
District Nurse,
Scarborough Beach City Council,
the Esplanade Scarborough Beach 6019

5 October 2010

Dear Ms Piper,
Re: Sarah Keating, aged 20 years.

Ms Keating requires follow up care and management, following her discharge today. She underwent treatment for infection of her right forearm skin graft.

During hospitalisation, Ms Keating was provided daily dressing on the affected lesion on her forearm. However, the lesion does not require dressing anymore. Additionally, she was administered Ampicillin intravenously. Due to considerations related to her mental health, our psychiatrist provided a consultation.

Considering the information provided, kindly proceed with the care for Ms. Keating. Please ensure her compliance with medication, including Ampicillin, 250 mg, four times a day, with the medication scheduled to be concluded on October 31, 2010. Kindly monitor both her donor site on the thigh and the graft site for any signs of infection or interference. The hospital has organized appointments for Ms. Keating with her psychologist twice every week. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Registered nurse.

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