Tag Archives: oet writing

Amber Watson OET letter

TASK 37: Today’s Date: 20th May 2012

You are the Nurse Practitioner at a Women’s Health Clinic in Melbourne. As a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, you are responsible for the primary service which means you may request appropriate tests and prescribe certain medications, but you are required to refer complex case to Medical Practitioner. You had 2 recent appointments with the patient, Amber Watson, as follows:

PATIENT DETAILS                        Name   : Amber Watson

Address           : 20 Pixe Street, North Fitzroy, Melbourne. Phone    :( 07) 4567 8910

Date of Birth: 25/03/1993 Marital Status: Single       Next of kin : Janine Watson (Mother)

General Health          No known allergies                 No current medications

No significant medical or surgical history                  Weight: 73 kg; Height 165 cm

BP 125/75; Pulse 76                            No reported recreational drug use      

Commenced smoking in last 9 months, now smokes 10/day.                         Alcohol use on weekend only. Drinks -3 ‘Vodka Cruisers'(premix spirit equivalent to 2 standard drinks each) on a night.

Sexual and Reproductive Health                                On oral contraceptive pill for last 12 months.

Regular menstrual periods each 28 days. LMP 7 days ago.                No previous Pap tests.

No history of STI.                   No pregnancies.

Recently ended monogamous relationship of 10 months and now has a new partner of 2 months- not sure if monogamous. Does not use condoms. Last sexual contact 14 days ago.

Has been immunized for Hepatitis B.

16th May 2012 Amber presented to clinic requesting a Pap test. Pap test suggested by mother. Amber concerned about weight gain of 10 kg over last 12 months and wants to know about other methods of contraception.

Sexual and reproductive health history taken. Partner risk discussed -no IV drug use, no recent overseas travel.

No reports of pain, discharge or irregular bleeding.                           Urine PCR test for Chlamydia collected.

Pelvic exam. Undertaken- NAD                     Pap smear taken

Patient to return in 3-4 days for Chlamydia results. Pap test results in 2-4 weeks.

Safer sexual practices discussed, including barrier protection.           Cervical screening information sheet provided.

Risks of smoking and benefits of quitting discussed with patient.     Referred to Quitline.

Referred to women’s Health nutritionist.

20 May 2012                           Returned for results: PCR test positive for Chlamydia trachomatis.

Patient informed of results.                                                         Arranged notification of partners

Prescribed azithromycin 1 gram as a single dose. Advised not to have sexual contact for 7 days after treatment.

For referral to GP for further testing and contraceptive advice.

WRITING TASK Write a referral letter to the Dr. Jane Thompson, Medical Practitioner at the North Fitzroy General Practice 12 Raeburn, St North Fitzroy 3124, requesting review of your patient to discuss contraceptive options and further testing for sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

Robyn Harwood OET letter

TASK 36. You are Sonya Matthews, a registered nurse at the Spirit Hospital. Robyn Harwood is a patient in your care. Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.

Patient Details Name : Robyn Harwood Address     : 8 Peach St, New Farm

Phone  : (07) 3397 2695                     Date of Birth: 4 February 1950

Social Background

Marital status: Widow, No children, Lives alone           Next of kin : Megan Mack (Niece)

Niece lives with husband in Sydney who works as software engineer for Google Australia.

Sister died recently. No other relatives.

Medical History Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Metformin 500mg mane

Diagnosis:  Right partial rotator cuff tear

Presented to Spirit hospital with pain and weakness in the right shoulder, especially when lifting arm overhead.

Descending stairs at home and slipped, falling onto outstretched arm. X-ray and MRI showed a partial rotator cuff tear.

Orthopaedic surgeon discussed surgery. Patient prefers to try non-surgical treatment.

Date of admission : 30-06-2011                                                        Date of discharge : 12-07-2011

Treatment: Ibuprofen orally QID Cortisone injections Daily physiotherapy

Nursing Care Needs: Needs blood glucose level monitoring 4 hourly May be elevated because of cortisone

Needs assistance with shower and housework Orthopaedic review on 01/08/11

WRITING TASK: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the Nursing Director Ms. Jenny Attard of the Community Home Care Agency, requesting visits from the home care nurse.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

Phillip Satchell – OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows
Name: Phillip Satchell
Age: 73
Marital status: Wife deceased (2007)
Family: Two sons in their 40’s in Darwin.
First attended community centre: March 2007
Last visit to community centre: Feb 2011
Diagnosis: Multiple sclerosis, Type 2 diabetes, chronic L & R leg ulcers
Social/Medical Background: Current: lives alone in public housing in Orange
Future: will move to equivalent housing in Maroubra to Î
access for MS treatment.
Income: aged pension
Poor compliance with oral diabetic agents and diabetic diet
MS currently stable but frequent relapses
2-3/12 Staphylococcus Aureus infections
in leg ulcers; pus ++
Lonely and isolated, but nil mental illness; good relations
with sons but rarely see them. They run a pet shop business.
Nursing management and progress: Medications: IV antibiotics twice daily and metformin for
diabetes three times per day.
Twice daily dressings to L & R legs
Monitored blood sugar levels, medication compliance
and provided education re diabetes.
Constantly monitored for signs of MS relapse
Discharge plan
Switch to oral antibiotics but continue same diabetic medications and dressings.
Please refer to Prince of Wales Diabetic Clinic (medication review + Î education).
Via your doctors, facilitate referral to neurologist for MS follow up.
Support to link with community services to Î coping and social network.
Writing task
Using the information in the case notes, write a referral letter to the Community Nurse, Community
Health Centre, Maroubra, outlining relevant information and requesting continued community care.
In your answer:
􀁸 Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
􀁸 Do not use note form
􀁸 Use letter format
The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Community Nurse,
Community Health Centre,

February 2011

Dear Nurse,
Re: Mr Phillip Satchell, aged 73 years.

I am writing to refer Mr Satchell, who requires on going care, particularly for multiple sclerosis, following his relocation to Maroubra. He has been undergoing treatment for MS, Type 2 diabetes, and chronic L & R leg ulcers with us since March 2007.

Though Mr Satchell’s MS is presently stable, it often worsens. He is regularly monitored for signs of MS relapse and now requires finer medical access in Maroubra to treat his condition. With the help of your doctors, kindly refer him to a neurologist for his MS follow up.

Mr Satchell has been suffering from leg ulcers along with Staphylococcus Aureus infections, which happens up two three times a year. Both his legs need to be dressed twice daily. As his medical compliance is poor, he was educated on diabetes and its diet.

Mr Satchell is a widower and his two sons, who live in Darwin, rarely visit him. As he is lonely and isolated, kindly connect him with community services, and help him to increase his social network. He has no mental illness.

Based on the above, please provide Mr Satchell care and assistance on his arrival to Maroubra. His IV antibiotics, twice daily, needs to be switched to oral. He also needs to continue taking metformin for diabetes, three times per day. Kindly refer him to Prince of Wales Diabetic Clinic for medication review and further education. If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.                                                                                                           

Yours faithfully,
Community Nurse.

(words used: 230)       

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