Tag Archives: oet letter

Henry O’Keefe OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Case Notes: Henry O’Keefe

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Today’s Date 19/3/12

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows:

You are a nurse with the Blue Skies Home Nursing Centre. You visited this patient at home following a referral from the Spirit Public Hospital. He was discharged from hospital on 17/03/12.

Name: Henry O’Keefe

Address: 12 Donaldson Street, Greenslopes 4121

Phone: (07) 3941 2267

Date of Birth: 2 February 1929

Admitted: 14/3/12

Diagnosis: Malignant Melanoma Left Shoulder

Medical History: Large lesion successfully removed 14/3/12

Discharged 17/3/12

Needs assistance with showering and to dress wound prior to removal of sutures at Mater Public Hospital on 24/3/12

Family History: Married aged pensioner. Lives in housing commission home with wife Dorothy also an aged pensioner. No children

18/3/12 1st Home visit

Showered patient. Wound dressed – healing satisfactory no sign of infection Balance a little shaky – complaining of increased arthritic pains in hands and legs. Currently taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplement recommended by GP. Pain relieved with 2 Panadol 3 times daily. Confused about why he had operation. Dorothy concerned about future. Tells you she will be 83 in August. Says Henry has not been himself since the surgery. Keeps forgetting things. She finds it difficult to manage the house and garden. Neighbours are helping with shopping. Kitchen and bathroom disordered – trouble finding clean towels dishes piled in sink, bed unmade.


Henry is showered and wound dressed. Still a little unbalanced. Rests most of the day. Does not remember being showered yesterday. House still disorganised, washing piled up in bathroom. Dorothy says she would be lost without help from neighbours who also appear to be cooking meals for the couple.

Concerns: Provided there are not complications with the wound healing, your role in providing nursing care ends when sutures are removed on 24 March. You consider that Henry and Dorothy need to be assessed for further on-going assistance in managing the house and garden and with shopping and the preparation of cooking.

Plan: Request a home visit by the Aged Care Assessment Team as soon as possible to fully assess their needs and to arrange for appropriate further assistance to be provided.

WRITING TASK Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Aged Care Assessment Team, Brisbane South Region, 78 Masterson St. Acacia Ridge, Brisbane 4110. Explain why you are writing and what types of assistance may be required.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The Director,

Aged Care Assessment Team,

Brisbane South Region,

78 Masterson St. Acacia Ridge,

Brisbane 4110.

19 March 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Henry O’Keefe, 2 February 1929.

I am writing to request a home visit for Mr O’Keefe and his wife, Dorothy, in order to assess their living condition and to provide on-going assistance in managing their home. Mr O’Keefe underwent a large lesion removal on 14/3/12 secondary to Malignant Melanoma of left shoulder and is currently under our care.

At present, his wound is healing well and has no signs of infection. However, he complains of excess arthritic pains in his hands and legs. He complies with his medication. During home visits, he is assisted with shower, and his wound is dressed daily. His balance is slightly unbalanced.

The couple lives on old-age pension and has no children. They suffer from impaired memory and find it difficult to manage their home and garden. Their house is totally disorganised and is piled up with unwashed cloths and dishes. However, their neighbours seem to be helping them with cooking and shopping.

Based on the above description, please visit the couple at their residence promptly in order to fully assess their needs and to provide assistance with cooking, gardening, shopping and managing the house. Our nursing care will come to an end at the removal of O’Keefe’s sutures on 24 March in Mater Public Hospital. Their home address is attached with this letter.

Your faithfully,

Registered Nurse

Blue Skies Home Nursing Centre

(words count: 214)       

Harry Kovacs OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows


Harry Kovacs is a 5 year old boy who is the son of one of your newly referred patients in the community mental health centre where you are a mental health case manager.

Date of birth:                                   15 April 2006

Place of birth:                                   Sydney Children’s Hospital, Sydney

School year:                                    Kindergarten

Religion & ethnicity:                           Catholic & both parents Australian born Hungarian

Mother’s name:                                Elizabeth Kovacs

Mother’s community admission date: 16 May 2011

Diagnosis:                                     Mother – Major depression with psychotic features Son – ? Early onset separation anxiety disorder

Family/Psychosocial:                     * Elizabeth suffered PND – depressed since

*She sometimes hears voices calling her and sees ‘men’ running around her house – nil serious psychosis in functional terms.

* Recently 1st psych admission for 6/52after high lethality DSH attempt.

*Harry’s psychological status ok until DSH and hospitalisation; after this +++ signs of separation anxiety

*Father is self employed and works long hours 7/7. Rarely sees Harry & dismissive of Harry’s emotional states, ‘He’s like a bloody girl now!’ he told us.

*Harry loves soccer and playing with his dog, ‘Rusty’.

Medical History:

Serous otitis media – required grommets at 18 mths Hearing NAD now.

Medication        :                                                Nil meds

Case management care and progress:

  • Elizabeth new to our area (from Parramatta) & referred to us post D/C from Bankstown MH inpatient unit 2/52 ago

*We will provide her with long term MH case management.

*Harry now 1) cries and panics whenever Mum leaves his sight 2) Socially withdrawn & refusing to attend kindergarten 3) ↑ insomnia & nightmares 4) preoccupied re Mum’s daily activities & that she might leave him again.

  • This is greatly ↑pressure on Elizabeth when her MH is already fragile.
  • Father, John, uninterested in meeting in person or discussing problems in detail.

*Harry attended initial assessment with Elizabeth and separation anxiety behaviour very obvious

Referral plan:                           * Referral to early childhood mental health team for assessment and management of Harry’s ? early onset separation anxiety disorder.

*Request joint meeting with case manager and Elizabeth.

You are the Case Manager caring for Harry Kovac’s depressed mother but due to his psychological issues need to write a referral for him to John Dyer, Clinical Psychologist on the Bankstown early childhood mental health team at Bankstown Hospital.

In your answer:

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
  • Do not use note form
  • Use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

John Dyer

Clinical Psychologist

Early childhood mental health team Bankstown Hospital.


Dear Mr Dyer,

Re: Harry Kovacs, 15/04/2006

I am writing to refer Harry, who requires your assessment and management. He is suspected to have early onset separation anxiety disorder, following his mother, Mrs Elizabeth Kovacs’, mental illness and hospitalization.

Harry’s psychological status got affected and then it worsened after his mother’s high lethality self-harm attempt. His mother is diagnosed with major depression along with psychotic features, including hallucination. At present, she is admitted to our facility and will undergo long-term mental health care.

Harry cries and panics if his mother leaves his sight. He sticks with her and is afraid to lose her. He is socially withdrawn and refuses to attend kindergarten. He suffers from insomnia and nightmares. He has history of eczema and serous otitis media, but currently his hearing is fine.

Harry’s father, John, shows no interest in his current situation or emotional state ; he is busy, self- employed and rarely sees Harry.

Considering the above, it will be greatly appreciated if you could assess Harry and provide support. If a joint meeting with Mrs Elizabeth will help Harry’s situation, kindly arrange it.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Nurse case manager

(word count:180)

Jonathon Singh OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre



Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.


Hospital: Flinders Medical Centre

Patient Details:

Name: Mr Jonathon Singh

Age: 63 years Address: 51 Parsons Road, Woodville West

Marital Status: married

NOK: Mrs Megan Singh ph 0433 917825

Admission date: 22/10/08

Discharge date: 26/10/08

Diagnosis: Carbon monoxide poisoning- home kerosene heater Past

Medical History:

Cataract surgery 12/5/99

Surgical repair for Prostate Hypertrophy 29/9/05

Psoriasis Constipation Impaired vision- glasses

Social History /Supports:Retired bank employee- Commonwealth Bank Lives with wife and adopted daughter- both overseas at present

Day 1- 22/10/08/ On examination: widely dilated pupils Unconscious Cold clammy skin, cherry red lips and skin Dyspnoea Physical examination. Assessed for head injury or other Precipitating factors causing coma- negative result. Blood test for blood sugar to ? diabetic coma- negative result.

Treatment: 0₂ Sats at 98% on 2 L/min via nasal specs Hyperbaric oxygenation Hourly assessment of vital signs Calm environment NG tube inserted for feeding Monitored for asphyxia Registrar visit 2pm Knees flexed using pillows Foot board to prevent foot drop Pressure Area Care: frequent change in position and back rub In- dwelling catheter Skin care for psoriasis

Observation:Patient comatose, but no other physical injuries. No asphyxia

Day 2- 23/10/08 Treatment:0₂ Sats at 98% on 2 L/min via nasal specs Hyperbaric oxygenation ceased at 1900 Hourly assessment of vital signs Calm environment NG tube Skin specialist assessment re psoriasis Skin care for psoriasis Foot board to prevent foot drop Pressure Area Care: frequent change in position and back rub. Skin intact IDC draining moderate amounts

Observation:Patient regained consciousness with right hemi-plegia 1800

Day 3- 24/10/08 Treatment: Assessment for consciousness GCS 14 but varies Hourly assessment of vital signs Calm environment Good ventilation NG tube removed- liquid diet per oral Mobility assessment Right sided weakness Speech affected, vision as per normal for this patient Small pillow placed on affected right side for prevention of adduction of arm Physiotherapist assessment and commencement of passive exercises Pressure Area Care: frequent change in position and back rub Removal of IDC

Observation:Level of consciousness with right-sided weakness. Comfortable, depressed and anxious re prognosis

Days 4- 25/10/08 Treatment:Assessment for conscious GCS 15 2 Hourly assessment of vital signs Physiotherapist visit- passive exercise continued Range of motion gradually increased Pressure Area Care: patient encouraged to move off sacrum as it is a little red Full ward diet and fluids

Observation:Patient mentally stable, but depressed. Making steady physical progress. Doctor has advised discharged tomorrow and further rehabilitation at The General Repatriation Hospital

Nursing Management: Provided comfortable stable environment Output, skin integrity, diet monitored Assistance in regaining physical health.

Discharge plans:Daily assessment and support from physiotherapist and possibly occupational therapist for increased mobility and physical ability Psychiatrist visits to be initiated regarding depression caused by loss of mobility and independence following the accident

Writing Task:Write a letter of referral to the Director, General Repatriation Hospital, Daw Park, using the information above.

In your answer:Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences Do not use note form Use letter format. The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre


General Repatriation Hospital,

Daw Park


Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Mr Jonathon Singh, aged 63 years.

I am writing to refer Mr Singh who requires rehabilitative care and management at your hospital, following his discharge today. He is currently recovering from Carbon monoxide poisoning out of a home kerosene heater.

Mr Singh was admitted to our hospital on 22/10/08 unconscious, with cherry red lips and cold and clammy skin. He suffered from Dyspnoea; his pupils were widely dilated.

During hospitalization, he underwent Hyperbaric oxygenation and was monitored for asphyxia. He had initially required in-dwelling catheter and was fed using NG tube. He was provided Pressure Area Care and skin care for psoriasis.

On 24/10/08, Mr Singh regained consciousness with right hemi-plegia. He was commenced on passive exercises after physiotherapy assessment, which has improved his range of motion. He has right sided weakness, and his speech is impaired. Pillows were used to prevent his arm adduction. He was commenced on full ward diet and fluids.

Mr Singh is a retired bank employee, and his wife and adopted daughter live overseas at present. You can reach his NOK, Mrs Megan Singh, on 0433-917825 if required.

Although Mr Singh is now mentally stable and making steady physical progress, he is depressed, owing to his physiological state. Therefore, please arrange psychiatrist visits for him. In order to improve his mobility and functionality, he also requires daily assessment and support of a physiotherapist and occupational therapist.

Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Registered Nurse

(Word count: 224)