Tag Archives: oet letter

Ms Ling Wu OET letter answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Community Nurse
Spirit Family Medical Practice
12 Gar Street, Holy Hill, NSW, 2167


Dear Nurse,
Re: Ms Ling Wu, 01/03/1994

I am writing to refer Ms. Wu for continued care, following her discharge tomorrow. She underwent a left above-knee amputation due to a cycle accident-related left tibial-fibular fracture.

Post-surgery, Ms. Wu received assistance with mobility, bladder care, DVT prophylaxis, bowel management, infection prevention, and phantom limb pain. She has begun physiotherapy, including pre-prosthetic training. Her post-operative medication chart is attached to this letter.

Currently, Ms. Wu is mobile with a rolling walker and wheelchair, requiring increasing assistance for stairs. She and her parents are trained and educated in stump wrapping and activities of daily living. She maintains a regular diet, with normal vitals and no signs of infection. A social worker consultation was arranged as she reveals concerns of insomnia, silent rumination, and social withdrawal.

Ms. Wu, a BA student and cyclist, resides in a single-story house with her family. She has no history of drug abuse, allergies, or hospitalisation.

Kindly visit Ms. Wu at her residence to provide appropriate care, assist with physio exercises, and facilitate dressing changes with an ace bandage to prepare for prosthetic fitting. Please consider arranging peer counselling or support groups to address potential post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Her trauma clinic appointment is scheduled for 3:30 PM on 13/04/2012. For further inquiries, please contact me.

Yours faithfully,
Charge nurse.

(word count: 211)

Writing task: Question

TASK 38                    Today’s Date: 22/02/2012

Patient Details          

Name   : Ling Wu, female

Date of Birth         : 01/03/1994

Marital Status    : Single.

Social History : Ling is a student of the Bachelor of Accounting course in the University of Western Sydney.

She is a cyclist for many years. She lives in a 3-bedroom one-story house with her parents and younger sister.

No tobacco, alcohol or drugs

Past Medical History : None                                                            

Allergies         : No known allergies.

Date of admission      : 26/01/2012 trauma ward at St. Angus public hospital

Date of discharge    : 23/02/2012

Diagnosis                    Left tibial-fibular fracture secondary to cycle accident.

Left above- knee amputation              Phantom limb pain.

Description of accident         : The patient was parked off the road, when a car skidded across and collide with her cycle.

At Emergency Department

The initial assessment: an open tibial-fibular fracture of the left extremity with near amputation.

Her Glasgow coma scale was 15 and head CT was negative.

Obs: BP 178/90 mmHg. P-110 bpm, RR-22/min, SpO2-90 in room air.

The patient was taken to the operation theatre and above-knee amputation was performed on the same day.

Hospital progression 27/01/2012

Post-operative pain controlled with intravenous opioids (morphine) via PCA infusion pump

The limp has been elevated for one or two hours, two or three times each day to reduce local oedema & pain.

She had been totally assisted with mobility

Bladder care (Indwelling catheter inserted on 26/1/2012 and removed on 28/01/2012)

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis: The patient had negative Dopplers and prophylaxed with Fragmin 5000 IU once daily, subcutaneously.

Bowel management: The patient was started on Citrucel secondary to her pain being treated with narcotics. On a high fibre diet and fluid intake.

Prevention of Infection: Cephalexin IV tds-5 days, protective dressing and drainage

01/02/2012 She complained of a cramping and twisted posture of the missing limb (phantom limb pain), treated with oploids. (Endone 5mg BD), tricyclic antidepressant (amitriptyline 10 mg tds) and antiepileptic (Neurontin 109 mg tds). Commenced participating in physiotherapy program and involved with pre- prosthetic training.

15/02/2012      Orthopaedics:

Amputation incision remained intact                         

Stitches out                             

Wound almost healed

Residual limb wrapped with an ace bandage to swelling and pain and re-applied every 3-4 hours

Mental State: Insomnia, silent rumination, and social withdrawal;              She has a fear of being seen in public.

Consulted with social worker.

22/02/2012                  Fragmin was discontinued.

No signs of DVT were observed.

Phantom limb pain: she remained stable on Paracetamol- Osteo 665 mg qid and Tramadol prn.

Min oedema of the stump w/peeling skin, no signs of infection.

Bowel management: Citrucel was discontinued. She started Coloxil with Senna one tablet bd and Dulcolax suppository prn.                             

Fluids, Electrolytes, Nutrition: The patient was on a regular diet.

Able to walk with rolling walker for short distance along the ward and use a wheelchair for long distance, but needs increasing assistance for stairs.                                         

Trained to wrap the stump with ace bandage.

Parents were educated about assistance with ADL’s.            

Vital sign with no abnormalities.

Discharge Plan           Warm compress, ice packs and massage are recommended for phantom limb pain.

To continue regular exercises as per physio program and dressings with ace bandage to shape the amputated limb for fitting with prosthesis. The patient is at increased risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression in the late period after the trauma.

Peer counseling or support groups to support her can be helpful.

The patient will be seen at the trauma clinic at 3.30 pm on 13/04/2012.

Medication On Discharge (Self-Administration):  Neuretin 100 mg qB h Paracetamol Osteo 665 mg qB prn,

Trazodone 50 mg p.o at bedtime, prm                       

Laxatives prn

WRITING TASK: You are a charge nurse at the trauma ward of St. Agnus Hospital, Sydney. Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to a Community Nurse at Spirit Family Medical Practice, 12 Gar Street, Holy Hill, NSW, 2167. In your letter explain relevant social and medical histories and request the Community Nurse to visit Ms. Ling Wu after discharge to provide proper health management and assistance for this patient and her family.

Nasser Ali OET letter answer

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Sarah MacDonald,
Social worker,
Annerley Community Centre,
1122 Ipswich Rd Annerley, 4121


Dear MacDonald,
Re: Mr Nasser Ali, 4/02/1964

I am writing to refer Mr Ali, who requires support and management, following his discharge today. He is currently recuperating an angioplasty that he underwent secondary to myocardial infraction.

Mr Ali and family are Afghan refugees, who migrated to Australia in 2010. Mr Ali lives in rental flat with his wife, Fatima Ali, a housewife, and their seven children, aged 6 months to 22 years. Mr Ali works as a taxi driver and possesses only rudimentary English fluency.

Mr. Ali’s post-operative medications include Karvea, 150mg daily, and half an aspirin daily. Please order these medications from the hospital pharmacy, and instruct him regarding the dosage and the importance of medical compliance. Additionally, encourage him to continue his exercise regime, particularly deep breathing exercises with Trifle, as instructed by the hospital physiotherapist.

Based on the information provided, I kindly request that you extend your valuable services to Mr. Ali and his family to assist him in transitioning back to his usual life. To help Mr Ali loose weight, kindly arrange for a dietitian’s service. In addition, discuss with Mr Ali the significance of smoking cessation, and the list of available cessation plans. His follow up appointment with cardiologist, Dr R Lang, is scheduled for 26/2/2012, at 2.pm at the hospital outpatients. Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse,
Louise Nagatani.

(words used 220)

Writing task: Question

Task 20: Today’s date: 19/02/2012

You are Louise Nagatani, a registered nurse in the Coronary Care Unit at a General Hospital. Nasser Ali is a patient in your care.

Discharge Summary

Name: Nasser Ali

Address: 1052 Moorvale Rd, Moorooka, Phone: 046538762, Date of Birth: 4 February 1964, Date of admission: 09/02/2012

Diagnosis: MI,  Date of discharge: 19/02/2012,  Name of Surgery:Angioplasty

Reason for admission:  Patient arrived at the hospital via ambulance 10 days ago suffering from acute Sub sternal chest pain radiating to left arm.

He complained of severe chest pain, pain in jaws and left arm, diaphoresis, dizziness and shortness of breath.

Patient has been diagnosed with myocardial infarction. Condition has now stabilised, however, he appears restless and worried about his condition. He is overweight and is a smoker.  He has high blood pressure.

Treatment:  Sereptolunanse, anticoagulants and anti-cholinergic drugs.

Continuous ECG monitoring, angioplasty on 10/02/2012

Post-surgery physiotherapy Karvea 150mg daily 1⁄2Aspirin  daily

Social History:  Family are refugees from Afghanistan arrived by boat in Australia in 2010.

Marital Status: Married, seven children. Aged 6 months to 22

Next of kin: Fatima Ali (Wife)

Employment: Nasser works as a Taxi Driver, Fatima: Housewife

Accommodation: Living in rental flat, No family doctor

Language: Dari. Nasser attends TAFE English classes but only has basic English conversational ability.

Discharge Plan: Follow up appointment made with cardiologist, Dr R Lang, Hospital Outpatients 2pm 26/2/2012. Order medications from hospital pharmacy – Explain usage and stress the importance of taking medication regularly as directed.  Arrange for dietician to provide dietary advice

Discuss importance of giving up smoking and provide advice on available quit smoking programs

Advice patient to continue with the exercise program recommended by the hospital physiotherapist, particularly deep breathing exercises with Triflo. Arrange for a community social worker to provide a support service to the family to ensure a smooth transition back to normal life

WRITING TASK: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the social worker, Sarah MacDonald, Annerley Community Centre, 1122 Ipswich Rd Annerley, 4121 explaining the patient’s situation and needs.

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Joy Rafferty OET letter answer

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ms. Rhonda Johns,
RN, Community Health Care,
25 River Street,
Clayton, Vic: 31804


Dear Ms Johns,
Re: Mrs Joy Rafferty, aged 65 years.

I am writing to refer Mrs. Rafferty, who requires ongoing management to improve her general health and mitigate social isolation. She has been under our care for the past ten years.

Mrs. Rafferty experiences undifferentiated osteoarthritis-type aches and pains, managed with analgesics. She is on Coversyl, 4mg daily, for her 10-year history of hypertension, which has progressed from benign to essential, reaching 180/100.

Living alone in a housing commission flat since her husband’s passing in 1984, Mrs. Rafferty faces mild depression and limited social engagement. Her overprotective family, including three out of six children, lives nearby, yet she seldom participates in social activities and heavily relies on her family.  She reports weight gain in past year 75 kg to 90 kg.

Following Mrs. Rafferty’s discharge today, I kindly request that you assume responsibility for her ongoing care. Please continue engaging with her family to gradually reduce her dependence. Encourage Mrs. Rafferty to actively participate in social activities, including aqua aerobics, local women’s chair, and involvement with the parish visiting group. Additionally, closely monitor her attendance in the above mentioned activities, and motivate her to increase physical exercise to enhance her overall health and fitness. Connect her to Meals on Wheels. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Registered nurse.

Writing task – Question

ASK 13:

Patient      :           Mrs. Joy Rafferty       

Age: 65.

Occupation :           Retired clothing machinist

Patient has attended the Community Health Center since her retirement ten years ago. Recently a new Center has opened much closer to her home.

SOCIAL HISTORY:  Widowed since 1984 and has supported the family since her husband’s death

Lives alone in a Housing Commission flat. Has 6 adult children with 3 living nearby in the same suburb

A close family. Social activities are restricted to family occasions. Outside outings are also restricted (Family does her shopping and collects her for outings, etc.). Previously active with the Church and its social circle however this has stopped because the patient can no longer drive.

MEDICAL HISTORY: Benign hypertension over 10 years, now progressing to essential hypertension 180/100 Coversyl 4 mg daily. Rapid weight gain in past year 75 kg to 90 kg

Undifferentiated osteoarthritis type aches and pains, Analgesics required for pain,  Mild depression

FAMILY INVOLVEMENT:  Several meetings with the family to encourage the patient to make social contacts and therefore become less dependent on the family.

Family concerned and overprotective but in agreement with suggestions

DISCHARGE PLAN: Improve her general health status by Increasing exercise regime and stimulatininer

Continue family meetings. Introduce client to suitable interest and activity groups in the area e.g. Aqua aerobics, local women’s chair, Meals on Wheels, parish visiting groups. Encourage and monitor attendance

WRITING TASK : You are the Community Health Nurse who has been looking after Mrs. Rafferty for the past ten years. You are concerned about her increasing isolation and general health. Write a letter referring her to the new Center. The contact persons is: Ms. Rhonda Johns, RN., Community Health Care, 25 River Street, Clayton, Vic: 31804

Vamuya Obeki OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

The director,
Community child health service
41 Jones street, Ekbin.


Dear Director,
Re: Vamuya Obeki, 23 May 2005.

I am writing to refer Vamuya and his 2-year-old brother, Saeed, who need advice on recommended course of vaccines. Vamuya underwent treatment for acute meningoencephalitis, secondary to complications associated with mumps.

Vamuya, at present, exhibits good progress and seems to be completely recovered from acute meningoencephalitis as well as mumps. However, he needs to undergo neurological check up at your facility.

Vamuya’s family had migrated from Sudan to Australia in 2008 as refugees. Vamuya’s mother, Miri, is a housewife and the father, Abdullah, works in a factory. Abdullah speaks Dinka and Arabic and both the parents have limited fluency in English. Therefore, interpreter facility might be required for you to interact with the family. They live in rented accommodation.

Due to the loss of vaccination records, Vamuya’s parents are uncertain about the vaccination status of their children.

Based on the information provided, following Vamuya’s discharge today, we kindly request the provision of follow-up care for this family. Please educate them and administer the appropriate vaccinations to both children. Their residential address is attached to this letter. If you require further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me

Yours faithfully,
Registered Nurse.

(word count: 187)

Writing task: Question

TASK 35. Today’s Date        25/07/09

Notes: Vamuya Obeki was admitted through the Children’s Emergency Department for acute meningoencephalitis as a result of a complication following mumps.

Patient History.  Address      : 32 Sexton St, Ekibin

Phone  : (07) 38485555

Date of Birth: 23 May 2005

Admitted          : 15th July 2009

Gender          : Male

Discharged : 25th July 2009

Country of birth: Sudan

Diagnosis        : acute meningoencephalitis

Social History. Parents         : Miri & Abdullah Obeki, refugees, arrived in Australia in 2008 Employment:

Abdullah: Golden Circle pineapple factory, shift worker                             

Miri     : housewife

Accommodation        : Recently moved to rental accommodation

GP          : No family doctor

Sibling : 2 year old brother, Saeed                 

Language        : Dinka, Arabic

Interpreter needs : Abdullah understands spoken English but has limited written skills. Miri has limited understanding of English. Abdullah attends English classes

Medical History: Parents state both children had some kind of vaccination at birth but the vaccination record has been lost. Parents unaware of vaccine for Mumps.

Discharge Plan: Appears to have fully recovered from mumps and acute meningoencephalitis. Will need advice on recommended vaccines for both children.

Will need neurological check-up.

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Community Child Health Service, 41 Jones Street, Ekibin, requesting follow-up of this family.

Sarah Keating OET letter answer

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ms. Jan Piper,
District Nurse,
Scarborough Beach City Council,
the Esplanade Scarborough Beach 6019

5 October 2010

Dear Ms Piper,
Re: Sarah Keating, aged 20 years.

Ms Keating requires follow up care and management, following her discharge today. She underwent treatment for infection of her right forearm skin graft.

During hospitalisation, Ms Keating was provided daily dressing on the affected lesion on her forearm. However, the lesion does not require dressing anymore. Additionally, she was administered Ampicillin intravenously. Due to considerations related to her mental health, our psychiatrist provided a consultation.

Considering the information provided, kindly proceed with the care for Ms. Keating. Please ensure her compliance with medication, including Ampicillin, 250 mg, four times a day, with the medication scheduled to be concluded on October 31, 2010. Kindly monitor both her donor site on the thigh and the graft site for any signs of infection or interference. The hospital has organized appointments for Ms. Keating with her psychologist twice every week. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Registered nurse.

View the writing task

Mrs Cilia clement OET letter (with answer)

Assume that today’s date is 10 January 2022
You are a registered nurse in Roseville Aged Care Hospital, responsible for the care of an
elderly patient Mrs Cilia clement
Name: Cilia clement (Mrs)
DOB:24 January 1946(76 yrs)
: Glenga Aged Care Home , Anzac
Retired, widow
2 Son(45yrs) works overseas
Visit occasionally
Social drinker consumes 2 units per day, ceased smoking
Diet: Unhealthy, prefers sweets between meals, mostly takes spicy snacks,
DM ,HTN ramipril 5mg
Asthma on inhaler
BM I – 29
30 October 2021
Presenting complaints:
C/o right upper quadrant pain
Nausea, sweating, low mood
USG: acute cholecystitis
Plan: Arranged hospital ward admission for gallbladder infection
Treatment: IV antibiotic therapy for 4 days, analgesic
6 November 2021
Discharged with oral metronidazole 400mg q8h for 7 days and oral paracetamol to control pain when required
Scheduled laparoscopic cholecystectomy once infection get settled
06 January 2022
Re Admission for the surgery
Successfully completed without complications
Infection cleared
Dressing for 48 hrs
Medications oral paracetamol 1gm as an analgesic if required
Discharged with modified diet plan on 10 January 2022
Patient comfortable
Discharge Plan:
Monitor medication compliance (Analgesic)
Manage pain
Wound monitoring (daily inspection, signs of infection
Wound site monitoring daily once
Diet plan for one month
Dressing to be removed after 48 hours
Modified diet plan (adapt gall bladder removal, prevents flatulence and indigestion
Low fat low caloric diet (weight reduction)
Avoid food: Spicy, sweets in between meals, caffeine, snacks
Smaller and frequent meals
Using the information given in the case note, write a letter to patient’s General Health Care manager Glenelg Aged Care Home, Anzac Highway ,Glenelg. In your letter briefly outline care required, medical history and health needs.

View sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ling Wu OET letter

TASK 38                    Today’s Date: 22/02/2012

Patient Details          

Name   : Ling Wu, female

Date of Birth         : 01/03/1994

Marital Status    : Single.

Social History : Ling is a student of the Bachelor of Accounting course in the University of Western Sydney.

She is a cyclist for many years. She lives in a 3-bedroom one-story house with her parents and younger sister.

No tobacco, alcohol or drugs

Past Medical History : None                                                            

Allergies         : No known allergies.

Date of admission      : 26/01/2012 trauma ward at St. Angus public hospital

Date of discharge    : 23/02/2012

Diagnosis                    Left tibial-fibular fracture secondary to cycle accident.

Left above- knee amputation              Phantom limb pain.

Description of accident         : The patient was parked off the road, when a car skidded across and collide with her cycle.

At Emergency Department

The initial assessment: an open tibial-fibular fracture of the left extremity with near amputation.

Her Glasgow coma scale was 15 and head CT was negative.

Obs: BP 178/90 mmHg. P-110 bpm, RR-22/min, SpO2-90 in room air.

The patient was taken to the operation theatre and above-knee amputation was performed on the same day.

Hospital progression 27/01/2012

Post-operative pain controlled with intravenous opioids (morphine) via PCA infusion pump

The limp has been elevated for one or two hours, two or three times each day to reduce local oedema & pain.

She had been totally assisted with mobility

Bladder care (Indwelling catheter inserted on 26/1/2012 and removed on 28/01/2012)

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis: The patient had negative Dopplers and prophylaxed with Fragmin 5000 IU once daily, subcutaneously.

Bowel management: The patient was started on Citrucel secondary to her pain being treated with narcotics. On a high fibre diet and fluid intake.

Prevention of Infection: Cephalexin IV tds-5 days, protective dressing and drainage

01/02/2012 She complained of a cramping and twisted posture of the missing limb (phantom limb pain), treated with oploids. (Endone 5mg BD), tricyclic antidepressant (amitriptyline 10 mg tds) and antiepileptic (Neurontin 109 mg tds). Commenced participating in physiotherapy program and involved with pre- prosthetic training.

15/02/2012      Orthopaedics:

Amputation incision remained intact                         

Stitches out                             

Wound almost healed

Residual limb wrapped with an ace bandage to swelling and pain and re-applied every 3-4 hours

Mental State: Insomnia, silent rumination, and social withdrawal;              She has a fear of being seen in public.

Consulted with social worker.

22/02/2012                  Fragmin was discontinued.

No signs of DVT were observed.

Phantom limb pain: she remained stable on Paracetamol- Osteo 665 mg qid and Tramadol prn.

Min oedema of the stump w/peeling skin, no signs of infection.

Bowel management: Citrucel was discontinued. She started Coloxil with Senna one tablet bd and Dulcolax suppository prn.                             

Fluids, Electrolytes, Nutrition: The patient was on a regular diet.

Able to walk with rolling walker for short distance along the ward and use a wheelchair for long distance, but needs increasing assistance for stairs.                                         

Trained to wrap the stump with ace bandage.

Parents were educated about assistance with ADL’s.            

Vital sign with no abnormalities.

Discharge Plan           Warm compress, ice packs and massage are recommended for phantom limb pain.

To continue regular exercises as per physio program and dressings with ace bandage to shape the amputated limb for fitting with prosthesis. The patient is at increased risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression in the late period after the trauma.

Peer counseling or support groups to support her can be helpful.

The patient will be seen at the trauma clinic at 3.30 pm on 13/04/2012.

Medication On Discharge (Self-Administration):  Neuretin 100 mg qB h Paracetamol Osteo 665 mg qB prn,

Trazodone 50 mg p.o at bedtime, prm                       

Laxatives prn

WRITING TASK: You are a charge nurse at the trauma ward of St. Agnus Hospital, Sydney. Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to a Community Nurse at Spirit Family Medical Practice, 12 Gar Street, Holy Hill, NSW, 2167. In your letter explain relevant social and medical histories and request the Community Nurse to visit Ms. Ling Wu after discharge to provide proper health management and assistance for this patient and her family.

Vamuya Obeki OET letter

TASK 35. Today’s Date        25/07/09

Notes: Vamuya Obeki was admitted through the Children’s Emergency Department for acute meningoencephalitis as a result of a complication following mumps.

Patient History.  Address      : 32 Sexton St, Ekibin

Phone  : (07) 38485555

Date of Birth: 23 May 2005

Admitted          : 15th July 2009

Gender          : Male

Discharged : 25th July 2009

Country of birth: Sudan

Diagnosis        : acute meningoencephalitis

Social History. Parents         : Miri & Abdullah Obeki, refugees, arrived in Australia in 2008 Employment:

Abdullah: Golden Circle pineapple factory, shift worker                             

Miri     : housewife

Accommodation        : Recently moved to rental accommodation

GP          : No family doctor

Sibling : 2 year old brother, Saeed                 

Language        : Dinka, Arabic

Interpreter needs : Abdullah understands spoken English but has limited written skills. Miri has limited understanding of English. Abdullah attends English classes

Medical History: Parents state both children had some kind of vaccination at birth but the vaccination record has been lost. Parents unaware of vaccine for Mumps.

Discharge Plan: Appears to have fully recovered from mumps and acute meningoencephalitis. Will need advice on recommended vaccines for both children.

Will need neurological check-up.

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Community Child Health Service, 41 Jones Street, Ekibin, requesting follow-up of this family.

Ms. Amy Vineyard OET letter

TASK 34 Ms. Amy Vineyard is a patient in your care at the St. Kilda women’s Refuge Centre. She is 6 week pregnant with her first child. She presented two days ago, requesting help for her substance abuse problems. She reports a desire to reduce or cease her alcohol consumption and desire to reduce a cease her drug use. No desire has been indicated to decrease or stop cigarette use. She now wishes to be discharged but will require ongoing support throughout her pregnancy.


Name  : Ms. Amy Vineyard              

Age      21.      

Admission      : 6/1/09

Diagnosis        : Pregnant substance abuse Discharge : 8/1/09

PLAN: Community mental health nursing required daily next 2 weeks minimum.

Pt wishes to continue living with a friend on her sofa

Psychiatric support needed for depression.     Methadone program Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

I trimester Ultrasound at 2 weeks;      Maternal clinic appointment needed.


Pt. self-admitted due to concern about pregnancy. Confirmed pregnancy test the days before (5/1/09)

Reported pain in lower back.  Weight loss (6 kg over 2 months).

Some memory loss.     Tingling in feet, difficulty sleeping, excessive worry and hallucinations

Feeling depressed-history of depression         No pain in hips or joints.

No decrease in appetite           No double vision

TREATMENT: Pt. monitored and blood tests for HIV/AIDS and STDs    

Counseled re nutrition and pregnancy. Counseled re HIV/AIDS and STDs risk                   

Discussed possibility of rehabilitation clinic for ‘driving out’

LIFESTYLE:            Nicotine-daily 30-40 cigarettes          Started smoking at 15 years old

Drugs used cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin     Started all above at 16 years old

Injects heroin, occasionally shares infecting equipment         Alcohol 8 units/day- max, units/day-15

Started drinking at 16 years old.         Lives with a friend, Sophie, on her sofa         No contacts with parents

HISTORY Suicidal thoughts, self-harm in past          Never seen a psychiatrist

WRITING TASK: Using the notes, write a letter about Ms. Vineyard’s situation and history to new community health nurse. Address your letter to Ms. Lucy Ban, Registered Nurse, Community Health Centre, St Kilda.

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Constance Maxwell – OET letter

TASK 33 Patient History:

Constance Maxwell is a patient in your General Practice. DOB 8.8.34 Married, 3 adult children

21.2.06 Subjective:    Complains of inflamed, sticky and weeping eyes. Thyroidism diagnosed Feb.03

High blood pressure June 05,Hip replacement July 05

Medications thyroxine 1mg daily, Atacand 4mg daily, Fosamax 10mg daily No known allergies

Objective: BP 135 /75 P 74

Both eyes red, watery discharge right eye worse than left

Assessment: Bilateral conjunctivitis likely viral Chlorsig Drops 4hrly

3.3.06 Subjective:                  No improvement to eyes, blurred vision

Objective: Odema eye lids ++Marked conjunctival congestion

Plan: Chloramphenicol 0.5% sterile 1 drop 3 times daily Bion Tears 1 drop each eye 4 hrly. Review 2 weeks

5.6.06 Subjective: Accompanied by husband. Very distressed. Has lost most sight in both eyes can make out light or dark shapes but unable to read or watch TV.

Objective: Marked oedema upper and lower lids. White sticky discharge Unable to read eye chart

Plan: Refer immediately Emergency Dept. Royal Melbourne Eye hospital. Husband will drive to hospital

WRITING TASK Using the information in the case notes, write a letter of referral to the Registrar, Emergency Department, Royal Melbourne Eye Hospital, Alexandra Tce, Fitzroy, Melbourne 3051