Tag Archives: Ms. Amy Vineyard OET letter

Ms. Amy Vineyard OET letter

TASK 34 Ms. Amy Vineyard is a patient in your care at the St. Kilda women’s Refuge Centre. She is 6 week pregnant with her first child. She presented two days ago, requesting help for her substance abuse problems. She reports a desire to reduce or cease her alcohol consumption and desire to reduce a cease her drug use. No desire has been indicated to decrease or stop cigarette use. She now wishes to be discharged but will require ongoing support throughout her pregnancy.


Name  : Ms. Amy Vineyard              

Age      21.      

Admission      : 6/1/09

Diagnosis        : Pregnant substance abuse Discharge : 8/1/09

PLAN: Community mental health nursing required daily next 2 weeks minimum.

Pt wishes to continue living with a friend on her sofa

Psychiatric support needed for depression.     Methadone program Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

I trimester Ultrasound at 2 weeks;      Maternal clinic appointment needed.


Pt. self-admitted due to concern about pregnancy. Confirmed pregnancy test the days before (5/1/09)

Reported pain in lower back.  Weight loss (6 kg over 2 months).

Some memory loss.     Tingling in feet, difficulty sleeping, excessive worry and hallucinations

Feeling depressed-history of depression         No pain in hips or joints.

No decrease in appetite           No double vision

TREATMENT: Pt. monitored and blood tests for HIV/AIDS and STDs    

Counseled re nutrition and pregnancy. Counseled re HIV/AIDS and STDs risk                   

Discussed possibility of rehabilitation clinic for ‘driving out’

LIFESTYLE:            Nicotine-daily 30-40 cigarettes          Started smoking at 15 years old

Drugs used cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin     Started all above at 16 years old

Injects heroin, occasionally shares infecting equipment         Alcohol 8 units/day- max, units/day-15

Started drinking at 16 years old.         Lives with a friend, Sophie, on her sofa         No contacts with parents

HISTORY Suicidal thoughts, self-harm in past          Never seen a psychiatrist

WRITING TASK: Using the notes, write a letter about Ms. Vineyard’s situation and history to new community health nurse. Address your letter to Ms. Lucy Ban, Registered Nurse, Community Health Centre, St Kilda.

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