Tag Archives: Mrs. Lisa Bayliss    OET letter

Mrs. Lisa Bayliss    OET letter

TASK 47        Patient’s name           : Mrs. Lisa Bayliss                 

Date of Birth  : 6th January, 1964

Social History            : Married with 2 children, Heavy smoker, Drinks alcohol occasionally

Past Medical History: not relevant, no previous breast problem

Past Surgical History: Tubal ligation 8 years ago

Menstrual History: Menarche at the age of 11, Menstruation – normal flow, period regular, 3/28 cycle

Family History          : No family history of breast disease


Subjective      : noticed lump in upper part of right breast 2 months ago,

No change in size during menstrual cycle, no discharge from nipple

Objective        : pulse rate-76/min, BP-130/85, an III-defined 1.5 cm lump in upper quadrant of right breast, no lymph node enlargement, overlying skin-normal, no evidence of attachment to surrounding structures, no other abnormal findings on general examination

Assessment    :Breast cancer or Fibroadenoma or cyst

Plan    :Explain possible conditions & consequences, to undergo radiological assessment (Mammogram) and Pathological assessment (Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy)

Subjective      : extremely concerned about the possibility of cancer, difficult to sleep at night, anxious, feeling low, sometimes irritated, pounding heart, unable to cope even household chores, lack of concentration, breast lump-no problem.

Objective        :PR 85/min, BP 140/90, Look anxious, sweaty, other examinations normal, Mammogram-normal, Ultrasound – confirmation of solid lump, Cytological examination – malignant cells, Core biopsy under local anesthesia-adenocarcinoma

Assessment    : Anxiety secondary to breast cancer (adenocarcinoma)

Plan: Break bad news, suggest to take further tests (blood tests, bone scan,CTscans) outline different treatment options available such as surgery radiotherapy and chemotherapy, to refer to general surgeon for operation.

4/05/2009        Subjective      : for regular follow-up, had local excision and axillary clearance with radiotherapy to residual right breast for local control

Objective        : general condition-well, no evidence of metastases, hormone receptor negative

Assessment : post-operation recovery of grade 2 adenocarcinoma

Plan    : chemotherapy, regular reviews for cancer spread, to contact local breast cancer foundation for further information

22/01/2010 Subjective : sudden onset of severe low back pain, suffering from mild back pain 4 weeks ago, constant pain, keeping her awake at right, exacerbated by movement, radiate down back of left leg, 4 kg weight loss, the pain “got rid of her appetite”

Objective : pain distribution in front of thigh, inner aspect of thigh, knee & leg, sensory loss in anterior aspect of thigh, absence of knee jerk

Assessment : Tumour spread to lumbar spine

Plan    : Bone scan, CT scan of chest & abdomen, radiotherapy to control pain, refer to an oncologist for assessment & palliative care

Writing Task Using the information in the relevant case notes, write a letter of referral to Dr. Jacob Kumar at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Rocklands Drive, Tiwi, PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)