Tag Archives: Mary White OET letter

Mary White OET letter

TASK 40 Mary White- resident at Kingsville Retirement Village

You are a registered nurse employed by the Kingsville Retirement Village. It is your duty to attend to call outs from the residents in the Independent Living Units as well as assisting the staff in the Low Level Care unit. It is 7 pm (19:00 hours) and you receive a call from the daughter of one of the residents. She has just visited her mother and found that she cannot rouse her. You go to the unit, open the door with your key and find the lady unconscious, face down on the floor. The daughter telephones the Ambulance Service. You examine the lady (Mary White) and find the following:

CNS: rousable only to pain                

Respiratory: slow, laboured breathing.

CVS – dusky purple colour to face, good capillary refill to fingers, pulse slow and full.

Urogenital- has been incontinent of urine

Musculoskeletal – flaccid muscles, is able to be moved onto side in the Recovery position to move.

You perform the following measurements:   

PR & BP-37 degrees C; 58; 14; 150/90                     


Her past history includes:               

Pregnancies x4 with live births (30 years ago)          


Widowed 6 years ago             

Cataracts in both eyes, awaiting surgery

Cardiac arrhythmias for which she takes Digoxin

The ambulance arrives and you verbally hand over the information; they then decide to transport Mary to hospital. Her daughter has packed all her medication with the overnight bag.

Your task:      Write an introductory letter for the Admissions Officer (AO) at the Kingsville Hospital, 150 Bridge Road, Richmond, Victoria 3121, they can plan Mary’s care.


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