Part A – Answer key 1 – 7:

  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B

Part A – Answer key 8 – 14:

  1. Primary impairment of the lymphatic drainage system
  2. A lymphoscintigram showing lymph reflux
  3. Lymphoedema-distichiasis syndrome
  4. Distichiasis
  5. 50%
  6. De novo
  7. Lymphoedema-distichiasis syndrome

Part A – Answer key 15 – 20:

  1. Recurrence
  2. Hydroceles
  3. Mutation
  4. Conservative management of symptomatic distichiasis
  5. Symptomatic distichiasis
  6. Parents

Part B – Answer key:

  1. C Monogenic hereditary disorder gets revealed.
  2. A Signs and symptoms.
  3. A Swelling on the stomach.
  4. A Shows relatively small for GA
  5. B Detection rate
  6. A Life-threatening complication arising due to infection.

Part C – Answer key:

Text 1 – Answer key 7 – 14:

  1. D Still a mystery to doctors
  2. B Burgeon
  3. C There is no specific treatment available for this disease.
  4. C Aggravate
  5. D Affected areas and symptoms.
  6. B To come off a surface in small, thin pieces
  7. B Common symptoms and risk factors for eczema
  8. D How can you treat seborrheic eczema at home?

Text 2 – Answer key 15 – 22:

  1. D Something that can’t be determined or measured by tests
  2. C It is a condition that is not real
  3. C Doctors are still finding effective ways of treating this condition.
  4. A What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
  5. D About trigger points and causal agents of fibromyalgia.
  6. B Fibromyalgia is a genetic disorder
  7. A Fibromyalgia is common among people who suffer from emotional trauma.
  8. B Who are at risk of developing fibromyalgia?

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