Tag Archives: ielts writing task 1

IELTS table (writing task 1 – % spent on food)

The table below shows the proportion of income spent on 4 common items in the UK in 1998.

The proportion of income adults and children spent on 4 common items in the UK in 1998

foodelectronic equipmentmusicvideos

The provided table delineates the expenditure patterns of adults and children in the United Kingdom across four distinct categories (food, electronic equipment, music, and videos) during the year 1998, presented as percentages of their total earnings.

In summary, adults allocated a significant portion of their expenditures to food, contrasting with the minimal spending on videos. Children, on the other hand, showed a distinct pattern, emphasizing music spending over food.

Among adults, 25% of expenditures went to food, with men at 14% and women at 39%. Conversely, video spending was minimal, combining at 1%—0.5% for women and 2% for men. Music expenses, 5%, were evenly split at 5% between both genders. Electronic equipment constituted 5%, with women at 1% and men at 10%.

Among children, 39% of income went to music—boys 38%, girls 40%. Conversely, food received the smallest share at 10% (boys 9%, girls 11%). Electronic equipment constituted 23% of expenditures, with boys at 18% and girls at 5%. Videos were accounted for 12%, split with boys at 18% and girls at 17%.

Fish and meat consumption (IELTS writing task 1 – line graph)

The line graph below shows the consumption of 4 kinds of meat in a European country from 1979 to 2004.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided line graph illustrates the weekly consumption, in grams, of chicken, beef, lamb, and fish by individuals in a European country over the period spanning from 1979 to 2004.

In general, it is evident that the consumption of chicken steadily increased over the specified period, whereas the intake of beef and lamb significantly declined. The consumption of fish, on the contrary, remained relatively stable, with a slight dip observed.

In 1979, an individual consumed just below 150 grams of chicken. Despite oscillating dramatically, the consumption evidently soared year by year and culminated around 250 grams by the year 2004. The consumption of fish, which was the lowest among all four categories at just above 50 grams per person, experienced a marginal downturn and lingered just under 50 grams by the year 2004.

The beef intake was approximately 220 grams in the year 1979, reaching a peak of around 240 grams by 1984, although there was a notable plummet to around 180 grams in between. From this point onward, the consumption plunged rapidly, despite sporadic but slight inclines. Lamb, despite being the second most consumed item at 150 grams in 1984, experienced a drastic diminution and reached around 60 grams by the year 2004.

Bar chart. Gross Domestic Product

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided bar chart delineates the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United Kingdom, attributed to the Information Technology (IT) and service industry. The data spans a nine-year period, covering the years 1992 to 2000.

Overall, it is evident that the percentage of GDP witnessed a substantial increase, nearly doubling over the nine-year period for both the Information Technology and Service industries, despite minor fluctuations.

Commencing at slightly above 6% in the year 1992, the IT industry witnessed an upward trajectory, peaking at over 8% in the year 1994. Despite a marginal decline in the year 1996 to just under 8%, the GDP soared, reaching a pinnacle of approximately 15% by the year 2000.

Concurrently, the Service Industry’s GDP, starting at 4 percentage in the year 1992, exhibited a consistent upward trend, culminating in a figure slightly surpassing 8 percentage by the conclusion of the period in the year 2000.