Tag Archives: ielts writing task 1

9. IELTS writing task 1 Map. Paradise island:

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided maps juxtapose the present and past layouts of Paradise Island, highlighting the extensive infrastructural developments and additions that have transformed the island.

Overall, it is evident that significant changes have taken place, with numerous new amenities replacing the existing natural features. The once tree-dotted landscape has given way to various facilities, including cycle paths, a barbecue area, a café, a swimming pool, a restaurant, and a hotel.

One of the salient changes is the replacement of the scientific research station in the west with a hotel complex, which features a swimming pool. This hotel complex is linked to a newly established roundabout at the centre of the island, serving as a nexus for the newly added cycle paths that traverse the island. While the natural spring in the northeast remains unchanged, the island now boasts a barbecue area adjacent to the roundabout and a new café to the east.

Externally, swimming is now permitted at the beach in the northwest. Additionally, the existing pier, which previously accommodated only boats, has been expanded to dock cruise ships. Finally, a scenic lookout area has been introduced next to the rocks in the northeast corner.

List of vocabulary used

  1. Juxtapose – To place different things side by side for comparison.
  2. Layouts – Arrangements or designs of something.
  3. Highlighting – Emphasizing or making something stand out.
  4. Extensive – Large in amount or scale.
  5. Infrastructural – Related to the basic physical systems and structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
  6. Transform – To make a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character.
  7. Evident – Clearly seen or understood; obvious.
  8. Facilities – Places, amenities, or pieces of equipment provided for a particular purpose.
  9. Salient– Most noticeable or important.
  10. Amenities – Desirable or useful features or facilities of a building or place.
  11. Replacing – Taking the place of something else.
  12. Notable – Worthy of attention or notice; remarkable.
  13. Linked – Connected or joined.
  14. Established – Set up on a firm or permanent basis.
  15. Nexus – A central or focal point.
  16. Traverse – To travel across or through.
  17. Unchanged – Not altered or modified; remaining the same.
  18. Boasts – To have something that is impressive and desirable.
  19. Permitted – Allowed to do something.
  20. Accommodated – Provided with a place to stay or be stored.

IELTS Writing task 1. Science qualifications held by people in two countries.

Question: 21: The chart below gives information about science qualifications held by people in two countries. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided bar chart intricately illustrates the distribution of individuals with and without science qualifications in two distinct countries, namely Malaysia and Singapore.

Overall, it is conspicuous that people with no qualifications in science are the highest in both Malaysia and Singapore, while Master’s degree holders are accounted for the lowest. Moreover, the percentage of the latter in both the countries are exactly the same.

It is noteworthy that a significant proportion of individuals in both countries lack qualifications in science. Approximately 65% of Malaysians fall into this category, with Singaporeans following closely at just 5% less. Conversely, those who have a Master’s degree in science in both countries are accounted to only around 3 percentage.

There are 10% of Malaysians with a Bachelor’s degree in science, while Singaporeans boast twice that percentage. Additionally, approximately 35% of Malaysians have qualifications in science at the school leaving exams level, while Singaporeans lag behind at just 5%.

IELTS writing task 1. Foster Road alterations.

Q24. IELTS writing task 1 Map:Foster Road between SE 84th and 85th Avenue, before and after installation of wider sidewalks, a new crossing, bicycle lanes and street trees.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The given maps illustrates in detail the changes that have come about on Foster Road, between SE 84th and 85th Avenue.

Overall, it conspicuous that a lot of alterations and additions have happened to the above mentioned locale, including expansion of sidewalks, addition of new crossing, provision for bicycling, as well as  integration of trees, adding comfort and shade.

Zooming in, this particular division of Foster Road did not have a single tree before. However, it, at present, is rich in the number of trees, pulchritudinously laid out on each side of the track. Interestingly, the existing pedestrian walks have been widened on each side, facilitating easier manoeuvring for pedestrian under the shade of the added trees.

The added bicycle lanes on each side of the road, next to the pedestrian walks make the road more versatile. Additionally, the zebra crossing added at the entrance of the road features safety.

1. IETLS Bar chart + Table: Foreign students in English speaking countries:

The bar chart and table show information about students from abroad studying in four English-speaking countries in 2004 and 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided bar chart and table comprehensively depict the number and proportion of non-native students enrolled in higher education across four prominent English-speaking nations during the years 2004 and 2012: the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Figures are represented in thousands (1000s).

Evidently, the United States boasted the highest enrolment of international students, starkly contrasting with Canada, which recorded the lowest figures. Notably, Australia exhibited the highest percentage of global student intake, while the United States held the lowest proportion.

Specifically, the United States hosted approximately 180,000 foreign students in 2004, a figure that surged to nearly 250,000 by 2012, consistently representing 2% of the total student populace. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom welcomed 120,000 expat students in 2004, constituting 9% of the national student body, a proportion that expanded to 13% in 2012, nearing a count of 200,000.

Conversely, Canada experienced the most modest numbers, accommodating around 40,000 and 60,000 immigrant students in 2004 and 2012, respectively, constituting 5% and 7% of the overall student populace. Remarkably, Australia exhibited the highest rates, with 19% in 2004 and 24% in 2012, amounting to approximately 120,000 and 190,000 students, respectively.

IELTS Writing task 1. Proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases 

The chart below shows the proportion of businesses making e-commerce purchases by industry in Canada between 2015 and 2019. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided bar chart meticulously outlines the percentage of businesses in Canada that are engaged in online trade in manufacturing, construction, wholesale, retail, and information and communication industries over a span of five years, from 2015 to 2019.

Overall, it is evident that the proportion of online purchases shows an upward trajectory throughout the given periods, with marginal increase and minor fluctuations, while the highest proportion of transactions are made by information and communications industry.

While the proportion of online purchases in the construction industry in 2015 amounted to almost a quarter, it steadily climbed, more than doubling to around 55% by 2019. Wholesale industry, likewise, grew from around 40% in 2015 to above 60% by year 2019. Although the manufacturing industry expanded its e-commerce presence from around 30% in 2015 to surpassing 50% by 2016, it faced a decline in 2017 to approximately 45%. Subsequently, it rebounded, reaching around 60% in 2019.

Concurrently, e-commerce in case of the retail and information and communications, the former increased from approximately 32% in 2015 to nearly 57% by 2018, while the latter rose from around 60% in 2015 to about 75% by 2018. However, both industries experienced a marginal decline in 2019, with the retail industry dropping to around 55%, and the information and communications industry decreasing to around 70%.

(word count -218)

Bar chart: Average daily sales. IELTS AC writing task 1

The graph below shows the average daily sales of selected food items at Starbucks, by season. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The given bar chart depicts how much, on average, five different products at Starbucks are being sold each day, based on the number of servings, during both winter and summer.

All in all, it’s clear that Hot coffee and Soup experience peak sales during winter, while Iced coffee and Ice cream dominate during summer. The sale of Salad remains consistent and unaffected by seasonal variations.

While around 30 Hot coffees are served during summer, this number more than doubles during winter, reaching approximately 75 servings. Similarly, the sale of Soup doubles from around 25 servings in summer to about 50 servings in winter. Salad is served around 25 units each day during both seasons.

In winter, Iced coffee is least preferred, with only around 1 serving per day. However, notably, its sales remarkably ascends to 40 servings a day during summer. Similarly, around 25 units of Ice cream are sold during winter, markedly soaring to approximately 35 servings per day during summer.

Table: High school teachers’ salaries (IELTS AC writing task 1)

The table below gives information about salaries of secondary/high school teachers in five countries in 2009.

CountryStartingSalary per year (USD)MaximumYears taken to reach top salary
Secondary/high school teachers’ salaries (2009)

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided table presents a comprehensive overview of the 2009 salary distribution among secondary/high school teachers in five countries, all figures expressed in U.S. dollars (USD).

In summary, Luxembourg stands out with the maximum salary, while Australia lags behind. Notably, Korea takes the longest to reach the maximum salary, while Denmark achieves this milestone most rapidly.

Among the highest-paid countries, Luxembourg offers a starting salary of $80,000, with an annual total of $112,000, peaking at $139,000 over 30 years. In contrast, Japan provides the lowest starting salary at $28,000, with an annual total of $49,000, reaching a maximum of $62,400 over 34 years.

In Korea, the starting salary is $30,500, with an annual total of $52,600. In 37 years, their teachers will be eligible for a maximum of $84,500. Meanwhile, Denmark and Australia achieve top salary eligibility in just 8 and 9 years, respectively, with no increment in their total annual salaries. Australia starts with $34,600 and reaches an annual total of $48,000, while Denmark begins at $47,000, annually culminating at $54,000.

Table: Global population. IELTS AC writing task 1

The tables below give information about the world population and distribution in 1950 and 2000, with an estimate of the situation in 2050. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The tables offer insights into the global population in billions and its regional distribution as a percentage in 1950 and 2000, along with projections for 2050.

In broad terms, it is evident that the world population is on an upward trajectory. While the predicted percentage increases for Africa, it either declines or stabilises for the remaining regions.

In 1950, the world’s population was just 2.5 billion, which underwent a twofold change, reaching 6 billion by 2000 and is estimated to climb further to 9 billion by 2050. In 1950, Asian population consisted of 56% of the overall figures, which grew to 60% by 2000 and is expected to be at 59% by 2050. Africa showed a notable growth in percentage of population, 9% in 1950 to 13% in 2000, expecting to reach 20% by 2050. Latin America, and Oceania increased their percentage of population. The former from 6% in 1950 to 9% in 2000 and the latter from less than 1% in 1950 to 1% in 2000. Both these figures are expected to remain the same in 2050.  

On contrary, the percentage-wise distribution of Europe and North America plummeted notably and is expected to go even lower by 2050, Europe to 7 and North America 4 %. In terms of percentage, Europe covered 22% of world’s population in 1950, which drastically slumped to 12% by year 2000. North America, likewise, diminished her percentage to 5% in 2000 from 7% in 1950.

Line graph – Migration. IELTS AC writing task 1

The line chart below shows the results of a survey giving the reasons why people moved to the capital city of a particular country. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The given line chart depicts the outcome of a survey delineating the four motivating factors behind the relocation of people in a country to their capital city over a span of 15 years, from 2000 to 2015.

Overall, the primary incentive for relocation was employment, with academic reasons ranking second. The least cited motivations were family/friends and a sense of adventure.

In 2000, about 60,000 individuals relocated for employment, with the number steadily rising to a peak of over 90,000 in 2010, followed by a slight dip to around 87,000 by 2015. Additionally, approximately 25,000 people migrated for academic reasons in 2000, and this figure experienced a notable upturn to nearly 87,000 by 2015.

Relocation on account of adventure and family/friends was marginal, both being just above 11,000 in 2000. While the former reached almost 15,000 by 2015, displaying an infinitesimal growth in number,  the latter experienced a surge from year 2005, reaching a height of around 22,000 by 2010. The number remained almost the same in 2015.