Tag Archives: Homeschooling vs traditional schooling- IELTS writing task 2

Homeschooling vs traditional schooling- IELTS writing task 2

Sample answer 1 by Lifestyle Training Centre

In this era of technology and numerous knowledge acquisition avenues, it is argued by some that educating children at home is preferable to sending them to traditional classrooms. While others disagree with this notion, this essay will examine both options and present my personal perspective on the matter.

On the one hand, homeschooling presents numerous benefits. Firstly, children have the opportunity to spend more time with their parents, fostering a lasting and deeper bond through quality time together. Secondly, homeschooling enables parents to significantly reduce the cost of education by minimising expenses on transportation, uniforms, tuition fees, and other associated costs. Finally, parents can ensure that their kids receive the best education by providing resources without constraints. Additionally, homeschooling offers a sense of safety as children are rarely exposed to unwanted associations, including strangers.

On the other hand, some prefer traditional schooling, citing multiple valid reasons. Fundamentally, it becomes nearly impossible for employed parents to attend to their children during working hours unless they are willing to incur expenses on home tutors or babysitters. Secondly, children, when exposed to other students and diverse environments, have the opportunity to acquire more knowledge and experience than if they were solely engaged in independent learning.

Personally, I endorse traditional schooling as I believe not every parent may possess the necessary qualifications to effectively teach their children, especially considering that schools today offer a multifaceted mode of education, requiring highly educated and talented teachers to provide proper guidance.

To conclude, while homeschooling offers a sense of safety, strengthens the bond between children and parents, and reduces expenses, traditional classrooms guarantee high-quality education, exposure to diverse environments, and are particularly suitable for parents with full-time jobs. The decision between homeschooling and traditional schooling ultimately rests on individual circumstances, available resources, and personal preferences.   

Sample answer 2 by Lifestyle Training Centre

In the contemporary age characterised by technological advancements and diverse avenues for knowledge acquisition, a contentious debate revolves around the preference for homeschooling over traditional classrooms. Some contend that educating children at home is a superior choice, while others vehemently disagree. This essay aims to delve into the merits and drawbacks of both options, ultimately providing insights into my personal perspective on this educational discourse.

On one hand, homeschooling is praised for its potential to foster stronger bonds within families, reduce educational costs, and provide a safe and controlled learning environment. The personalised attention and flexible schedule afforded by homeschooling can cater to individual learning styles, allowing children to progress at their own pace. Additionally, the sense of security and limited exposure to potentially negative influences are often seen as significant advantages.

On the other hand, traditional schooling offers its own set of advantages. The exposure to diverse environments and interactions with peers can contribute to a more comprehensive social education. Furthermore, the structured curriculum and professional guidance provided by qualified teachers in traditional classrooms are considered essential for a well-rounded education.

In my opinion, for working parents, the logistical challenges of homeschooling may make traditional schooling a more practical option. However, the choice between homeschooling and traditional schooling is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on the unique needs and circumstances of each family.

To conclude, while homeschooling can be beneficial for some in terms of flexibility and individualised attention, traditional schooling ensures a standardised and well-rounded education. A balanced approach, considering the strengths of both methods, might be the most optimal solution for certain families. Ultimately, the decision should be made based on a careful evaluation of the child’s learning style, the family’s lifestyle, and the available resources.