Tag Archives: duolingo writing task

Duolingo / PTE / IELTS double questions:

Duolingo / PTE / IELTS double questions are a type of task in the Writing and Speaking sections of the exam where candidates are required to address two distinct questions within the same prompt. These questions are typically related or connected in some way, requiring candidates to provide cohesive and well-organised responses. Here, some of the Duolingo / PTE / IELTS double questions for you to practise.

Asked on 23/03/2024: IELTS writing task 2:

Question :Children’s  life is greatly influenced by their friends. What kind of influence can friendship make in one’s life? To what extent parents can control it?

1.         In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. What are the consequences of doping for athletes? What measures should be taken to combat this issue?

2.         The rise of social media platforms has made it easier for people to vent their frustrations and complaints publicly. What is the consequence of this trend? Is there any benefit to expressing complaints on social media?

3.         In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do you think this is happening? How can this issue be solved?

4.         In many societies, there is a growing emphasis on sustainable living and reducing environmental impact. What are the challenges of adopting a sustainable lifestyle? What practical actions can individuals take to contribute to sustainability?

5.         Some countries have introduced laws to limit the working hours that an employer can ask from an employee. Why are these laws introduced? Is this a positive or negative trend?

6.         Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects at university in many countries. Why is this? What effects does this have on society?

7.         In many countries, people increasingly talk about money such as how much they earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations. Why? Is this a positive or negative trend?

8.         Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that in many cities around the world there are constant traffic jams. How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from owning cars?

9.         Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

10.       Some young people like to copy the behaviour and clothes of famous people today. Why might this be the case? What problems can it cause?

11.       Advanced technology has brought many beneficial changes to the world. However, some old people today struggle with the use of technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet. How can the elderly benefit from using advanced technologies? How can the elderly be encouraged to use consumer electronics more often?

12.       There is more and more outrage and anger common in society today. Why is this? Is this a positive or a negative development?

13.       These days consumers are faced with an increasing amount of advertising from various companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertising? What measures should be taken to protect them?

14.       In many countries, people now wear western clothes such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

16.       More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. Why is this? Who benefits more from this, the communities or these young people?

17.       Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive. What is the reason for this? Is it a positive or negative development?

18.       Some people say that now is the best time in history to be living. What is your opinion about this? What other time in history would be interesting to live in?

19.       Today, TV channels broadcast men’s sports shows more than women’s sport shows. Why is this the case? Should TV channels give equal showtime for each?

20.       Many young people today know more about international pop or movie stars than about famous people in the history of their own country. Why is this? What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country?

21.       There are different methods businesses use to increase their sales. What are the different ways companies use to increase sales? Which one is the most effective?

22.       Many adults nowadays prefer spending their free time playing computer games. Why do they do this? Is this a positive or negative development?

23.       Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think are consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?

24.       In many countries, people now wear western-style dress such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development?

25.       Some believe children should be taught to give speeches and presentations in school. Why is this? Should this be taught in schools?

26.       In many countries, increasing numbers of people are becoming interested in learning about the history of the house or building where they live. What are the reasons behind this? How can individuals research this?

27.       In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

28.       Some people today prefer to get advice for medical problems and do not want to visit a doctor. Why is this? Is this a positive or a negative development?

29.       In recent times, economic growth has helped many become richer, both in developed and developing countries. However, those in developed countries are not as happy as they were in the past. Why is this? What can be learned from this?

30.       Some people spend a lot of money celebrating personal family events, such as weddings and birthdays. How important is it to celebrate such events? Do you think people spend too much money on these events?

31.       Some people work harder than others. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative habit?

32.       Some countries have introduced laws to limit working hours for employees. Why are these laws introduced? Do you think they are a positive or negative development?

33.       Competition for university study is becoming increasingly strong. Why are universities becoming more competitive? Is this a positive or negative development?

34.       Many people are working longer hours. Why is this happening? What problems can this cause to people?

35.       Around the world, more and more people today are living in urban areas. Why is this? What problems does this cause?

36.       In some countries, there are fewer young people who listen to or play classical music these days. Why is this? Should young people be encouraged to play or perform classical music?

37.       Nowadays people live longer after they retire. How does this affect individuals and society? What can be done about this?

38.       Many educational institutions give greater importance to subjects related to science and ignore subjects such as drama and literature. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development?

39.       Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activities in many countries for young adults. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

40.       These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Is it a positive or negative development?

41.       Access to clean drinking water remains a challenge in many parts of the world. What are the obstacles to achieving universal access to clean water? What measures can be taken to address water scarcity and contamination?

42.       The use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is increasing as the world seeks to transition to cleaner energy sources. What are the challenges and opportunities associated with renewable energy adoption? How can governments incentivize renewable energy investment?

43.       Online misinformation and fake news have proliferated in the digital age, leading to widespread confusion and polarization. What are the root causes of online misinformation? How can individuals and platforms combat the spread of fake news?

44.       Workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives have become increasingly important for fostering equitable and inclusive work environments. What are the benefits of workplace diversity? How can organizations promote diversity and inclusion effectively?

45.       The global rise of income inequality has profound social and economic implications. What are the root causes of income inequality? What policies can governments implement to reduce income inequality and promote economic equity?

46.       The trend of “remote learning” has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with many educational institutions adopting online teaching methods. What are the benefits and challenges of remote learning? How can educators optimise online learning experiences for students?

47.       The phenomenon of “cancel culture” has gained traction in recent years, leading to public figures facing consequences for past actions or statements. What are the motivations behind cancel culture? Is it an effective tool for holding individuals accountable?

48.       The popularity of plant-based diets and vegetarianism has surged, driven by concerns about health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. What factors contribute to the rise of plant-based eating? Is widespread adoption of plant-based diets feasible?

49.       The trend of “voluntourism,” where travellers engage in short-term volunteer projects abroad, has faced criticism for its potential negative impacts on local communities. What motivates people to participate in voluntourism? How can voluntourism be approached responsibly?

50.       The rise of online education platforms and e-learning tools has transformed traditional education models. What are the advantages and challenges of online education? How can online learning be optimized for student engagement and learning outcomes?

51.       The trend of “conscious consumerism,” where consumers prioritize ethical and sustainable products, is gaining momentum. What drives people to embrace conscious consumerism? How can businesses authentically incorporate sustainability into their practices?

52.       Mental health awareness campaigns have become more prevalent, encouraging people to seek support and destigmatize mental illnesses. What are the factors contributing to the rise of mental health awareness? How effective are these campaigns in promoting well-being?

53.       The concept of minimalism, embracing a simple and clutter-free lifestyle, has gained traction in consumer culture. What drives people to adopt minimalistic lifestyles? Is minimalism a sustainable solution to overconsumption?

54.       The phenomenon of “food deserts,” where communities lack access to affordable and nutritious food, persists in many urban and rural areas. What are the underlying causes of food deserts? What strategies can be implemented to increase food accessibility in underserved communities?


55.       The phenomenon of “helicopter parenting,” where parents excessively intervene in their children’s lives, has become increasingly common. What are the factors driving helicopter parenting? What are the potential consequences for children’s development?

56.       The “gig economy” has reshaped the labor market, offering flexibility but also precarious employment for many workers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of gig economy employment? How can policymakers ensure worker protections in the gig economy?

57.       Urbanisation is accelerating as more people migrate to cities in search of economic opportunities and better living conditions. What are the effects of rapid urbanisation on infrastructure, environment, and social dynamics? How can cities effectively manage urban growth and development?

58.       The prevalence of mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, is increasing globally. What are the contributing factors to the rise in mental health issues? How can society improve mental health support and resources?

59.       Cybersecurity threats, including data breaches and hacking attacks, pose significant risks to individuals, businesses, and governments. What are the motivations behind cyber attacks? How can organizations enhance cybersecurity measures to mitigate risks?

60.       The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors, from healthcare to finance, is on the rise. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of widespread AI adoption? How can society ensure ethical AI development and deployment?

61.       The trend of “workation,” where individuals combine work and vacation by working remotely from scenic locations, has gained popularity. What motivates people to opt for workations? Is this trend conducive to work-life balance?

62.       Online activism, such as hashtag campaigns and online petitions, has become a prominent tool for advocating social change. What are the advantages and limitations of online activism compared to traditional forms of activism?

63.       The rise of “greenwashing,” where companies exaggerate or mislead consumers about their environmental sustainability efforts, has raised concerns about corporate transparency. What motivates companies to engage in greenwashing? How can consumers identify and combat greenwashing?

64.       The “digital divide” refers to disparities in access to technology and digital resources between different socioeconomic groups. What are the consequences of the digital divide? How can society bridge this gap and ensure equitable access to technology?

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Duolingo / PTE / IELTS mixed essays

A mixed essay in the context of Duolingo / PTE / IELTS Writing Task 2 typically involves addressing multiple aspects of a given topic within a single essay. This format requires candidates to discuss various elements, such as causes, advantages and disadvantages, or solutions to a problem, within the same essay. For example, a mixed essay prompt might ask candidates to discuss both the causes of a particular issue and the advantages and disadvantages of potential solutions.

Model question: Asked in 16/03/2024

In some countries today, many people decide to have their first child when they are older. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

1. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– What are the factors contributing to the rise in popularity of online learning platforms, and do the benefits of online education outweigh the drawbacks?

2. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
– Discuss the challenges faced by cities in managing waste disposal and propose solutions to promote recycling and reduce landfill usage.

3. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of remote work arrangements, and suggest measures to address issues such as isolation and work-life balance.

4. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some people believe that the increasing use of technology in classrooms enhances learning outcomes, while others argue it hinders students’ social skills. What measures can schools take to strike a balance between technology integration and interpersonal development?

5. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– What are the reasons behind the decline in traditional farming practices, and how can governments support small-scale farmers to maintain agricultural diversity and sustainability?

6. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of tourism to a country’s economy outweigh the negative impacts on the environment and local culture? Share your opinion and provide examples to support your view.

7. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges associated with the growing aging population in many countries, and propose strategies to ensure adequate healthcare and social support for elderly citizens.

8. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Analyse the factors contributing to the rise in childhood obesity rates, and discuss the role of parents, schools, and governments in addressing this public health issue.

9. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Consider the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation on developing economies. Additionally, propose strategies for mitigating the negative impacts of globalisation on local industries and communities.

10. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some argue that strict gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence, while others believe in the right to bear arms. What measures can governments take to balance public safety concerns with individual freedoms regarding gun ownership?

11. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Examine the reasons behind the increase in urbanization and its effects on rural communities. Discuss how governments can support rural development while managing urban growth sustainably.

12. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of social media outweigh the negative effects on mental health and social interactions? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

13. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges posed by climate change on agriculture and food security, and propose strategies to promote sustainable farming practices and ensure food sovereignty.

14. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– Analyze the reasons for the decline in traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television, and assess the benefits and drawbacks of digital media consumption.

15. Mixed Opinion / Discussion:
– Some argue that renewable energy sources are the key to combating climate change, while others advocate for nuclear power. Discuss the merits and drawbacks of both approaches to meeting energy needs in the future.

16. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– What are the factors contributing to the rise in freelance work, and do the benefits of freelancing outweigh the drawbacks?

17. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
– Discuss the challenges faced by developing countries in providing access to clean drinking water and propose solutions to ensure universal access to safe water sources.

18. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of the gig economy, and suggest measures to address issues such as job insecurity and lack of employment benefits.

19. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some argue that stricter penalties for littering are necessary to reduce environmental pollution, while others advocate for increased public awareness campaigns. What measures can governments take to effectively tackle littering?

20. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional manufacturing industries in developed countries and discuss the impact on local economies and job markets.

21. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of immigration to a country’s economy outweigh the negative impacts on social cohesion and cultural identity? Share your opinion and provide examples to support your view.

22. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges associated with rising healthcare costs and propose strategies to improve access to affordable healthcare for all citizens.

23. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Analyse the factors contributing to the decline in public transportation ridership and discuss the implications for traffic congestion and air pollution in urban areas.

24. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Consider the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting for both employers and employees, and propose measures to address common challenges such as communication barriers and social isolation.

25. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some argue that stricter regulations on fast food advertising are necessary to combat rising obesity rates, while others believe in personal responsibility. What measures can governments take to promote healthier eating habits among citizens?

26. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Examine the reasons behind the increase in urban sprawl and its effects on land use and natural habitats. Discuss strategies for sustainable urban planning and development.

27. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of cultural exchange programs outweigh the risks of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

28. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges associated with rising income inequality and propose strategies to promote economic growth that benefits all segments of society.

29. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– Analyse the reasons for the decline in traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores and assess the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce and online shopping.

30. Mixed Opinion / Discussion:
– Some argue that stricter immigration policies are necessary to protect domestic job markets, while others believe in the economic benefits of immigration. Discuss the social and economic implications of different approaches to immigration.

31. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
• What are the factors contributing to the rise in popularity of remote work, and do the benefits of telecommuting outweigh the drawbacks?

32. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
• Discuss the challenges faced by coastal communities due to rising sea levels and propose solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change on coastal areas.

33. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of self-driving cars, and suggest measures to address concerns such as safety and job displacement in the transportation sector.

34. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on social media platforms are necessary to combat online harassment and misinformation, while others advocate for freedom of speech. What measures can be implemented to balance these concerns?

35. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional family-owned businesses and discuss the impact on local economies and community cohesion.

36. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of renewable energy sources outweigh the challenges of transitioning from fossil fuels? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

37. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with inadequate access to healthcare in rural areas and propose strategies to improve medical services and facilities in underserved communities.

38. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Analyse the factors contributing to the rise in mental health issues among young adults and discuss the role of social media and societal pressures in exacerbating these problems.

39. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Consider the benefits and drawbacks of flexible work schedules, and propose measures to ensure productivity and work-life balance in a remote work environment.

40. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on the food industry are necessary to combat rising obesity rates, while others believe in promoting healthy eating habits through education and awareness campaigns. What measures can governments take to address this public health issue?

41. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional manufacturing jobs in developed countries and discuss the impact on workers and local economies.

42. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of AI-driven automation outweigh the risks of job displacement and economic inequality? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

43. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with inadequate access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries and propose strategies to improve water infrastructure and hygiene practices.

44. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Analyse the factors contributing to the decline in biodiversity and ecosystem loss, and discuss the implications for global ecosystems and human well-being.

45. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Consider the benefits and drawbacks of remote learning for students, and propose measures to address issues such as digital divide and academic engagement in virtual classrooms.

46. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on air pollution are necessary to combat climate change and protect public health, while others advocate for economic growth and job creation. What measures can governments take to balance environmental concerns with economic development?

47. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the rise in income inequality and wealth concentration, and discuss the social and economic consequences for society.

48. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of globalization outweigh the challenges of economic inequality and cultural homogenisation? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

49. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with food insecurity and malnutrition in developing countries and propose strategies to improve agricultural productivity and access to nutritious food.

50. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
• Analyse the reasons for the decline in traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores and assess the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce and online shopping.

51. Mixed Opinion / Discussion:
• Some argue that stricter immigration policies are necessary to protect domestic job markets, while others believe in the economic benefits of immigration. Discuss the social and economic implications of different approaches to immigration.

52. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
• What are the factors contributing to the rise in popularity of ride-sharing services, and do the benefits of these services outweigh the drawbacks?

53. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
• Discuss the challenges faced by developing countries in providing access to quality education for all children, and propose solutions to ensure equitable access to schooling.

54. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping, and suggest measures to address issues such as data privacy and consumer protection in e-commerce.

55. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on plastic usage are necessary to reduce environmental pollution, while others believe in consumer education and voluntary initiatives. What measures can governments take to effectively reduce plastic waste?

56. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional music sales and discuss the impact of digital streaming platforms on the music industry.

57. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of space exploration outweigh the costs? Share your opinion and provide examples to support your view.

58. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with aging infrastructure in urban areas and propose strategies for modernising and maintaining critical infrastructure systems.

59. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Analyse the factors contributing to the rise in mental health issues among adolescents and discuss the role of schools and communities in promoting mental well-being.

60. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Consider the benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence in healthcare, and propose measures to address concerns such as data security and ethical implications.

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Duolingo / PTE / IETLS writing task 2 – Direct question

Duolingo / PTE / IELTS Writing Task 2 direct questions require you to respond to a clear prompt by expressing your opinion and supporting it with arguments and examples in essay form. These questions assess your critical thinking and writing skills, typically covering diverse topics. Your response should have a structured format, starting with a clear introduction, followed by well-developed body paragraphs, and ending with a concise conclusion. Managing the suggested word count is crucial, and effective time management is key for success. Here is a list of model questions:

You must give your opinion for direct questions

1. Is it more important for governments to spend money on space exploration or on environmental issues? Why?
2. Do you believe that the government should provide free university education? Why or why not?
3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that social media has a negative impact on communication skills?

4. Should governments enforce stricter penalties for individuals who litter in public spaces? Why or why not?
5. To what extent should individuals reduce their consumption of meat for environmental reasons? Provide reasons for your view.
6. Do you think that professional athletes are overpaid? Why or why not?
7. To what extent should individuals be held responsible for their own health, and how much should the government intervene?
8. Should high schools focus more on preparing students for specific careers, or should they provide a broader education? Justify your answer.
9. Is it essential for everyone to learn a second language? Share your perspective.
10. Do you believe that the internet has had a positive or negative impact on the way people acquire knowledge? Support your opinion.
11. Should companies be required to allocate a certain percentage of their profits to environmental conservation efforts? Explain your stance.
12. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the government should control the amount of violence in movies and on television? Why or why not?
13. Is it fair for governments to impose higher taxes on the wealthy? Justify your viewpoint.
14. To what extent should multinational corporations be held accountable for environmental damage in countries where they operate?

15. Do you believe that the traditional nine-to-five workday is still relevant in the modern world? Provide reasons for your opinion.
View model answer

16. Should public transportation be free for everyone? Support your answer with relevant examples.
17. Do you think that schools should focus more on teaching practical skills, such as budgeting and cooking, alongside academic subjects?
18. In your view, should governments prioritize space exploration or addressing poverty and hunger on Earth? Explain your reasoning.
19. Is it more beneficial for individuals to pursue higher education or enter the workforce after completing secondary school? Justify your response.

20. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that social media contributes to the rise in mental health issues among young people?

21. Should the government invest more in the arts and cultural events? Explain your viewpoint.
22. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that schools should focus more on teaching creativity and innovation than traditional subjects? Justify your answer.
23. Is it necessary for individuals to travel abroad to broaden their perspectives? Support your opinion.
24. To what extent should parents be involved in their children’s education? Provide reasons for your view.
25. Do you believe that advertising influences people’s choices in a negative way? Why or why not?

26. Should the legal drinking age be lowered or raised? Give reasons for your stance.
View model answer

27. In your opinion, should companies allow employees to work from home permanently? Explain your reasoning.
28. Is it better for individuals to specialize in one field of study or to have a broad range of knowledge? Share your perspective.
29. Should all students be required to learn a musical instrument in school? Justify your answer.
30. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the idea that governments should prioritize space exploration over solving environmental issues?
31. Do you think that social media has a positive impact on political engagement and awareness? Explain your viewpoint.
32. Should the use of animals in scientific research be banned? Support your stance with relevant arguments.
33. In your view, is it important for individuals to learn traditional skills, such as sewing or woodworking? Why or why not?
34. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that economic growth should take precedence over environmental protection? Justify your answer.
35. Should governments provide financial incentives to companies that develop environmentally friendly products? Share your perspective.
36. To what extent should individuals be held responsible for reducing their carbon footprint? Explain your viewpoint.
37. Do you think that technology has made people more or less sociable? Provide reasons for your opinion.
38. Is it necessary for people to have a university degree to succeed in life? Why or why not?
39. In your opinion, should public libraries be replaced by digital resources? Justify your answer.
40. Do you believe that all students should learn a second language from a young age? Support your opinion with relevant arguments.
41. Should the government provide financial support to artists and musicians? Explain your stance.
42. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should be given more homework? Justify your answer.
43. In your view, should parents be held legally responsible for their children’s actions? Provide reasons for your opinion.
44. Should countries prioritize local industries over international trade? Support your answer with relevant arguments.
45. Do you think that the use of mobile phones in public places should be restricted? Why or why not?
46. Is it essential for individuals to volunteer in their communities? Explain your viewpoint.
47. Should governments invest more in public transportation to reduce traffic congestion? Why or why not?
48. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the media has too much influence on people’s opinions? Justify your response.
49. In your opinion, should fast food advertising be regulated to address rising obesity rates? Support your answer.
50. Should governments implement policies to limit the use of plastic products? Explain your reasoning.
51. Do you believe that standardized testing accurately measures a student’s abilities? Why or why not?
52. Is it beneficial for individuals to take a gap year before entering university? Share your perspective.
53. Should the voting age be lowered or raised? Provide reasons for your stance.
54. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that technology has made traditional skills obsolete?
55. Do you think that schools should teach financial literacy as part of the curriculum? Justify your answer.
56. In your view, should governments prioritize funding for healthcare over other sectors? Explain your viewpoint.
57. Should universities focus more on practical skills that prepare students for the workforce? Why or why not?
58. Is it necessary for individuals to participate in sports or physical activities for a healthy lifestyle? Support your opinion.
59. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that the government should control the content of television programs? Justify your response.
60. Should the legal age for purchasing and consuming alcohol be the same worldwide? Explain your reasoning.
61. In your opinion, should governments implement measures to control population growth? Share your perspective.
62. Do you believe that zoos have a positive or negative impact on animal welfare? Support your answer.
63. Should countries provide free healthcare for all citizens? Why or why not?
64. To what extent should technology be integrated into education? Provide reasons for your view.
65. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that social media platforms should censor certain content? Justify your answer.
66. In your view, should the government regulate the use of artificial intelligence? Explain your viewpoint.
67. Should companies be required to offer remote work options for employees? Why or why not?
68. Is it necessary for individuals to have a good work-life balance? Share your perspective.
69. Do you think that genetic engineering should be allowed for medical purposes? Support your opinion.
70. Should the government provide financial support to the arts, such as museums and theaters? Explain your reasoning.
71. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that the internet has made traditional newspapers obsolete?
72. Do you believe that online learning is as effective as traditional classroom education? Justify your answer.
73. Should governments impose stricter regulations on the use of pesticides in agriculture? Why or why not?
74. In your opinion, should individuals be allowed to own and carry firearms for self-defense? Share your perspective.
75. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that governments should prioritize space exploration over addressing poverty? Justify your response.
76. Should the legal age for smoking be raised? Provide reasons for your stance.
77. Is it beneficial for individuals to pursue higher education in a foreign country? Explain your viewpoint.
78. Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources? Why or why not?
79. Do you think that cultural diversity is important in education? Support your answer.
80. In your view, should countries provide financial aid to other nations in times of crisis? Explain your reasoning.
81. Should the use of plastic bags be banned globally? Justify your answer.
82. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that governments should prioritize space exploration over environmental conservation? Why or why not?
83. To what extent should companies be responsible for reducing their carbon footprint? Provide reasons for your view.
84. Is it necessary for individuals to adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle for environmental reasons? Share your perspective.
85. Do you think that online shopping has more advantages or disadvantages? Explain your reasoning.
86. Should the government regulate the amount of sugar in food and beverages? Why or why not?
87. In your opinion, should countries prioritize building more nuclear power plants? Support your answer.
88. Should governments invest more in public health initiatives to prevent diseases? Justify your response.
89. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that traditional family roles are changing? Why or why not?
90. Should the government provide financial incentives for companies to develop eco-friendly products? Explain your viewpoint.
91. To what extent should the media be allowed to invade people’s privacy for the sake of news reporting? Provide reasons for your view.
92. Is it beneficial for individuals to take a break from technology and social media? Share your perspective.
93. Do you believe that the use of animals for entertainment purposes should be banned? Support your opinion.
94. Should governments implement measures to address the gender pay gap? Why or why not?
95. In your view, should countries prioritize investment in space exploration or addressing world hunger? Explain your reasoning.
96. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that governments should control the prices of essential goods? Justify your response.
97. Should the legal age for driving be raised? Provide reasons for your stance.
98. Is it necessary for individuals to participate in community service? Why or why not?

99. Do you think that countries should focus more on building strong military forces? Explain your reasoning.

100. Should the government provide financial support to parents who choose to stay at home to raise their children? Share your perspective.

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

📧 Email: [email protected]

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Visit us in person by following the directions on Google Maps. We look forward to welcoming you to the Lifestyle Training Centre.

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Duolingo/ PTE/ IELTS cause-solution essays

In a Duolingo/ PTE/ IELTS cause-solution essay, your primary task is to identify the underlying causes of a given issue and propose practical and effective solutions to address these root causes. This form of academic writing evaluates your ability to critically analyse problems, determine why they occur, and present viable strategies to mitigate or resolve these issues. To excel in writing a perfect Duolingo/ PTE/ IELTS cause-solution essay, consider the following concise guidelines:

1. Issue Clarification: (1st paragraph)

Begin by providing a clear and concise description of the issue that you will be addressing in your essay. This is done by paraphrasing the question (cause) itself.

2. Cause Analysis: (2nd paragraph)

In dedicated paragraph(s), explore the causes that give rise to the issue. Be specific and provide supporting evidence or examples to strengthen your claims. Your goal is to identify the factors that contribute to the problem’s existence.

3. Solution Proposals: (3rd paragraph)

Devote separate paragraph(s) to presenting practical solutions to the identified causes. Each solution should be clearly explained, outlining how it can be implemented and why it is effective.

4. Conclusion: Begin your concluding section with “In conclusion” or “To conclude,” and wrap up your essay. Remember not to introduce any new ideas in this part of your essay.

Below are a number of sample Duolingo/ PTE/ IELTS cause-solution essays that you can go through and familiarise yourself with:

Sample Duolingo/ PTE/ IELTS cause-solution essays

1. In many major urban centers, overpopulation is a pressing issue. What are the key factors driving this population growth, and what strategies can be implemented to address this problem effectively?

2. Cyberbullying has become a growing concern among teenagers. What are the root causes of cyberbullying, and how can society combat this issue?

3. Disparities in healthcare access are a major concern. What factors contribute to these disparities, and what steps can governments take to ensure equitable healthcare for all citizens?

4. Climate change is a global threat. What are the drivers of climate change, and how can nations reduce their carbon footprint and protect the environment?

5. Water scarcity is a critical problem in many regions. What leads to water scarcity, and how can governments and communities ensure a reliable and adequate water supply for everyone?

6. Educational inequality is a challenge in many countries. What are the causes of educational inequality, and what measures can improve access to quality education for all?

7. Gender inequality continues to persist in various aspects of society. What are the underlying causes of gender inequality, and how can societies work towards achieving gender equity?

8. Substance abuse and drug addiction are growing concerns. What drives addiction, and how can societies reduce addiction rates and provide better support for affected individuals?

9. Corruption remains a widespread issue in some countries. What fosters corruption, and what measures can be taken to combat it and promote transparency in government and business?

10. Youth unemployment is a significant problem in many regions. What triggers youth unemployment, and what policies should governments implement to address this problem effectively?

11. Excessive consumption of single-use plastics is a global environmental issue. What encourages the overuse of single-use plastics, and how can individuals and governments reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability?

12. Mental health stigma prevents many from seeking help. What generates this stigma, and what can be done to combat it and provide better support for individuals with mental health issues?

13. Access to affordable and high-quality education is a challenge in some regions. What leads to inadequate access to quality education, and what policies can be implemented to make education more accessible and improve its quality?

14. Child labor is a persistent issue in certain industries. What drives child labor, and how can it be eliminated, along with the protection of children’s rights worldwide?

15. Inadequate access to clean and safe housing is a concern in many regions. What contributes to housing inadequacy, and what measures can be taken to ensure that everyone has access to adequate housing?

16. Inefficient public transportation systems lead to increased traffic congestion. What exacerbates this inefficiency, and how can cities improve public transportation and reduce traffic-related problems?

17. Overfishing threatens marine ecosystems. What leads to overfishing, and what can be done to promote sustainable fishing practices and protect the world’s oceans?

18. In some areas, air pollution is a major health concern. What results in air pollution, and how can governments reduce it and improve air quality for their citizens?

19. Inadequate access to prenatal and maternal healthcare services contributes to maternal mortality. What contributes to this lack of access, and what can be done to improve healthcare for pregnant women and reduce maternal mortality rates?

20. The preservation of cultural heritage is essential, but many historical sites are at risk. What endangers cultural heritage, and what measures can be taken to protect and preserve it for future generations?

21. The decline of bee populations threatens global food security. What leads to the decline of bee populations, and what steps can be taken to protect and restore bee populations and maintain pollination services?

22. Bullying in schools affects many students. What fuels bullying, and what can schools and communities do to prevent it and provide a safe and supportive environment for all students?

23. Inadequate access to water and sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure that clean and safe water and sanitation are accessible to all?

24. Human trafficking continues to be a grave concern in some countries. What promotes human trafficking, and what steps can be taken to combat it and protect the rights of victims?

25. Excessive use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance. What encourages antibiotic resistance, and how can we promote responsible antibiotic use and address the issue of drug-resistant bacteria?

26. Inadequate access to clean drinking water leads to waterborne diseases in many areas. What triggers this issue, and what strategies can be employed to ensure safe and clean drinking water for all?

27. Food insecurity is a challenge in some regions, even in developed countries. What causes food insecurity, and how can we address the issue and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food?

28. Language barriers can hinder the integration of immigrants into their new communities. What creates language barriers, and what can be done to help immigrants overcome them and become active members of society?

29. The preservation of natural habitats is crucial for biodiversity. What endangers natural habitats and ecosystems, and what steps can be taken to protect and conserve them for future generations?

30. The digital divide hinders access to information and education for many individuals. What contributes to this digital divide, and how can it be bridged to ensure equal access to digital resources?

31. Child labor remains a persistent issue in certain industries. What fosters child labor, and how can it be eliminated, along with the protection of children’s rights worldwide?

32. Inadequate access to safe sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure access to clean and safe sanitation for all?

33. Human trafficking continues to be a grave concern in some countries. What promotes human trafficking, and what steps can be taken to combat it and protect the rights of victims?

34. Excessive use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance. What encourages antibiotic resistance, and how can we promote responsible antibiotic use and address the issue of drug-resistant bacteria?

35. Inadequate access to clean drinking water leads to waterborne diseases in many areas. What triggers this issue, and what strategies can be employed to ensure safe and clean drinking water for all?

36. Food insecurity is a challenge in some regions, even in developed countries. What fosters food insecurity, and how can we address the issue and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food?

37. Language barriers can hinder the integration of immigrants into their new communities. What gives rise to language barriers, and what can be done to help immigrants overcome them and become active members of society?

38. The preservation of natural habitats is crucial for biodiversity. What endangers natural habitats and ecosystems, and what steps can be taken to protect and conserve them for future generations?

39. The digital divide hinders access to information and education for many individuals. What contributes to this digital divide, and how can it be bridged to ensure equal access to digital resources?

40. Child labor remains a persistent issue in certain industries. What fosters child labor, and how can it be eliminated, along with the protection of children’s rights worldwide?

41. Inadequate access to safe sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure access to clean and safe sanitation for all?

42. The spread of fake news and misinformation has become a problem in

 the digital age. What fuels the spread of false information, and what strategies can be employed to combat it and promote media literacy?

43. Insufficient access to electricity is a challenge in some remote areas. What leads to this lack of access, and how can renewable energy sources be harnessed to provide electricity to underserved communities?

44. The rise of extremist ideologies poses a threat to global security. What supports the rise of extremism, and what actions can nations take to counter extremism and promote peace and tolerance?

45. Low levels of civic engagement and voter participation are issues in some democracies. What contributes to low civic engagement, and how can citizens be encouraged to actively participate in the political process?

46. The opioid crisis is a growing concern in some countries. What drives the opioid epidemic, and what can be done to address it and provide support for individuals struggling with addiction?

47. In some regions, deforestation is a significant environmental issue. What drives deforestation, and how can governments and communities promote forest conservation and sustainable land use?

48. Access to quality education for children with disabilities is often limited. What gives rise to this lack of access, and how can schools and communities provide better educational opportunities for children with special needs?

49. Inadequate access to clean and safe housing is a concern in many regions. What contributes to housing inadequacy, and what measures can be taken to ensure that everyone has access to adequate housing?

50. Inefficient public transportation systems lead to increased traffic congestion. What intensifies this inefficiency, and how can cities improve public transportation and reduce traffic-related problems?

51. Overfishing threatens marine ecosystems. What promotes overfishing, and what can be done to promote sustainable fishing practices and protect the world’s oceans?

52. In some areas, air pollution is a major health concern. What results in air pollution, and how can governments reduce it and improve air quality for their citizens?

53. Inadequate access to prenatal and maternal healthcare services contributes to maternal mortality. What contributes to this lack of access, and what can be done to improve healthcare for pregnant women and reduce maternal mortality rates?

54. The preservation of cultural heritage is essential, but many historical sites are at risk. What endangers cultural heritage, and what measures can be taken to protect and preserve it for future generations?

55. The decline of bee populations threatens global food security. What leads to the decline of bee populations, and what steps can be taken to protect and restore bee populations and maintain pollination services?

56. Bullying in schools affects many students. What fuels bullying, and what can schools and communities do to prevent it and provide a safe and supportive environment for all students?

57. Inadequate access to water and sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure that clean and safe water and sanitation are accessible to all?

58. Human trafficking continues to be a grave concern in some countries. What promotes human trafficking, and what steps can be taken to combat it and protect the rights of victims?

59. Excessive use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance. What encourages antibiotic resistance, and how can we promote responsible antibiotic use and address the issue of drug-resistant bacteria?

60. Inadequate access to clean drinking water leads to waterborne diseases in many areas. What triggers this issue, and what strategies can be employed to ensure safe and clean drinking water for all?

61. Food insecurity is a challenge in some regions, even in developed countries. What causes food insecurity, and how can we address the issue and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food?

62. Language barriers can hinder the integration of immigrants into their new communities. What creates language barriers, and what can be done to help immigrants overcome them and become active members of society?

63. The preservation of natural habitats is crucial for biodiversity. What endangers natural habitats and ecosystems, and what steps can be taken to protect and conserve them for future generations?

64. The digital divide hinders access to information and education for many individuals. What contributes to this digital divide, and how can it be bridged to ensure equal access to digital resources?

65. Child labor remains a persistent issue in certain industries. What fosters child labor, and how can it be eliminated, along with the protection of children’s rights worldwide?

66. Inadequate access to safe sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure access to clean and safe sanitation for all?

67. The spread of fake news and misinformation has become a problem in the digital age. What fuels the spread of false information, and what strategies can be employed to combat it and promote media literacy?

68. Insufficient access to electricity is a challenge in some remote areas. What leads to this lack of access, and how can renewable energy sources be harnessed to provide electricity to underserved communities?

69. The rise of extremist ideologies poses a threat to global security. What supports the rise of extremism, and what actions can nations take to counter extremism and promote peace and tolerance?

70. Low levels of civic engagement and voter participation are issues in some democracies. What contributes to low civic engagement, and how can citizens be encouraged to actively participate in the political process?

71. The opioid crisis is a growing concern in some countries. What drives the opioid epidemic, and what can be done to address it and provide support for individuals struggling with addiction?

72. Access to mental healthcare services is limited in many areas. What contributes to this lack of access, and what strategies can be implemented to ensure that individuals have adequate mental health support?

73. Access to quality education for children with disabilities is often limited. What gives rise to this lack of access, and how can schools and communities provide better educational opportunities for children with special needs?

74. Inadequate access to clean and safe housing is a concern in many regions. What contributes to housing inadequacy, and what measures can be taken to ensure that everyone has access to adequate housing?

75. Inefficient public transportation systems lead to increased traffic congestion. What intensifies this inefficiency, and how can cities improve public transportation and reduce traffic-related problems?

76. Overfishing threatens marine ecosystems. What promotes overfishing, and what can be done to promote sustainable fishing practices and protect the world’s oceans?

77. In some areas, air pollution is a major health concern. What results in air pollution, and how can governments reduce it and improve air quality for their citizens?

78. Inadequate access to prenatal and maternal healthcare services contributes to maternal mortality. What contributes to this lack of access, and what can be done to improve healthcare for pregnant women and reduce maternal mortality rates?

79. The preservation of cultural heritage is essential, but many historical sites are at risk. What endangers cultural heritage, and what measures can be taken to protect and preserve it for future generations?

80. The decline of bee populations threatens global food security. What leads to the decline of bee populations, and what steps can be taken to protect and restore bee populations and maintain pollination services?

81. Bullying in schools affects many students. What fuels bullying, and what can schools and communities do to prevent it and provide a safe and supportive environment for all students?

82. Inadequate access to water and sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure that

 clean and safe water and sanitation are accessible to all?

83. Human trafficking continues to be a grave concern in some countries. What promotes human trafficking, and what steps can be taken to combat it and protect the rights of victims?

84. Excessive use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance. What encourages antibiotic resistance, and how can we promote responsible antibiotic use and address the issue of drug-resistant bacteria?

85. Inadequate access to clean drinking water leads to waterborne diseases in many areas. What triggers this issue, and what strategies can be employed to ensure safe and clean drinking water for all?

86. Food insecurity is a challenge in some regions, even in developed countries. What causes food insecurity, and how can we address the issue and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food?

87. Language barriers can hinder the integration of immigrants into their new communities. What creates language barriers, and what can be done to help immigrants overcome them and become active members of society?

88. The preservation of natural habitats is crucial for biodiversity. What endangers natural habitats and ecosystems, and what steps can be taken to protect and conserve them for future generations?

89. The digital divide hinders access to information and education for many individuals. What contributes to this digital divide, and how can it be bridged to ensure equal access to digital resources?

90. Child labor remains a persistent issue in certain industries. What fosters child labor, and how can it be eliminated, along with the protection of children’s rights worldwide?

91. Inadequate access to safe sanitation facilities is a health concern in many parts of the world. What contributes to this lack of access, and what measures can be taken to ensure access to clean and safe sanitation for all?

92. The spread of fake news and misinformation has become a problem in the digital age. What fuels the spread of false information, and what strategies can be employed to combat it and promote media literacy?

93. Insufficient access to electricity is a challenge in some remote areas. What leads to this lack of access, and how can renewable energy sources be harnessed to provide electricity to underserved communities?

94. The rise of extremist ideologies poses a threat to global security. What supports the rise of extremism, and what actions can nations take to counter extremism and promote peace and tolerance?

95. Low levels of civic engagement and voter participation are issues in some democracies. What contributes to low civic engagement, and how can citizens be encouraged to actively participate in the political process?

96. The opioid crisis is a growing concern in some countries. What drives the opioid epidemic, and what can be done to address it and provide support for individuals struggling with addiction?

97. Internet privacy concerns are growing due to the increasing use of technology. What leads to privacy issues on the internet, and what measures can individuals and governments take to safeguard online privacy?

98. Access to quality education for children with disabilities is often limited. What gives rise to this lack of access, and how can schools and communities provide better educational opportunities for children with special needs?

99. Inadequate access to clean and safe housing is a concern in many regions. What contributes to housing inadequacy, and what measures can be taken to ensure that everyone has access to adequate housing?

100. Inefficient public transportation systems lead to increased traffic congestion. What intensifies this inefficiency, and how can cities improve public transportation and reduce traffic-related problems?

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

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Visit us in person by following the directions on Google Maps. We look forward to welcoming you to the Lifestyle Training Centre.

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