Tag Archives: describe an image duolingo

Duolingo describe an image – walking dog

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In this picture, a man is walking his dog by a road. The dog appears to be a Siberian Husky, with a mix of black and white hues. The man has the dog on a leash, and both are on a lush green pasture. The man is dressed in casual attire, wearing brown pants and a white T-shirt, and has a wristwatch on his left hand. In the backdrop, across the road, there is a lot of vegetation, including trees with thick leaves and a house in the middle. Across the horizon, a cloudy blue sky is visible. Overall, it is an intriguing picture.

List of vocabulary used:

Here’s a refined version of the description along with a list of vocabulary words and their meanings:

In this picture, a man is walking his dog by a road. The dog appears to be a Siberian Husky, with a mix of black and white hues. The man has the dog on a leash, and both are on a lush green pasture. The man is dressed in casual attire, wearing brown pants and a white T-shirt, and has a wristwatch on his left hand. In the backdrop, across the road, there is a lot of vegetation, including trees with thick leaves and a house in the middle. Across the horizon, a cloudy blue sky is visible. Overall, it is an intriguing picture.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Image: A visual representation of something.
  2. Walking: Moving at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn.
  3. Siberian Husky: A breed of dog known for its thick fur and striking appearance, often black and white.
  4. Hue: A color or shade.
  5. Leash: A strap or cord for restraining and guiding a dog or other animal.
  6. Lush: Growing luxuriantly, rich and abundant in vegetation.
  7. Pasture: Land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals.
  8. Casuals: Informal clothing suitable for everyday wear.
  9. Backdrop: The background of a scene, setting, or image.
  10. Vegetation: Plants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area.
  11. Thick: Dense with many leaves or parts close together.
  12. Horizon: The line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
  13. Cloudy: Covered with or characterized by clouds; overcast.
  14. Intriguing: Arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating.

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Duolingo describe an image – Man having food

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In the picture, a man is joyfully enjoying a hearty meal, seemingly fried chicken, served on a plate in front of him. He sits comfortably at a table, holding a piece of food in his right hand with his mouth open, ready to take a bite. In his left hand, he grasps a glass filled with an orange-coloured drink. The man has a fair complexion and fairly long hair with a mix of brown, black, and golden hues. He is dressed in formal attire, wearing a full-sleeve black shirt. While the background is blurred, the main subject of the picture is clear and well-lit. Overall, it is an intriguing and captivating image.

List of vocabulary used:

Sure, here is a list of vocabulary words used in the description along with their meanings:

  1. Joyfully: In a manner expressing happiness or delight.
  2. Hearty: (Of a meal) substantial and satisfying.
  3. Seemingly: So as to give the impression of having a certain quality; apparently.
  4. Fried: Cooked in hot fat or oil.
  5. Comfortably: In a relaxed and pleasant manner.
  6. Grasps: To take hold of something tightly with the hands.
  7. Orange-colored: Having the color of orange.
  8. Complexion: The natural color, texture, and appearance of a person’s skin, especially of the face.
  9. Fairly: To a moderately high degree.
  10. Hues: A color or shade.
  11. Formal attire: Clothing suitable for formal events, often characterized by conservative and dressy garments.
  12. Full-sleeve: A shirt or garment with sleeves extending from shoulder to wrist.
  13. Blurred: Unable to see or be seen clearly.
  14. Main subject: The primary focus or central figure in a picture or scene.
  15. Clear: Easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
  16. Well-lit: Illuminated in a way that makes it easy to see.
  17. Intriguing: Arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating.
  18. Captivating: Capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.