Tag Archives: Describe an image

Duolingo image description – Man sitting (Speaking)

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This poignant photograph captures a young man seated alone on the sandy shore, lost in deep thought or perhaps patiently awaiting someone’s arrival. He is casually attired, barefoot and wearing shorts, with a sleek black wristwatch adorning his left wrist. His fair complexion and medium-length hair catch the gentle light, enhancing his contemplative expression.

In the background, the clear azure sky sharply contrasts with the warm brown sand beneath him, creating a striking visual juxtaposition. The tranquil setting accentuates his sense of solitude, prompting viewers to reflect on the emotions and thoughts that might be occupying his mind in this moment of quiet introspection.

Overall, this image evokes a sense of introspective solitude and narrative intrigue, inviting contemplation on themes of anticipation and the timeless allure of coastal landscapes.

List of vocabulary used:

Here is the complete list of vocabulary words from the passage with their meanings:

  1. Poignant: Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
  2. Photograph: A picture made using a camera.
  3. Contemplative: Involving deep or serious thought.
  4. Solitude: The state of being alone, often by choice.
  5. Intrigue: The quality of being interesting because of being mysterious or secretive.
  6. Introspection: The examination or observation of one’s own thoughts and feelings.
  7. Juxtaposition: The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
  8. Tranquil: Calm, peaceful, and quiet.
  9. Azure: Bright blue in color, like a clear sky.
  10. Narrative: A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.
  11. Anticipation: The action of expecting or looking forward to something.
  12. Allure: The quality of being powerfully attractive or fascinating.

Duolingo image description – Man sitting (Typing)

Duolingo – Image description

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Duolingo – Describe image – Tree (Speaking)

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Note: Works on iPhones and laptops. Android is not compatible yet. Please practice on a computer for accurate result. Thank you.

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The image beautifully narrates a serene and captivating scene. At its center stands a solitary tree, a testament to resilience and grace amidst a vast expanse of vibrant green pasture. Its branches, adorned with lush foliage, delicately capture the sun’s golden rays that filter through the expansive, open sky above. Soft, fluffy clouds lazily drift across the deep azure backdrop, adding a sense of movement and depth to the tableau.

This tranquil setting invites us to pause and immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature’s simplicity. The tree, with its intricate details and verdant canopy, becomes a focal point of quiet contemplation. Each leaf seems to whisper tales of seasons passed, while the gentle play of light and shadow creates a mesmerizing interplay of colors.

As we gaze upon this scene, we’re transported into a moment of profound connection with the natural world. It’s a reminder of the inherent beauty that surrounds us, urging us to appreciate the tranquility and harmony found in even the simplest of landscapes.

List of vocabulary used

  1. Narrates: Describes or tells a story.
  2. Serene: Calm and peaceful.
  3. Captivating: Attracting and holding interest or attention.
  4. Solitary: Existing alone; single.
  5. Tree: A tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood.
  6. Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
  7. Grace: Elegance or beauty in movement or form.
  8. Vast: Very large in size or extent.
  9. Expanse: A wide and continuous area.
  10. Vibrant: Full of energy and life; bright and striking.
  11. Pasture: Land covered with grass and other plants suitable for grazing animals.
  12. Adorned: Decorated or embellished.
  13. Lush: Green and fertile, often referring to vegetation.
  14. Foliage: The leaves of a plant or tree.
  15. Delicately: In a manner that is fine or subtle.
  16. Golden Rays: Sunlight that has a warm, golden color.
  17. Filter: To pass through a medium, often affecting appearance.
  18. Expansive: Covering a wide area; extensive.
  19. Open Sky: The unobstructed sky visible without obstruction.
  20. Soft: Gentle or smooth in texture.
  21. Fluffy: Soft and airy in texture.
  22. Drift: To move slowly or lightly.
  23. Azure: A bright, clear blue color.
  24. Backdrop: The background against which something is viewed or photographed.
  25. Movement: The act of changing position or place.
  26. Depth: The quality of having a deep or profound appearance.
  27. Tableau: A striking or picturesque scene or arrangement.
  28. Tranquil: Calm and peaceful.
  29. Immerses: Engages deeply or fully.
  30. Beauty: The quality of being aesthetically pleasing.
  31. Simplicity: The quality of being uncomplicated or unadorned.
  32. Intricate: Very detailed or complex.
  33. Canopy: An overhead covering of branches and leaves.
  34. Focal Point: The central or most important element.
  35. Contemplation: Deep reflective thought.
  36. Leaf: The flat, green part of a plant or tree.
  37. Whisper: To speak softly or gently.
  38. Tales: Stories or narratives.
  39. Seasons: Divisions of the year marked by changes in weather and daylight.
  40. Play: The interaction or effect of light and shadow.
  41. Mesmerizing: Captivating or hypnotizing.
  42. Interplay: The way in which two or more things affect each other.
  43. Gaze: To look steadily or intently.
  44. Connection: A relationship or link.
  45. Profound: Deep or intense.
  46. Reminder: Something that brings attention to a fact or concept.
  47. Inherent: Existing as a natural or essential part.
  48. Harmony: A pleasing arrangement or balance.
  49. Landscapes: The visible features of an area of land.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Cyclist – Duolingo (Speaking)

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Note: Works on iPhones and laptops. Android is not compatible yet. Please practice on a computer for accurate result. Thank you.

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Your speech transcript will appear here…
Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

View model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

This image vividly showcases a cyclist in a striking mix of red, blue, and black sportswear, waiting on a scenic trail. The focus on the cyclist highlights his dynamic presence. His vibrant outfit suggests energy and vitality, while his helmet and sunglasses signal readiness for an adventure. His fit, fair-skinned appearance further emphasizes his preparedness for action.

The trail stretches into the distance, bordered by lush greenery that adds natural richness to the scene. The tranquil sky above enhances the calm and peaceful atmosphere, making the setting inviting. This combination of vibrant attire against a serene backdrop creates a compelling visual narrative. The image blends the cyclist’s dynamic presence with a serene environment, offering a picturesque moment of anticipation.

List of vocabulary and meaning:

  1. Showcases: Displays or presents something prominently.
  2. Striking: Attracting attention by being unusual or impressive.
  3. Mix: A combination of different elements.
  4. Sportswear: Clothing designed specifically for physical activities.
  5. Scenic: Offering beautiful or picturesque views.
  6. Highlights: Emphasizes or makes something stand out.
  7. Dynamic: Energetic and full of movement or activity.
  8. Vitality: The state of being strong and active; energy.
  9. Equipped: Provided with necessary items or tools.
  10. Helmet: A protective head covering.
  11. Sunglasses: Glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight.
  12. Fit: In good physical condition.
  13. Fair-skinned: Having light-colored skin.
  14. Readiness: The state of being prepared for action.
  15. Trail: A path or route through a natural area.
  16. Stretches: Extends over a distance.
  17. Framed: Surrounded or bordered by something.
  18. Lush: Rich and abundant in vegetation.
  19. Greenery: Green plants or foliage.
  20. Tranquil: Calm and peaceful.
  21. Atmosphere: The feeling or mood of a place.
  22. Inviting: Attractive or appealing.
  23. Narrative: A story or description of events.
  24. Blends: Mixes together smoothly.
  25. Picturesque: Visually attractive, like a picture.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Conference – Duolingo (Speaking)

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

View model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

This photograph beautifully captures the essence of a prestigious conference, where a captivated audience, dressed in sharp business attire, is fully engaged in a compelling lecture delivered by a commanding speaker on stage. The room is impeccably organised and bathed in bright, even lighting, emphasising the attendees’ focus and seriousness. The speaker, exuding confidence, stands at the forefront of a grand stage, framed by an enormous screen showcasing dynamic visuals that enhance the depth and relevance of the presentation. The room’s design is both modern and striking, with sleek dark flooring that contrasts elegantly against the warm orange walls, while the ceiling features sophisticated projection lights that add a touch of refinement. This scene radiates an aura of professionalism, intellectual rigour, and high-stakes discourse, making it an image that truly resonates with the energy and importance of the event.

List of vocabulary and meaning:

  1. Photograph: A picture made using a camera.
  2. Captures: To take or record an image or scene.
  3. Prestigious: Having high status or respect due to success or quality.
  4. Conference: A formal meeting for discussion, often on professional or academic topics.
  5. Audience: The group of people who gather to watch or listen to a presentation or performance.
  6. Business: Related to commerce, trade, or professional activities.
  7. Attire: Clothing or garments, especially formal or distinctive ones.
  8. Engaged: Fully involved or absorbed in an activity or subject.
  9. Lecture: A formal talk given to an audience, usually on an academic subject.
  10. Speaker: The person delivering a lecture or presentation.
  11. Stage: The area where a speaker or performer presents to an audience.
  12. Grand: Impressive and large in scale or appearance.
  13. Screen: A flat surface on which images or videos are projected.
  14. Visuals: Images or graphics used to support or enhance information.
  15. Dynamic: Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
  16. Depth: The quality of being intense or profound, often in terms of meaning or understanding.
  17. Room: A space enclosed by walls, used for various activities.
  18. Modern: Relating to the present or recent times, typically involving new or advanced technology.
  19. Design: The arrangement or planning of elements in a space or object.
  20. Dark: Lacking light or brightness; often used to describe colors or lighting conditions.
  21. Flooring: The material or surface covering the floor.
  22. Warm: Having a moderate or comfortable temperature; also used to describe colors that are cozy or inviting.
  23. Orange: A color between red and yellow.
  24. Walls: Vertical structures that enclose or divide a space.
  25. Sophisticated: Highly developed, refined, or complex.
  26. Projection: The act of displaying images or information onto a surface.
  27. Lights: Devices that illuminate a space.
  28. Professionalism: The competence or skill expected in a professional context.
  29. Intellectual: Relating to the mind or the ability to think and understand.
  30. Engagement: The state of being involved or participating actively in an activity.
Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Conference (Duolingo) Typing

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This photograph captures a packed conference room where attendees in formal attire listen intently to a speaker on stage. The well-lit space features dark flooring, orange walls, and a ceiling adorned with projection lights. A large screen behind the speaker enhances the presentation, creating a professional and engaging atmosphere.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Packed: Completely full, with no empty space.
  2. Conference: A formal meeting for discussion, typically one lasting several days.
  3. Attendees: People who are present at an event, meeting, or function.
  4. Formal attire: Clothing suitable for formal occasions, typically including suits, dresses, etc.
  5. Intently: With great concentration or attention.
  6. Well-lit: Brightly illuminated.
  7. Space: A particular area or room.
  8. Dark flooring: Flooring material that is dark in color.
  9. Projection lights: Lights used to project images or illuminate specific areas, often used in presentations or events.
  10. Screen: A flat panel where images or data are projected or displayed.
  11. Enhances: Improves the quality or value of something.
  12. Presentation: A talk or speech in which information is given to an audience.
  13. Professional: Relating to or characteristic of a profession or professional person; showing great skill or competence.
  14. Engaging: Attracting or holding interest or attention.

Duolingo – Image description

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