Table: High school teachers’ salaries (IELTS AC writing task 1)

The table below gives information about salaries of secondary/high school teachers in five countries in 2009.

CountryStartingSalary per year (USD)MaximumYears taken to reach top salary
Secondary/high school teachers’ salaries (2009)

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided table presents a comprehensive overview of the 2009 salary distribution among secondary/high school teachers in five countries, all figures expressed in U.S. dollars (USD).

In summary, Luxembourg stands out with the maximum salary, while Australia lags behind. Notably, Korea takes the longest to reach the maximum salary, while Denmark achieves this milestone most rapidly.

Among the highest-paid countries, Luxembourg offers a starting salary of $80,000, with an annual total of $112,000, peaking at $139,000 over 30 years. In contrast, Japan provides the lowest starting salary at $28,000, with an annual total of $49,000, reaching a maximum of $62,400 over 34 years.

In Korea, the starting salary is $30,500, with an annual total of $52,600. In 37 years, their teachers will be eligible for a maximum of $84,500. Meanwhile, Denmark and Australia achieve top salary eligibility in just 8 and 9 years, respectively, with no increment in their total annual salaries. Australia starts with $34,600 and reaches an annual total of $48,000, while Denmark begins at $47,000, annually culminating at $54,000.

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