Sport injury OET role play

Interlocutor Role Play Card Patient Setting: Emergency Department
You are a friend accompanying the patient. You and your mate were having a game of touch football after a few drinks when your mate fell and seems to have broken their arm. As you were over the alcohol limit to drive, you hired a cab to take them to the public hospital emergency department. They are in pain and you are feeling aggressive and angry. It has been over an hour and no doctor has seen you. You are determined to get some action and soon. Refuse to see reason.
Tell the nurse you want a doctor to attend to your mate immediately. Insist it is their turn – others who came after them have been seen.
Say he pays tax — they have a right to be seen without delay.
Tell the nurse if she doesn’t act you’ll make trouble.
Candidate Role Play Card Nurse Setting: Emergency Department
You are a nurse in the Emergency Department of a public hospital. You are short staffed and the available doctors are dealing with patients on a critical priority basis. An aggressive person who has obviously been drinking has demanded a doctor see their mate with a suspected broken arm immediately.
Introduce yourself and explain your role.
Acknowledge their concern for their mate and ask for details.
Explain that a triage nurse has reviewed their friend and that they will be seen as soon as possible.
Explain that patients are seen in order of medical priority – not arrival time.
Let the person know that they are disturbing other patients.
Advise them that alcohol consumption/intoxication is not permitted on hospital premises.
Suggest they make arrangements to go home.
Advise on hospital security staff action in cases of threatening behavior.

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