Smoking cessation OET role play

Interlocutor Role Play Card. Setting: Community Health Centre
Patient: You have recently become a parent and had your 40th birthday. You are thinking of giving up smoking and have come to talk to the Nurse Practitioner who is in charge of a support group to find out how they can help you. You are not sure whether to give up and need help deciding.
Explain that you smoke ‘roll your own’ cigarettes, every evening but only a few during the day. You love smoking and look forward to it all day, but it is expensive and you know it is bad for you and your baby’s health.
Express concern that the activities suggested often act as triggers for smoking.
Show enthusiasm and say that the extra help may prevent you from returning to the habit as you have done in the past. Find out what the next step is.
Agree to make an attempt and request a non-judgmental approach from the nurse and a weekly consultation
Candidate Role Play Card: Setting: Community Health Centre
Nurse: You are the Nurse Practitioner at a Community Health Centre and run a support group for patients who wish to give up smoking. Your patient is a 40-year-old, who is a new parent and has been smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 25 years.
Find out as much as possible about the patient’s smoking habit (quantity, products smoked, reasons for wanting to quit, etc.).
Reassure the patient that you will be able to help and offer suggestions of other pleasant things that could be introduced and looked forward to in the evening (calling a friend, good movies, delicious meals).
Suggest products to support giving up smoking (Champix tablets reduce cravings, block rewarding effects of cigarettes; electronic cigarettes satisfy cravings without the damaging effects of smoking).
Recommend that you make a plan together. Help the patient identify triggers, rewards, and benefits (e.g., more money, fewer health problems, better for baby, smell nicer).
Help fix a date to give up, prescribe the Champix, and suggest the patient buys and prepares an electronic cigarette before the agreed quit date.
Agree to offer ongoing help and support.

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