1. How often do you read, and what types of reading materials do you prefer?

Reading is a regular part of my daily routine. I enjoy a wide range of reading materials, including novels, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. Novels are my favourite as they transport me to different worlds and offer insights into diverse characters and cultures.

2. Do you think reading is an important skill in today’s world? Why or why not?

Absolutely, reading is an indispensable skill in today’s world. It not only enhances one’s knowledge and vocabulary but also fosters critical thinking and empathy. In a digital age, the ability to navigate and comprehend written information is essential for education, career growth, and staying informed about global affairs.

3. What is the last book you read, and can you share your thoughts about it?

The last book I read was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a profound tale of self-discovery and pursuing one’s dreams. The book left a lasting impression on me, emphasising the importance of listening to one’s heart and having the courage to follow one’s passions.

4. How do you choose what to read, and do you often try new genres or stick to your preferences?

My choice of reading material varies depending on my mood and interests. I enjoy exploring new genres to broaden my horizons, but I also have preferred genres like science fiction and historical fiction. Exploring new genres allows me to discover hidden gems and diverse perspectives.

5. What role does reading play in your personal and academic life?

Reading plays a pivotal role in both my personal and academic life. Personally, it’s a source of relaxation and a way to escape into different worlds. Academically, it’s essential for research, gaining knowledge, and staying up-to-date with academic journals and textbooks.

6. Do you think people read more or less compared to the past, and what do you attribute this trend to?

I believe people are reading differently in the digital age. While traditional book reading might have decreased for some, online reading has surged. With easy access to information on the internet, people are consuming shorter articles, blogs, and news updates. The shift is attributed to technology and the convenience it offers.

7. Are there any specific reading habits or routines that help you focus and retain information better?

Yes, I have developed certain reading habits to enhance focus and retention. I always read in a quiet, well-lit space to minimize distractions. Taking notes and highlighting key points while reading helps me retain information. Additionally, I try to set aside dedicated time for reading each day to maintain consistency.

8. Do you think schools should encourage reading as a habit, and how can they do so effectively?

Schools should absolutely promote reading as a habit from a young age. To do so effectively, they can create engaging reading programs, provide access to diverse reading materials, and organize book clubs or reading competitions. Encouraging discussions about books and celebrating reading achievements can also foster a love for reading.

9. Can you share a memorable reading experience or a book that profoundly influenced your perspective?

One book that profoundly influenced my perspective is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. It addresses complex issues of racism and social injustice through the eyes of a young girl. This book not only expanded my understanding of societal issues but also reinforced the importance of empathy and standing up for what’s right.

10. In your opinion, how can parents encourage their children to develop a love for reading?

Parents can encourage their children to love reading by being role models and reading themselves. They should also create a reading-friendly environment at home with a variety of books. Reading aloud to children at a young age and discussing books with them can make reading an enjoyable and bonding experience.

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