Osteoporosis OET role play

Interlocutor Role Play Card Patient Setting: Hospital Ward
You are a 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer recovering in hospital from a broken leg due to a fall at home. The surgeon saw you today and has stated you are ready for discharge. However, you would prefer to stay longer in hospital as you like the care and food there and are afraid your husband/wife will not care for you as well as the hospital does. The ward nurse is preparing you for your discharge but you dispute your readiness for this and ask to stay longer.
Tell the nurse that you want to stay in hospital rather than go home.
Answer the nurse’s questions about your reasons for this.
Reject the nurse’s suggestions for assistance at home after discharge.
Suggest that the hospital “only wants to get rid of” him/her to make room for patients. Be insistent about staying longer in hospital.
Reluctantly agree to discharge as advised.
Candidate Role Play Card Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward
A 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer is a patient in your ward. He/she was admitted with a broken leg due to a fall at home but has now been given the all-clear from the surgeon for discharge today. You are with him/her to prepare for discharge.
Ask the patient how he/she is feeling today and share the good news about being ready for discharge.
Ask the patient’s reasons for wanting to stay longer in hospital rather than going home today.
Encourage the patient to be positive about being discharged and explain resources available for help in the home e.g. Community help for meals, visiting nurse, availability of mobility aids. Be sympathetic.
Respond to any further concerns the patient has as to reasons for being discharged today.
Be supportive when the patient agrees to discharge as advised.

2 thoughts on “Osteoporosis OET role play”

    1. Hi Sandeep. Please note that many of the role plays on our page have their transcript. Kindly go through them. We will keep updating. Kindly reach us at +91 9886926773 if you require more help. Thank you.

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