OET Writing tasks

Submit your letter for correction.

How it Works:

  1. Type or write your letter, and send them to our whatsapp number +91 9886926773
  2. Kindly make the payment to the same google pay number (+91 9886926773). Charges per letter: Rs:250
  3. You will receive corrected letter with detailed feedback within 24 hours.

1Writing task 1 : Robin WilliamsModel answer
2Writing task 2: Joel Silbersher  Model answer
3Writing task 3: MR JOHN McINTYREModel answer
4Writing Task 4: MR HENRY MCDONALDModel answer
5Writing task 5: STEPHANIE EMERSON

6Writing task 6: Ms. SARAH KeatingModel answer
7Writing task 7: Kim MorleyModel answer
8Writing task 8: Annette Macnamara
9Writing task 9: Mrs. Victoria Flangan
10Writing task 10: Tracy Chapman  

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Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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