OET writing task 8: Annette Macnamara

TASK 8            TODAY’S DATE   :   21.05.00

You are Grace Jones, a qualified nursing sister working in Ward C26, Princess Alexandra Hospital Contact, Ph: 07 3807 7642, Annette Macnamara is patient in your care, Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows

Name   :           Annette Macnamara

Address :          Unit 15, 66 Smart St. West End          Phone  :           (07)33795926

Social Background

Single Age Pensioner – Recently moved to a small flat in new suburb. House she rented for 10 years was sold. Feels increasingly lonely and isolated-rarely sees neighbours-transport problems make it impossible to continue to attend bowls and bridge clubs. Next to kin Niece Stella Attola, Ph 07559847216 lives and works in Southport-generally visits one a fortnight

Medical History

Date of Admission      :           20.05.2000                                          Date of Discharge       :            22.05.2009

Provide no complications and home assistance arranged. Admitted to hospital following fall. Slipped and fell while descending stairs to put out garbage. X-ray revealed fractured right wrist-Laceration to left hand caused by broken glass. Stitches required-Severe bruising of right shoulder and lower back

Medications: Karvea 150 mg daily am – history of high blood pressure now controlled Normison 10 mg-1 nightly for Insomnia when required

Pain relief-2 Panadol 4 hourly while pain persists.

Discharge Plan: Organise daily visits from Blue nursing Service to assist with showering and to dress hand wound. Social Worker to organise meals on Wheels and physiotherapy. (Niece will visit at weekend to help with housework and shopping. Stitches to be removed and situation to be reviewed at Out Patient Department appointment 10.30 am 31.05.09

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the Director, Blue Nursing Service, 2 Sydney Street, West End. Do not use note form in the letter. Expand on the relevant case notes explain patients background and medical history and the assistance requested.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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