Task 29 Today’s Date: 01/08/09
You are Sarina Chai, a registered nurse at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH). Maeve Greerson is a patient in your care.
Patient Details Name: Maeve Greerson Address: Unit 6, 45 Walter St, Holland Park 4121
Phone 🙁 07) 3942 1658 Date of Birth: 9 October 1951 Country of birth: Australia.
Social History: Widowed, no children.
Next of kin: Brian Hewson (brother) 67 Bridge Street, Toowoomba Ph (07) 4693 6558
Family and patient have requested no further treatments be used, other than those necessary to maintain comfort and dignity and to relieve pain.
Medical History
March 2009: Laparotomy. Found to have cancer of the lower intestine with wide spread metastases.
Partial bowel resection and colostomy performed.
April 2009: 6 weeks radiation therapy for relief of symptoms. Prognosis: Not expected to survive more than 3-4 months.
24/07/09: Admitted to RBWH following collapse at home. Dehydration, nausea, severe pain IV fluids commenced – transdermal patch for pain, light low fibre foods only.
25/07/09. Nausea less severe- tolerating jelly, low fat yoghurt Occasional break through pain – pain medication increased Severe oedema of ankles and lower legs, bladder incontinence.
Does not feel she will recover sufficiently to leave hospital. Requests visit from Social Worker
28/07/09 Generally pain free, very weak and disoriented at times. Rejecting solids but able to tolerate fluids requests apple juice and lemonade.Social Worker contacted brother Advises place available at Glen Haven Hospice in Toowoomba from 1 August 2008
01/08/09 Transferred via ambulance to Glen Haven Hospice
Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the Director of Nursing, Glen Haven Palliative Care Hospice, 971 Arthur Street, Toowoomba, introducing this patient. Using the relevant case notes, give her background, medical history and treatment required.
Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)
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