OET writing task 28: Shannon Warne

TASK 28: Shannon Warne, 23, is a university student who involved in a car accident three months previously. He has been in the Royal Adelaide Hospital for three months and is ready to be transferred to the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre.

Name: Shannon Warne

Age: 23 years     Admitted: April 6, 2007.                 Discharged: June 14, 2007

Diagnosis:    Broken neck and fractured pelvis.

Probable permanent neurological damage affecting mobility, speech and memory areas

Social background:  Single. 3rd year architectural studies student at Adelaide University

Was living in flat but now needs long term rehabilitation

Parents living and willing to care for him; may eventually return home. Currently eligible for disability pension

Nursing management and progress:

Has made good progress but will need high level care for some time. Recently started using a wheelchair

Needs daily physiotherapy, hydrotherapy 2x a week and speech therapy 3x a week. Was suffering bed sores but improving with increased mobility. Frequent headaches Nurofen 200g max 4x a day

Discharge plan:

Depression needs to be treated with activities and interests; likes reading & writing

Contact university for possible continuation of studies externally

Needs contact with people his own age-community access? No special dietary requirements

Writing task: Write a letter to Su Yin Lee, Sister in Charge, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 695 Hampstead Road, Greenacres 5029 using the information in the case notes Do not use note form in the letter; expand the relevant case notes into full sentences.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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