OET writing task 27: Ted Watson

TASK 27 Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

Hospital          :North West Hospital Roehampton Unit

Patient Details        :Name: Ted Watson,Age 12 yo

Marital status :widowed 10 yrs

Next of kin     : daughter-Margaret Alwood ph. 98253899 Admission Dates           : 10 May 2007

Discharge Date          :12 August 2007

Diagnosis        :↓ed mobility-surgical repair (dynamic hip screw) of # R Neck of Femur (1 May 2007 at Newtown Hospital)

Past Medical History: NB: Medical Alert + +

Anaphylactic reaction to amoxicillin/penicillin (antibiotics) 1997

Social History/Supports: Retired store man Ramsay’s Ltd; Lives alone: ground floor flat in public housing

Hobbies: quiet reading/listening to ‘big band’ music/TV sports All home aids installed by O.T.

Vary supportive daughter, visits frequently – ? anxious how father will manage when returns home

Local day centre 2 x wkly. Local council home support visits

Medical Progress: Slow due to:

Febrile episode→ periods of contusion. Caused by urinary tract infection.

Treated w. trimethoprim (antibiotic), Ural urinary alkalizer) and paracetamol (analgesic). Now fully resolved.

Onset of large arterial leg ulcer R ankle. Regular dressings, now ling in size.

Nursing Management: Vital observations: stable, afebrile. Mobility: v. slow – independent ambulation with pick up frame. Hygiene: max assistance with showering/dressing.

Continence: self-care with permanent indwelling catheter.

Skin integrity: DuoDerm (occlusive) dressing wkly to ulcer.Psycho/social: alert, reserved.

Discharge Plan: Continue with all home supports Community nurse referral

-for hygiene: assistance with showering/dressing -wound management -urinary catheter change 6-wkly

-ongoing monitoring and care

WRITING TASK: You are the charge nurse on the hospital ward where Mr Ted Watson has resided during his hospital stay. Using the information given in the case notes, write a letter referral to the Community Nurse Supervisor at the Community Nursing Centre, Newtown, who will be attending to Mr Watson following his discharge.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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