OET writing task 21: Ms. Nicole Smith

TASK 21.  Today’s Date 13/09/09

Ms. Nicole Smith is an 18 year old woman who has just given birth to her first child at the Spirit Mothers’ Hospital in Brisbane. You are the nurse looking after her.

Patient Details: Address: Flat 4, Matthews Street, West End 4101 Phone: (07) 3441 3257

Date of Birth: 4 September 1991 Admitted 9th September 2009 Discharged: 13th September 2009 Marital Status: Single                          Country of birth: Australia

Social Background: Nicole is single and has had no contact with father of child for six months. She does not know his current address.No family members in Brisbane. Parents and sister live in Rockhampton. Does not currently have contact with them. Lives in a rental share flat with one other woman. Currently receives sole parent benefits. Feels very isolated and insecure. Doubts her ability to be a good mother and has talked about offering the baby for adoption.

Medical History: General health goodHad appendicectomy at 15 years Non smoker

No alcohol or illicit drug use. No drug or other allergies

Obstetric History: First pregnancy,  Attended for first antenatal visit at 16 weeks gestation 8 antenatal visits in total. No antenatal complications.

Birth details: Presented to hospital at 19:00hrs on 9th September Contracting 1:10mins

1st stage of labour: 16 hrs.  Mode of delivery: Emergency Caesarean Section Reason: Fetal distress and failure to progress.

Baby Details: DOB: 10th September 2009 Time: 11:20hrs, Sex: Male Weight: 4.4 kg

Apgar score: 6 at 1 min, 9 at 5 mins Resuscitation: 02 only for few minutes

Postnatal Progress: Maternal post-partum hemorrhage of 800 ml Blood loss now: minimal

Wound: Clean and dry Hemoglobin on 12/09/08: 90g/L, Started on Fefol (Iron supplement) and Vitamin C

Started breast feeding but not confident. Prefers to change to bottle feeding. Not confident in bathing and caring for baby Baby weight at discharge: 4.1 kg Feeding well, No jaundice

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Community Child Health

Service, 41 Vulture Street, West End, Brisbane 4101 requesting a home visit to provide advice and assistance for Nicole and her baby.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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