OET writing task 19: Kylie Swanston

TASK 19 Patient        :           Kylie Swanston, 12 month old girl

Family            Moira Swanston (mother)/ Matt Swanston (father)

Family background : Lives at home with mother and 3 y.o. brother, Tom. Mother is experiencing financial difficulties following divorce six months ago. Family lives in a 3 bedroom home in public housing. Moira is receiving the Single Parent’s Pension. She is socially isolated- no car – with little money to spend on public transport. Has no friends. Grandparents lives in Sydney. Tom and his sister, Kylie, usually spend every second weekend with their father, Matt Swanston, who is living with his new partner.

Admitted         : Kylie was admitted six days ago. Is planned for discharge tomorrow. Admitted with 2nd degree burns to R. trunk and R.arm following accidental scalding with hot water.

Treatment      Twice-daily Silvazine dressings to affected area.

IV fluids for 24 hours post-admission, then oral fluids. Medication: Prophylactic antibiotic cover and analgesia. Mother has been recommended to see Hospital’s social worker.

Discharge plan           :           Daily Silvazine dressings. No discharge medications. Monitor mother’s depressed mental state.  Introduce mother to local support groups, agencies, Mother’s Group, local childcare Centre, local financial counsellor and Hospital social worker.

WRITING TASK: Write a letter to the Community Nurse, Rosewall Healthcare Centre, Sharland Road, Corio,Vic 3214. Outline the treatment Kylie has had to date. Request that the Community Nurse: Change the Silvazine dressings daily- until no longer required; Monitor Mrs. Swanston’s mental state;

Make appointments for Mrs. Swanston to go along to the local Mother’s Group for some social activities; Community Nurse to arrange for free childcare one morning a week(for Tom); Community Nurse should also make an appointment with the local Bank for Mrs. Swanston to get some financial management counselling.

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