OET writing task 16: Bob Dawson

TASK 16: Nurse: You are Sonya Matthews, a qualified nursing sister working with the Blue Nursing Home Care Agency Bob Dawson is a patient in your care. Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows

Name   :           Bob Dawson

Address :          141 Montague, West End 4101

Phone            :           (07) 3442 1958.    

DOB:25 September 1924

Social Background: Married wife Elizabeth aged 83. Lives in own home – Both receive age pensions Bob is World War 11 Veteran with Gold Health Card entitlement

Medical History: Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) 4 years ago

Rehabilitation generally successful – Mentally alert, slight speech impairment, – residual weakness left side – walks with limp – balance slightly impaired

18/5/08: Had fall descending stairs. Badly grazed left knee. GP has requested daily visits by Blue Nursing Home Care to dress wound and assist with showering.

19.5.08: Grazed knee redressed – no sign of infection

Bob managing to get around the house slowly with aid of his wife. Reports that apart from “usual aches and pains” he is doing well.

23.5.08: Knee healing well. Suggested use of a walker or walking stick to assist with mobility.

Bob said he had a walking stick but it was useless. Wife says he had never learned to use it properly. She asked if I would contact their local physiotherapist to see if Bob could receive a home visit to assess further assistance to improve his mobility

WRITING TASK: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Ms. Marcia Devonport, West End Physiotherapy Centre, 62 Vulture Street, West End, Brisbane 4101 on behalf of Mrs. Elizabeth Dawson requesting a home visit to provide advice and assistance with improving her husband’s mobility.

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