OET writing task 14: Amir Akbari  

TASK 14 Patient       :           Amir Akbari              Age      :           41

Marital status :           Married.                      Religion ethnicity      :           Moslem & Iranian

Admission Date :6th March 2011, Prince Charles Hospital Randwick       Discharge Date    :22nd April 2011

Diagnosis        :           Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Family/Psychosocial :           ‘Lives in rented house with Iranian wife & 2 kids (3 & 4) PhD students; pt & wife speak good English support network in Australia.

Children in university childcare 2/7; nil extra days available at center at present

Pt works at service station 3/7. Pt has PTSD issues trauma in mid-80’s – prone to depression and anxiety related to this. Medical History and Medications. Otherwise physically healthy prior to onset of GBS Medication information to be forwarded by doctor

Management and Progress during Hospitalization: *Rapid deterioration and recovery

‘Required ventilation in ICU 3/7 March 20-22’.  At peak of GBS couldn’t move limbs independently

Now muscle tone/strength and needs light assistance with ADLS but can walk slowly with walking frame

Went for regular plasmapharesis and had a total of 5/7worth of IV gamma globulin. Daily physio program including self exercises. Now becoming depressed about his prospects. Wife not coping with financial, study and childcare pressures

Discharge Plan: Continue physio program and encourage pt. to do his, own limb exercises too. Discuss with your team re? Need for psych assessment re? depression. Ensure your s/w is aware of the family and wife’s pressures and provides follow up Halal diet. Pt oxygenation very stable on R/A now but observe for any, in respiratory status or in neurological signs

Writing task: You are the Charge Nurse on the neurological ward where Amir Akbari has stayed for most of his hospital admission. Using information provided in the case notes, write a letter of referral to the Charge

Nurse at Prince Henry Rehabilitation Centre, Malabar Bay where he will be transferred to for rehabilitation after discharge from your ward.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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