OET writing task 12: James Warden

TASK 12                    Today’s Date  25.08.09.                       Name: James Warden           

Patient History:                                 DOB    05.07.09                       Regular patient in your General Practice

09.07.09: Subjective:  Wants regular checkup, has noticed small swelling in right groin. Hypertension diagnosed 5 years ago, non-smoker, regularly drinks 2-4 glasses of wine nightly and 1 – 2 glasses of scotch at weekend.

Widower living on his own, likes cooking and says he eats well. Current medication noten 50 mg daily,1⁄2 Aspirin daily, normison 10mg nightly when required, fifty plus multivitamin 1 daily, allergic reaction to penicillin.

Objective: BP 155/85 P 80 regular. Cardiovascular and respiratory examination normal Urinalysis normal

Slight swelling in right groin consistent with inguinal hernia.

Plan: Advised reduction of alcohol to 2 glasses maximum daily and at least one alcohol free day a week.

Discussed options re hernia. Patient wants to avoid surgery.

Advised to avoid any heavy lifting and review BP and hernia in 3 months

25.08.09 Subjective:  Had problem lifting heavy wheelbarrow while gardening.

Has a regular dull ache in right groin, noticed swelling has increased. Has reduced alcohol intake as suggested

Objective:  BP 140/80 P70 regular. Marked increase in swelling in right groin and small swelling in left groin

Assessment: Bilateral inguinal hernia

Advise patient you want to refer him to a surgeon. He agrees but says he wants a local anesthetic as a friend advised him he will have less after effects than with general anesthetic.

Writing Task:  Write a letter addressed to Dr. Glynn Howard, 249 Wickham Tce, Brisbane, 4001 explaining the patient’s current condition.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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