Ms Patricia Styles OET letter

TASK 59. You are a nurse visiting Ms Styles at her home who is taking self care at home

PATIENT HISTORY. Name: Ms Patricia Styles

Age:04/08/1955 (63 years)

MEDICAL BACKGROUND: Hypertension diagnosed in 2012, on Carpinol medicine, blood pressure 2014 (190/100) Now BP under control (140/90)

Diabetes Mellitus diagnosed in 2009 (Type II), taking oral hypoglycemic (Metformin+Glipizide)

Depression diagnosed first in 2015, depressed after her husbands

death, attends medical counseling for mood swings and diabetes mellitus management

SOCIAL BACKGROUND: Hobbies walking, reading

Lives alone, no close relatives, her cousin helps her sometimes Medications

Carpino! 6.25 x 2 times daily Metformin- 500mg x 2 times daily Glipizide 10mh x I daily

MEDICAL HISTORY: On 07/04/2018 she admitted in Green Valley Hospital with chest pain (pleuritic),shortness of breath(SOB), tiredness.

Management: Glucose monitored regularly, sugar and BP (well controlled)

Blood test: ESR (24). Creat (2.0). Platelets (Stress/inflammation)

Oral throat swab Type B influenza Chest X-ray Normal Echocardiogram Pericarditis

Diagnoşis: Type B influenza plus pericarditis          

Treatment:  IV saline, Antibiotics

Discharged on 09/04/2018 advising further follow up home visits

She was on self home care after discharge. She was keeping well and the home nurse left her 2 days ago.

14/04/2018 Home visit: Subjective:Ms Styles feels tired and has chest pain Examination Unwell, Chest pain (when sitting), SOB, fatigue Vital signs Mild temperature (38), HR-122, RR-28. BP-180/90 Assessment ?? Relapse/Complication pericarditis

Plan: Refer patient to Newtown Hospital Emergency Department (nearest hospital) Inform emergency doctor about patients: Medical history Medications Past history

WRITING TASK: Write a referral letter for MS Styles to the Emergency Doctor on Duty requesting urgent assessment and management of her pericarditis. Address the letter to: Emergency Doctor on Duty. Newtown Hospital, Comer Street, Newtown 1104.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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