MRSA screening

Asked for 5 December 2020 OET speaking session

PATIENT. Role play. Setting: Pre-Surgery Clinic 
You are 60 years old and are going to have an operation on your knee this week. You have been told you need to have MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) screening. You attend an appointment for a preoperative assessment and ask for more information about the screening. 
•When asked, say you have been told that you need to get tested for MRSA, but you don’t really understand why it is necessary.
•Say the reason for the MRSA screening is clear now but you’d like to know more about what the screening involves.
•Ask what will happen if the test confirms that you have the bacteria.
•Say even if your test is negative now, you are worried you might pick up the bacteria in hospital, and then won’t be able to have the operation.
•Say everything is a lot clearer now; you are okay to have the screening.
NURSE. Role play. Setting: Pre-Surgery Clinic 
You see a 60-year-old patient who is going to have an operation on his/her knee this week. He/she attends the clinic for a preoperative assessment and wants more information about the MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) screening. 
•Confirm reason for patient’s appointment (preoperative assessment before knee operation). Find out if patient has any questions.
•Give information about MRSA (e.g., common skin/nasal bacteria, resistant to antibiotics, harmless to healthy people, causes complications for surgery/recovery, etc.). Describe purpose of MRSA screening (e.g., infection control in hospitals, etc.).
•Outline procedure for MRSA screening (e.g., swabs from nose/groin, sent to laboratory for testing, results within a few days, etc.). Find out any other concerns.
•Explain next steps if result is positive (e.g., prescription for antiseptic body wash, extra hygiene measures, ointment for nostrils: five days, retest, etc.).
•Reassure patient about precautionary measures to prevent spread of bacteria (strict cleaning regime, e.g.,antibacterial hand-wash, sterilisation of equipment, monitoring of facilities, etc.). Establish patient’s consent to have screening.


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