Liver cirrhosis OET role play

Interlocutor Role Play Card Patient Setting: Hospital Ward
You are a 29-year-old heavy drinker who has been admitted to the hospital with liver cirrhosis. The admissions nurse is collecting information from you. You share an apartment with 2 friends who also drink alcohol often. You enjoy partying at weekends and drinking alcohol most weekday evenings. However, your parents are teetotallers and strongly disapprove of your drinking and partying habits. You have been a heavy drinker since you were in your late teens. You would like to give up drinking but are reluctant to change your lifestyle to achieve this.
Answer the nurse’s questions about your home and family situation.
Ask for advice about how to give up drinking. Be pessimistic about your ability to follow the nurse’s advice.
Thank the nurse for the advice and say that you will do your best to change your drinking habits.
Candidate Role Play Card Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward
Your patient is a 29-year-old heavy drinker who has been admitted to the hospital with liver cirrhosis. You are collecting information from the patient.
Ask the patient about his/her general background: family, home, and habits.
Respond to the patient’s question about how to give up drinking. Give your advice in a positive and friendly way. The advice can include joining Alcoholics Anonymous; finding new friends to share an apartment with; the patient moving back home to live with his/her parents, and a few other suggestions. Counter the patient’s negativity to your suggestions with achievable goals.
Conclude in a positive manner.

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