Jim Middleton – OET letter

TASK 32.  Today’s date: 9/7/08

Patient Details: Jim Middleton aged 84 was admitted to your ward following surgery for a left inguinal hernia. His doctor has advised he can be discharged within 48hrs if there are no complications following the surgery. Jim reports some pain on movement but has recovered well from the surgery and is keen to return home.

Name  : Jim Middleton. Date of Birth          : 3 July 1924

Admitted        : 7 July 2008 Planned Discharge Date : 9 July 2008 Diagnosis       : Left inguinal hernia

Medical History Hypertension diagnosed 1998 Medication Atacand 4mg daily

Family History: Married 50 years to wife Olga DOB 8.2.32 – one son living in USA

Jim is Second World War veteran – served two years in Borneo -Prison of War 16 months.

Own their own home with large garden which they maintain without assistance. Very independent and proud that they have never applied for a pension or home assistance. Have always managed quite well on their income from a number of investments.

Olga told you she is worried as income from these investments has recently been significantly reduced due to severe stock market falls. She is concerned Jim will not be able to continue to maintain their garden and they will not be able to afford a gardener or any other help at this time.

Transport is also a problem as Olga does not drive. Not close to any reliable public transport so will have to rely on taxis. Olga thinks they may now be eligible to receive a pension and other assistance from the Department of Veteran Affairs but doesn’t know how to find out-doesn’t want to worry Jim.

Olga is in good general health but becoming increasingly deaf – finds phone conversations difficult. She would appreciate a home visit. You agree to enquire on her behalf. Their address is 22 Alexander Street, Belmont, Brisbane 4153 Phone (O 7) 6946 5173

Discharge Plan: Must avoid any heavy lifting. Should not drive for at least six weeks

Light exercise only. May take 2 Panadol six hourly for pain

Appointment made to see surgeon for post operation check at 10am on 11 August

Contact Department of Veterans Affairs re eligibility for pension and home help

WRITING TASK: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Department of Veterans Affairs, GPO Box 777 Brisbane 4001. In your letter, explain why you are writing and the assistance they are seeking.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

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