IELTS Writing task 2. Direct question

Q:19. Is it more beneficial for individuals to pursue higher education or enter the workforce after completing secondary school? Justify your response.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In the dynamic landscape of post-secondary education and career choices, the decision between pursuing higher education and entering the workforce straight after secondary school is pivotal. While both paths have merits, prioritising the completion of academic studies before embarking on professional endeavours can yield manifold benefits, shaping individuals into well-rounded contributors to society.

Primarily, dedicating early years to education capitalises on the cognitive prime of youth. Scientifically, cognitive development peaks during adolescence and young adulthood, rendering this phase optimal for absorbing complex knowledge and fostering critical thinking skills. This was exemplified by luminaries, for example: Abdul Kalam, whose early academic pursuits laid the groundwork for ground-breaking achievements. By seizing this developmental window for higher education, individuals can harness their intellectual potential to its fullest extent, thereby enhancing their capacity for innovation and problem-solving in future professional roles.

Moreover, the competitive nature of contemporary job markets underscores the importance of holding advanced degrees. In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement and globalization, specialized knowledge and skills are increasingly valued by employers seeking to stay ahead in their respective industries. For instance, a study by the OECD revealed that individuals with tertiary education are more likely to secure employment and command higher salaries than their counterparts with only secondary education. By investing in higher education early on, individuals equip themselves with the specialized expertise demanded by employers, positioning themselves as indispensable assets in the workforce.

In conclusion, prioritising higher education over immediate entry into the workforce after secondary school provides unmatched long-term benefits. By leveraging youth’s cognitive prime and gaining a competitive edge in job markets, individuals develop the intellectual acumen and specialised expertise crucial for success in today’s complex world. Therefore, governments and educational institutions should uphold and promote access to higher education as a cornerstone of individual empowerment and societal advancement.

Vocabulary used:

  1. Dynamic – constantly changing or evolving
  2. Post-secondary education – education beyond the level of secondary schooling, typically referring to college or university education
  3. Pivotal – of crucial importance; central
  4. Merits – the inherent advantages or qualities of something
  5. Prioritizing – giving greater importance or precedence to something
  6. Manifold – many or various; multiple
  7. Well-rounded – possessing a broad range of knowledge, skills, and experiences
  8. Cognitive – relating to the processes of thought, perception, and understanding
  9. Adolescence – the transitional period between childhood and adulthood, typically characterized by physical, emotional, and cognitive changes
  10. Critical thinking – the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information logically and rationally
  11. Luminaries – distinguished or renowned individuals in a particular field
  12. Groundbreaking – pioneering or innovative; setting a new precedent
  13. Harness – to utilize or control something for a particular purpose
  14. Innovation – the introduction of new ideas, methods, or products
  15. Problem-solving – the process of finding solutions to complex or difficult issues
  16. Contemporary – existing or occurring in the present time
  17. Globalization – the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries and regions economically, culturally, and politically
  18. Tertiary education – education beyond secondary schooling, typically referring to higher education such as college or university
  19. Specialized – focused on a specific area or field of study or expertise
  20. OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, an international organization focused on promoting economic growth and development
  21. Indispensable – essential or necessary; cannot be done without
  22. Assets – valuable resources or qualities that contribute to success or effectiveness
  23. Uphold – to support or maintain
  24. Empowerment – the process of enabling individuals or communities to take control of their own lives and circumstances
  25. Societal – relating to society as a whole
  26. Advancement – progress or improvement, especially in a social or intellectual context.

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