IELTS Speaking Task 2

101 sample questions and answers by Lifestyle Training Centre.

Mastering IELTS Speaking Task 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: IELTS Speaking Task 2 is a crucial component of the IELTS examination that assesses your ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic. It can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and practice, you can excel in this section and boost your overall IELTS score. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to effectively tackle IELTS Speaking Task 2 and provide valuable tips to help you succeed.

Understanding IELTS Speaking Task 2: IELTS Speaking Task 2, also known as the Long Turn, requires you to speak for about 1-2 minutes on a given topic. You will receive a cue card with a specific question or topic and some prompts to guide your response. Your task is to provide a detailed and well-structured answer, addressing all aspects of the topic.

Key Strategies:

  1. Analyze the Cue Card: Take a minute to carefully read the cue card and understand the topic. Pay attention to the prompts, as they will guide your response. Make mental notes of the key points you want to cover.

  2. Plan Your Answer: Before you start speaking, organize your thoughts. Create a mental outline of your response, including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion.

  3. Use the Full 2 Minutes: Aim to speak for the entire 1-2 minutes. This shows your ability to sustain a conversation and develop your ideas. Avoid speaking too briefly or going off-topic.

  4. Elaborate and Explain: Provide detailed explanations and examples to support your points. The more you elaborate, the better your response will be.

  5. Vocabulary and Fluency: Use a wide range of vocabulary and speak fluently. Avoid repetition and fillers like “uh” or “um.” Practice enunciating words clearly.

Practice Makes Perfect: Regular practice is the key to mastering IELTS Speaking Task 2. Work with a tutor, join speaking clubs, or use online resources to practice a variety of topics. Record yourself to identify areas for improvement and work on enhancing your pronunciation.

Sample Responses: On our website, you’ll find a collection of sample responses to common IELTS Speaking Task 2 topics. These examples will help you understand the structure of effective answers and provide inspiration for your own responses.

Conclusion: With the right strategies and consistent practice, you can confidently approach IELTS Speaking Task 2 and excel in this crucial section of the exam. Explore our resources, practice regularly, and take steps toward achieving your desired IELTS score.

Here, you can go through these sample questions and familiarize yourself with the IELTS Speaking Task 2 questions and their format.

1. Topic: A Piece of Art

    – Question 1: Describe a piece of art that left an impression on you.

    – You should say:

      – What is the artwork, and who is the artist?

      – Where did you see it, and when?

      – What emotions or thoughts did it evoke?

      – How has it influenced your appreciation for art?

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2. Topic: An Unforgettable Trip

   – Question 2: Describe an unforgettable trip you’ve taken.

   – You should say:

     – Where did you go on this trip?

     – Who did you go with?

     – What made this trip unforgettable?

     – How did it impact your life?

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3. Topic: A Valuable Skill

   – Question 3: Describe a skill you believe is valuable in today’s world.

   – You should say:

     – What is the skill, and how did you acquire it?

     – How has this skill been beneficial to you?

     – Do you think this skill is essential for others to learn?

     – How can people develop this skill?

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4. Topic: An Important Environmental Issue

   – Question 4: Describe an important environmental issue in your region.

   – You should say:

     – What is the issue, and how does it affect your area?

     – What actions have been taken to address it?

     – What can individuals do to contribute to the solution?

     – Why is this issue important to you?

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5. Topic: A Memorable Book

   – Question 5: Describe a memorable book you’ve read.

   – You should say:

     – What is the title and author of the book?

     – When and where did you read it?

     – What is the storyline, and why is it memorable to you?

     – Has it influenced your perspective on any aspect of life?

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6. Topic: A Famous Historical Figure

   – Question 6: Describe a famous historical figure you admire.

   – You should say:

     – Who is this figure, and what did they achieve?

     – When and where did they live?

     – Why do you admire them?

     – How have their achievements influenced society?

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7. Topic: An Interesting Hobby

   – Question 7: Describe an interesting hobby you have or have had.

   – You should say:

     – What is the hobby, and how did you get into it?

     – What do you enjoy about this hobby?

     – How has it enriched your life?

     – Do you plan to continue pursuing this hobby?

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8. Topic: A Place You’d Like to Live

   – Question 8: Describe a place you’d like to live in the future.

   – You should say:

     – Where is this place located?

     – What attracts you to this location?

     – How do you envision your life there?

     – What changes would you need to make to move there?

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9. Topic: A Gift You Received

   – Question 9: Describe a memorable gift you received.

   – You should say:

     – What was the gift, and who gave it to you?

     – On what occasion did you receive it?

     – How did you feel when you received the gift?

     – How has it impacted your life?

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10. Topic: A Cultural Celebration

    – Question 10: Describe a cultural celebration or festival you’ve attended.

    – You should say:

      – What is the name of the celebration or festival?

      – When and where did you attend it?

      – What customs or traditions are associated with it?

      – How did you feel during the celebration?

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11. Topic: A Favorite Childhood Toy

    – Question 11: Describe your favorite childhood toy.

    – You should say:

      – What was the toy?

      – How did you get it?

      – Why was it your favorite?

      – What happened to it?

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12. Topic: An Interesting Animal

    – Question 12: Describe an interesting animal you’ve encountered.

    – You should say:

      – What type of animal was it?

      – Where did you encounter it?

      – What made it interesting?

      – How did you feel about the encounter?

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13. Topic: A Recent Achievement

    – Question 13: Describe an achievement you’re proud of from the past year.

    – You should say:

      – What was the achievement?

      – How did you accomplish it?

      – Why is it significant to you?

      – How has it impacted your life?

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14. Topic: A Favorite Movie

    – Question 14: Describe your favorite movie.

    – You should say:

      – What is the title and who directed it?

      – When did you watch it?

      – What is the plot, and why do you like it?

      – Have you recommended it to others?

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15. Topic: An Inspirational Person

    – Question 15: Describe someone who has inspired you.

    – You should say:

      – Who is this person, and how did you come to know them?

      – What qualities or actions about them are inspiring?

      – How have they influenced your life?

      – Have you ever met or communicated with them?

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16. Topic: A Historical Event

    – Question 16: Describe a historical event you find significant.

    – You should say:

      – What was the event, and when did it occur?

      – What were the key details and consequences?

      – Why does this event interest you?

      – How has it shaped the world today?

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17. Topic: An Unusual Food

    – Question 17: Describe an unusual food you’ve tried.

    – You should say:

      – What is the food, and where did you try it?

      – How did you feel about tasting it?

      – What are the ingredients, and how is it prepared?

      – Would you try it again?

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18. Topic: A Place You Want to Travel To

    – Question 18: Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.

    – You should say:

      – Where is this place located?

      – What are the attractions there?

      – Why do you want to go there?

      – How would you plan your trip?

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19. Topic: An Interesting Job

    – Question 19: Describe an interesting job you’ve heard about or experienced.

    – You should say:

      – What is the job, and what does it entail?

      – Where did you learn about it or work in that role?

      – What aspects of the job make it intriguing?

      – Would you consider pursuing such a job?

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20. Topic: A Historical Building

    – Question 20: Describe a historical building you’ve visited.

    – You should say:

      – What is the building’s name and historical significance?

      – When and where is it located?

      – How did you feel while visiting?

      – What did you learn from the experience?

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21. Topic: A Memorable Concert

    – Question 21: Describe a memorable concert you attended.

    – You should say:

      – Who was performing, and where was the concert held?

      – When did you attend it, and who accompanied you?

      – What made it memorable?

      – How did the music affect you?

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22. Topic: An Environmental Concern

    – Question 22: Describe an environmental concern that worries you.

    – You should say:

      – What is the concern, and why is it significant?

      – How does it affect the environment and people?

      – What actions can individuals take to address it?

      – How can governments and organizations help?

23. Topic: A Valuable Life Lesson

    – Question 23: Describe a valuable life lesson you’ve learned.

    – You should say:

      – What was the lesson, and how did you learn it?

      – How has it influenced your decisions and actions?

      – Would you share this lesson with others?

      – Has it changed your perspective on life?

24. Topic: A Sporting Event

    – Question 24: Describe a memorable sporting event you watched or participated in.

    – You should say:

      – What was the event, and when did it take place?

      – Who were the participants, and what was the outcome?

      – Why was it memorable to you?

      – How did you feel during the event?

25. Topic: A Family Tradition

    – Question 25: Describe a family tradition you cherish.

    – You should say:

      – What is the tradition, and how did it start?

      – When and how is it celebrated?

      – Why is it important to your family?

      – Have you passed it on to the next generation?

26. Topic: An Interesting Invention

    – Question 26: Describe an interesting invention you’ve learned about or used.

    – You should say:

      – What is the invention, and how does it work?

      – How does it benefit people or society?

      – Have you personally used this invention?

      – Do you think it will have a significant impact?

27. Topic: A Cultural Custom

    – Question 27: Describe a cultural custom or tradition from your country.

    – You should say:

      – What is the custom, and when is it practiced?

      – What is the significance of this tradition?

      – Have you participated in it, and how do you feel about it?

      – How does it reflect the culture of your country?

28. Topic: A Change You’d Like to Make

    – Question 28: Describe a change you’d like to make in your daily routine.

    – You should say:

      – What is the change, and why do you want to make it?

      – How do you plan to implement this change?

      – What benefits do you expect from it?

      – Do you think it will be challenging to adapt?

29. Topic: An Adventure

    – Question 29: Describe an adventurous experience you’ve had.

    – You should say:

      – What was the adventure, and where did it take place?

      – Who accompanied you on this adventure?

      – What challenges or thrills did you encounter?

      – How did it impact your sense of adventure?

30. Topic: A Local Business

    – Question 30: Describe a local business you admire.

    – You should say:

      – What is the name and type of the business?

      – Where is it located, and how did you discover it?

      – Why do you admire this business?

      – How does it contribute to the community?

31. Topic: A Fascinating Book

    – Question 31: Describe a book that fascinated you.

    – You should say:

      – What is the book’s title and author?

      – When did you read it, and where?

      – What is the storyline, and why did it captivate you?

      – Have you recommended it to others?

32. Topic: A Memorable Birthday Celebration

    – Question 32: Describe a memorable birthday celebration you’ve had.

    – You should say:

      – Whose birthday was it, and where did you celebrate?

      – When did it take place, and who joined the celebration?

      – What made it memorable?

      – How did you feel during the celebration?

33. Topic: An Important Decision

    – Question 33: Describe an important decision you had to make.

    – You should say:

      – What was the decision, and why was it significant?

      – When did you make this decision?

      – What factors influenced your choice?

      – How did it impact your life?

34. Topic: A Hobby or Interest

    – Question 34: Describe a hobby or interest you enjoy.

    – You should say:

      – What is the hobby or interest?

      – How did you become interested in it?

      – How do you pursue this hobby?

      – What do you find enjoyable about it?

35. Topic: An Unforgettable Meal

    – Question 35: Describe an unforgettable meal you’ve had.

    – You should say:

      – Where did you have this meal, and who were you with?

      – What dishes were served, and what made them memorable?

      – How did the meal affect your overall experience?

      – Would you like to have it again?

36. Topic: A Famous Person

    – Question 36: Describe a famous person you admire.

    – You should say:

      – Who is this person, and what are they famous for?

      – How did you come to know about them?

      – What qualities or achievements do you admire?

      – Have they influenced your life?

37. Topic: A Health and Fitness Goal

    – Question 37: Describe a health or fitness goal you’ve set for yourself.

    – You should say:

      – What is the goal, and why is it important to you?

      – When did you set this goal?

      – How are you working towards achieving it?

      – What challenges have you faced?

38. Topic: A Relaxing Place Near Water

   – Question 38: Describe a relaxing place near water that you like to visit.

   – You should say:

     – Where is this place located?

     – How do you usually get there?

     – What do you do when you visit this place?

     – Why do you like it so much?

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39. Topic: A Festival or Celebration

    – Question 39: Describe a festival or celebration you’ve attended.

    – You should say:

      – What is the festival, and when does it occur?

      – Where did you celebrate it, and who accompanied you?

      – What customs or traditions are associated with it?

      – How did you feel during the celebration?

40. Topic: A Valuable Skill

    – Question 40: Describe a valuable skill you possess.

    – You should say:

      – What is the skill, and how did you acquire it?

      – Why is this skill valuable in your life?

      – Have you used it in your personal or professional life?

      – How has it benefited you or others?

41. Topic: An Important Historical Figure

    – Question 41: Describe an important historical figure.

    – You should say:

      – Who is this historical figure, and what are they known for?

      – When and where did they live?

      – What contributions did they make to history?

      – Why do you find them significant?

42. Topic: A Place You’ve Volunteered

    – Question 42: Describe a place where you’ve volunteered your time.

    – You should say:

      – Where is this place located, and what is its mission?

      – When and why did you decide to volunteer there?

      – What activities or tasks did you perform as a volunteer?

      – How did the experience impact you?

43. Topic: A Family Gathering

    – Question 43: Describe a memorable family gathering.

    – You should say:

      – When and where did this gathering take place?

      – Who were the attendees, and what was the occasion?

      – What activities or traditions were part of the gathering?

      – How did it strengthen your family bonds?

44. Topic: A Piece of Technology

    – Question 44: Describe a piece of technology you find interesting.

    – You should say:

      – What is the technology, and how does it work?

      – When and how did you first encounter it?

      – How has it changed the way people live or work?

      – Do you think it will become even more important in the future?

45. Topic: A Change in Your Hometown

    – Question 45: Describe a significant change in your hometown.

    – You should say:

      – What was the change, and when did it occur?

      – How has it affected the community?

      – What are the reasons behind this change?

      – Do you think it’s a positive or negative development?

46. Topic: A Place of Natural Beauty

    – Question 46: Describe a place of natural beauty you’ve visited.

    – You should say:

      – Where is this place located, and how did you get there?

      – What natural features or landscapes does it offer?

      – How did you feel when you visited this place?

      – What activities can people enjoy there?

47. Topic: A Social Issue

    – Question 47: Describe a social issue that concerns you.

    – You should say:

      – What is the social issue, and why is it important?

      – How does it impact individuals or society?

      – What actions can individuals take to address it?

      – How can governments and organizations contribute?

48. Topic: An Accomplishment You’re Proud Of

    – Question 48: Describe an accomplishment you’re proud of.

    – You should say:

      – What is the accomplishment, and when did you achieve it?

      – How did you work towards it?

      – Why is it meaningful to you?

      – How has it influenced your personal or professional life?

49. Topic: A Traditional Dish

    – Question 49: Describe a traditional dish from your culture.

    – You should say:

      – What is the dish, and how is it prepared?

      – When and where is it typically served?

      – What cultural significance does it have?

      – How does it taste, and do you enjoy it?

50. Topic: A Historical Period

    – Question 50: Describe a historical period you’re interested in.

    – You should say:

      – What is the historical period, and when did it occur?

      – What were the key events and developments?

      – Why does this period intrigue you?

      – How has it shaped the course of history

51. Topic: A Famous Landmark

   – Question 51: Describe a famous landmark you’ve visited.

   – You should say:

     – What is the landmark, and where is it located?

     – When did you visit it, and who accompanied you?

     – What historical or cultural significance does it have?

     – What was your experience like during the visit?

52. Topic: A Challenging Experience

   – Question 52: Describe a challenging experience you’ve faced.

   – You should say:

     – What was the challenge, and when did it happen?

     – How did you handle it, and what were the outcomes?

     – What did you learn from this experience?

     – How has it influenced your approach to challenges?

53. Topic: An Environmental Concern

   – Question 53: Describe an environmental concern that worries you.

   – You should say:

     – What is the environmental issue, and why is it a concern?

     – How does it impact the planet and living creatures?

     – What measures can individuals take to address it?

     – What role should governments play in tackling this concern?

54. Topic: A Place You’d Like to Visit in the Future

   – Question 54: Describe a place you’d like to visit in the future.

   – You should say:

     – Where is this place, and what attracts you to it?

     – When do you plan to visit, and with whom?

     – What activities or attractions do you look forward to?

     – Why is this place on your travel wishlist?

55. Topic: A Memorable School Event

   – Question 55: Describe a memorable event at your school.

   – You should say:

     – When and where did this event take place?

     – What was the purpose of the event, and who participated?

     – What made it memorable for you?

     – How did it contribute to your school experience?

56. Topic: A Valuable Lesson

   – Question 56: Describe a valuable life lesson you’ve learned.

   – You should say:

     – What was the lesson, and when did you learn it?

     – How did you come to learn this lesson?

     – Why is it important, and how has it affected your life?

     – Have you shared this lesson with others?

57. Topic: A Favorite Animal

   – Question 57: Describe your favorite animal.

   – You should say:

     – What is the animal, and why do you like it?

     – Have you had any personal experiences with this animal?

     – How does this animal contribute to the ecosystem?

     – Are there any unique facts or characteristics about it?

58. Topic: A Cultural Tradition

   – Question 58: Describe a cultural tradition you’re part of.

   – You should say:

     – What is the tradition, and when does it occur?

     – How is it celebrated or observed?

     – What is its significance in your culture?

     – How do you feel when participating in it?

59. Topic: A Famous Speech

   – Question 59: Describe a famous speech that left an impact on you.

   – You should say:

     – Who delivered the speech, and on what occasion?

     – When and where did you hear or read the speech?

     – What message or ideas did it convey?

     – How has it influenced your perspective?

60. Topic: A Recreational Activity

   – Question 60: Describe a recreational activity you enjoy.

   – You should say:

     – What is the activity, and how did you start doing it?

     – When and where do you typically engage in it?

     – What equipment or skills are required?

     – How does it contribute to your well-being?

61. Topic: A Historical Monument

   – Question 61: Describe a historical monument you find interesting.

   – You should say:

     – What is the monument, and where is it located?

     – When was it built, and for what purpose?

     – What historical events is it associated with?

     – Why do you consider it intriguing?

62. Topic: A Special Gift

   – Question 62: Describe a special gift you’ve received.

   – You should say:

     – When and from whom did you receive the gift?

     – What was the gift, and what does it signify?

     – How did you feel when you received it?

     – How has it impacted your life?

63. Topic: A Local Business

   – Question 63: Describe a local business you appreciate.

   – You should say:

     – What is the business, and where is it located?

     – What products or services does it offer?

     – Why do you like this business?

     – How does it contribute to the community?

64. Topic: A Piece of Music

   – Question 64: Describe a piece of music that is meaningful to you.

   – You should say:

     – What is the music piece, and who composed or performed it?

     – When did you first hear it, and in what context?

     – What emotions or memories does it evoke?

     – How has it influenced your life?

65. Topic: A Time You Helped Someone

   – Question 65: Describe a time when you helped someone in need.

   – You should say:

     – Who did you help, and what was the situation?

     – How did you offer assistance, and why?

     – What was the outcome of your help?

     – How did this experience affect you?

66. Topic: A Favorite Childhood Toy

   – Question 66: Describe your favorite childhood toy.

   – You should say:

     – What was the toy, and where did you get it?

     – Why was it your favorite?

     – How did you play with it?

     – Do you still have it, or what happened to it?

67. Topic: A Cultural Festival

   – Question 67: Describe a cultural festival you’ve attended.

   – You should say:

     – What is the festival, and when does it take place?

     – How is it celebrated, and what traditions are involved?

     – What was your experience like during the festival?

     – Why do you think it’s important to your culture?

68. Topic: A Beautiful View

   – Question 68: Describe a beautiful view you’ve seen.

   – You should say:

     – Where was the view, and how did you come across it?

     – What natural or man-made elements made it beautiful?

     – How did you feel when you saw it?

     – Would you recommend others to visit this place?

69. Topic: A Favorite Movie

   – Question 69: Describe your favorite movie.

   – You should say:

     – What is the movie’s title and who directed it?

     – When did you first watch it, and where?

     – What is the plot, and why do you like it?

     – Have you seen it multiple times?

70. Topic: A Historical Event

   – Question 70: Describe a historical event you find significant.

   – You should say:

     – What is the event, and when did it occur?

     – What were the key moments or figures involved?

     – Why do you consider it important in history?

     – How has it impacted the world today?

71. Topic: A Sporting Event

   – Question 71: Describe a sporting event you’ve attended.

   – You should say:

     – What sport was being played, and where did the event take place?

     – When did you attend the event, and who accompanied you?

     – What was the most memorable moment of the event?

     – How did the experience affect your interest in sports?

72. Topic: A Historical Figure

   – Question 72: Describe a historical figure you admire.

   – You should say:

     – Who is the historical figure, and what did they accomplish?

     – When and where did they live?

     – What qualities or actions make them admirable to you?

     – How have they influenced your thinking?

73. Topic: A Personal Achievement

   – Question 73: Describe a personal achievement you’re proud of.

   – You should say:

     – What is the achievement, and when did it happen?

     – How did you accomplish it, and what challenges did you face?

     – Why is this achievement significant to you?

     – How has it affected your life or future goals?

74. Topic: A Favorite Book

   – Question 74: Describe your favorite book.

   – You should say:

     – What is the book’s title and who is the author?

     – When did you read it, and what is it about?

     – Why do you consider it your favorite?

     – Have you recommended it to others?

75. Topic: A Hobby or Pastime

   – Question 75: Describe a hobby or pastime you enjoy.

   – You should say:

     – What is the hobby, and how did you become interested in it?

     – When and where do you typically engage in it?

     – What equipment or skills are required?

     – How does it bring you joy or relaxation?

76. Topic: A Local Tradition

   – Question 76: Describe a unique local tradition.

   – You should say:

     – What is the tradition, and when does it take place?

     – How is it celebrated, and who participates?

     – What is its cultural significance?

     – How have you been involved in this tradition?

77. Topic: A Time You Overcame a Fear

   – Question 77: Describe a time when you overcame a fear.

   – You should say:

     – What was the fear, and when did this happen?

     – How did you face and conquer this fear?

     – What was the outcome of overcoming it?

     – How has this experience changed you?

78. Topic: A Special Meal

   – Question 78: Describe a special meal you’ve had.

   – You should say:

     – When and where did you have this meal, and who was with you?

     – What dishes were served, and what made it special?

     – How did you feel during and after the meal?

     – How often do you enjoy such meals?

79. Topic: An Unforgettable Trip

   – Question 79: Describe an unforgettable trip you’ve taken.

   – You should say:

     – Where did you go, and when did you travel?

     – Who accompanied you, and what places did you visit?

     – What made this trip memorable for you?

     – How did it broaden your perspective?

80. Topic: A Valuable Friendship

   – Question 80: Describe a close friend who is important to you.

   – You should say:

     – Who is your friend, and how did you meet?

     – What qualities or characteristics do you admire in them?

     – How has this friendship impacted your life?

     – Can you share a memorable experience with this friend?

81. Topic: A Personal Goal

   – Question 81: Describe a personal goal you’re working toward.

   – You should say:

     – What is the goal, and why is it important to you?

     – When did you set this goal, and how are you progressing?

     – What steps have you taken to achieve it?

     – How do you plan to reach this goal in the future?

82. Topic: A Significant Change in Your Life

   – Question 82: Describe a significant change in your life.

   – You should say:

     – What was the change, and when did it occur?

     – How did it come about, and what were the effects?

     – What did you learn from this experience?

     – How has it shaped your life since then?

83. Topic: A Natural Disaster

   – Question 83: Describe a natural disaster you’re aware of.

   – You should say:

     – What was the disaster, and where and when did it happen?

     – How did it impact the affected area and its people?

     – What relief efforts were made to help those affected?

     – How can individuals and governments prepare for such disasters?

84. Topic: A Technological Advancement

   – Question 84: Describe a recent technological advancement.

   – You should say:

     – What is the advancement, and how does it work?

     – When and where was it developed or released?

     – What are its potential benefits and drawbacks?

     – How might it impact society in the future?

85. Topic: A Favorite Childhood Memory

   – Question 85: Describe a favorite childhood memory.

   – You should say:

     – How old were you when this memory was created?

     – Where did it take place, and who were you with?

     – Why is this memory special to you?

     – How does it remind you of your childhood?

86. Topic: An Inspirational Figure

   – Question 86: Describe an inspirational figure in your life.

   – You should say:

     – Who is this figure, and what have they accomplished?

     – How did you come to know about them?

     – What qualities or actions make them inspirational?

     – How have they motivated or influenced you?

87. Topic: A Favorite Piece of Art

   – Question 87: Describe your favorite piece of art.

   – You should say:

     – What is the artwork, and who is the artist?

     – Where did you first see it, and what does it depict?

     – Why is this piece of art meaningful to you?

     – Have you ever tried creating art inspired by it?

88. Topic: A Memorable Conversation

   – Question 88: Describe a memorable conversation you’ve had.

   – You should say:

     – When and where did the conversation take place?

     – Who were you talking to, and what was the topic?

     – What made the conversation unforgettable?

     – How did it impact your relationship with that person?

89. Topic: A Future Career Goal

   – Question 89: Describe a career goal you aspire to achieve.

   – You should say:

     – What is the career goal, and when did you set it?

     – Why is this goal important to you, and how do you plan to achieve it?

     – What steps have you taken or will take to work towards it?

     – How would achieving this goal benefit you and others?

90. Topic: A Unique Cultural Custom

   – Question 90: Describe a unique cultural custom from a different


   – You should say:

     – What is the custom, and which country does it belong to?

     – When and how is it celebrated or practiced?

     – What is the cultural significance of this custom?

     – How does it compare to customs in your own culture?

91. Topic: A Favorite Childhood Game

   – Question 91: Describe a favorite childhood game you used to play.

   – You should say:

     – What was the game, and who did you play it with?

     – Where did you usually play this game?

     – Why was it enjoyable, and what memories do you have of it?

92. Topic: An Interesting Movie

   – Question 92: Describe an interesting movie you’ve watched.

   – You should say:

     – What is the movie’s title, and when did you watch it?

     – What is the plot of the movie, and who are the main actors?

     – Why did you find it interesting, and how did it impact you?

93. Topic: An Important Life Lesson

   – Question 93: Describe an important life lesson you’ve learned.

   – You should say:

     – When and how did you learn this lesson?

     – What was the situation or experience that taught you this lesson?

     – How has this lesson influenced your decisions and actions?

94. Topic: An Unusual Food

   – Question 94: Describe an unusual food you’ve tried.

   – You should say:

     – What is the food, and where did you try it?

     – What does it taste like, and how is it prepared?

     – How did you feel about trying this unusual food?

95. Topic: A Historical Event

   – Question 95: Describe a historical event that interests you.

   – You should say:

     – What is the event, and when did it occur?

     – Why does this historical event interest you?

     – What were the significant outcomes or impacts of this event?

96. Topic: A Favorite Season

   – Question 96: Describe your favorite season of the year.

   – You should say:

     – Which season is your favorite, and why?

     – What activities do you enjoy during this season?

     – How does this season make you feel, and what are the sights and sounds associated with it?

97. Topic: A Valuable Skill

   – Question 97: Describe a valuable skill you’ve learned.

   – You should say:

     – What is the skill, and why is it valuable?

     – How did you acquire this skill, and when did you learn it?

     – How has this skill benefited you in your life or career?

98. Topic: An Environmental Issue

   – Question 98: Describe an environmental issue that concerns you.

   – You should say:

     – What is the environmental issue, and why is it a concern?

     – What are the causes and consequences of this issue?

     – How can individuals and society address this concern?

99. Topic: A Favorite Teacher

   – Question 99: Describe a favorite teacher you’ve had.

   – You should say:

     – Who is the teacher, and what subject did they teach?

     – What qualities or teaching methods made them your favorite?

     – How did this teacher impact your education and personal growth?

100. Topic: A Memorable Family Event

   – Question 100: Describe a memorable family event you’ve attended.

   – You should say:

     – When and where did this family event take place?

     – Who were the participants, and what was the occasion?

     – Why is this family event so memorable to you?

101. Topic: An Interesting Advertisement

Question: Describe an advertisement that you found interesting.

You should say:

– What was the advertisement for?

– Where did you see it?

– What caught your attention in this advertisement?

– Do you think it was effective in its purpose?

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