IELTS speaking mock test: Topic: Inventions

Topic: Inventions, agriculture, voluntary work
Candidate: Tomy (LTC student)

This is a live transcript from one of the Lifestyle Training Centre IELTS mock tests.

Tomy – IELTS speaking (mock test).

Examiner: Is there any change in the lives of farmers in your country?

Tomy: Well, I’m not really well-informed about the day-to-day lives of farmers, but I often come across their protests in the news. From what I gather, it seems that not much has changed for them, and they remain fundamental to India’s national income. I believe supporting and addressing their basic needs could significantly contribute to their growth.

Examiner: Are there any changes in the farming techniques in your country?

Tomy: I’m not entirely sure about recent changes in farming techniques, but I do know that there have been revolutionary developments and new inventions to aid farming in India. However, I can’t speak in detail about the extent of these changes.

Examiner: What about farming tools? Are there any changes observable?

Tomy: Honestly, I’m not well-versed in the intricacies of farming techniques and tools. Most of my knowledge comes from news articles and newspapers, so I might not be the best source for information on how technology has evolved in Indian farming. My perception is that many farming practices are still traditional.

Examiner: Have you ever planted anything?

Tomy: Oh, absolutely! I’m quite fond of gardening, and I have a small garden at home where I grow flowers, fruits, and some kitchen vegetables. It’s a joy to consume vegetables that I’ve cultivated myself. I consider my plants as pets and take good care of them.

Examiner: Do you observe any climate changes in your country?

Tomy: Climate change is a global concern, and India is no exception. I believe human activities and pollution play a role in the changes our planet is experiencing.

Examiner: Have you ever participated in any voluntary works?

Tomy: Back in my school days, I used to engage in social service and environmental cleanup activities. Unfortunately, I haven’t been involved in volunteer work recently.

Examiner: How can plants and trees help our environment?

Tomy: Large forested areas act as the lungs of the earth, cleansing the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen essential for living beings.

Examiner: How important is it to preserve water?

Tomy: Preserving water and minimizing wastage are crucial, especially considering its daily consumption and the potential impact of climate change on water tables. Proper conservation measures by the government are essential to secure this natural resource for the future.


Topic: An Interesting Invention

– Exminer 26: Describe an interesting invention you’ve learned about or used.

– You should say:

– What is the invention, and how does it work?

– How does it benefit people or society?

– Have you personally used this invention?

Tomy: The greatest invention of mankind is that of computers and artificial intelligence. I use computers on a daily basis for both personal and professional purposes. I learned to use computers when I was six, and I believe nowadays everybody at school has to learn it. When I was a child, I had computers as a school subject, but it was not mandatory in all schools back then. However, it is the case now, and everybody learns about computers at school. They are used on a daily basis by all people. It is inevitable and has undergone many revolutions in the past few years, especially in AI, which stands for artificial intelligence. AI is used in our daily machines, such as washing machines, fridges, and cars everywhere. So, I believe it is the greatest invention.

Because, back in the days, we could not speak to a person over the phone for a long time, or we could not see or do video chat. But now, everything is more accessible. So, back in the days, we could not, but always, whenever you talk about the past, helping words should be useful. Okay? How many people in your country have access to these computers? I think everybody has computers, and I remember my father learning to use a computer in the year 2000. After 2000, I think, yeah, and I was shocked that he went for a few classes because it was required for his job. So, yeah, I think everybody uses computers on a daily basis.


Examiner: How many people in your country have access to these computers?

Tomy: I think everybody has computers. I remember my father learned to use a computer in the year 2000. After 2000, yeah, and I was shocked that he went for a few classes because it was required for his job. So, yeah, I think everybody uses computers on a daily basis.

Examiner: Do farmers in your country use computers? And are their agricultural techniques computerized?

Tomy: Modern farmers are. A large number of people are educated. So, they use computers for their data records and also implement artificial intelligence in large-scale farming. Yes, I believe they are using a computerised system for their farming benefits.

Examiner: How reliable is the Food and Safety department in your place?

Tomy: I’m really quite positive about it. When compared to other countries where I live right now, I think it is much safer. Whereas in my native country, the government is corrupted, and the food and safety measures are not very active. So, you end up consuming lots of fertilized or adulterated food.

Examiner: How concerned are you about the quality of the food that you consume?

Tomy: I usually prefer to eat organically farmed vegetables, especially when I consume them raw. I don’t eat processed food. Even if I have to buy something from the market or the supermarket, I go through the list of ingredients of the food product, and I am conscious of my calorie intake.

end of the speaking test

Analytics: Band score
Section 1:

Fluency and Coherence: 7.5

Vocabulary Range and Accuracy: 7.0

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7.5

Pronunciation: 7.0

Section 2:

Content and Relevance to the Topic: 8.0

Coherence and Organization: 7.5

Vocabulary Range and Usage: 8.0

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7.5

Pronunciation: 7.5

Section 3:

Content and Depth of Responses: 7.5

Coherence and Connection of Ideas: 7.0

Vocabulary Range and Usage: 7.5

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 7.0

Pronunciation: 7.0

Overall band score: 7.5

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