IELTS process diagram. Generating electricity from wave.

4. IELTS process diagram. Generating electricity from wave.

The diagrams below show a structure that is used to generate electricity from wave power. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre Band 9

The provided process diagram meticulously illustrates the complex mechanisms, components, and steps that are involved in harnessing tidal wave energy, for the production of clean electricity.

As a whole, the process encompasses tidal waves, a conduit chamber, a column, and a turbine that rotates and produces electricity. While the first image showcases how electricity is produced using flood tide, the second, ebb tide.

The Flood tide, channelled through the chamber, as it moves toward the shore, pushes out the trapped air in the connected column, which is built on a cliff or sea wall. Consequently, a turbine located in the middle of the column rotates clockwise, inducing the production of electricity.  

In contrast, during ebb tide, the receding tidal waves create a vacuum within the chamber. As a result, the air inside moves downward, driving the turbine clockwise and generating electricity. The generated electricity can then be harvested and used.

(Word count: 150)

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