IELTS mixed essay. Delayed parenthood


In some countries today, many people decide to have their first child when they are older. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Nowadays, it is customary among many Individuals in certain nations to delay parenthood. While there are a couple of plausible rationales I can think of behind this notion, I firmly believe that the advantages unequivocally outweigh the potential downsides.

Primarily, financial instability emerges as a significant deterrent to early parenthood for many individuals. Taking on the role of parents in a later stage in life definitely would mean more financial freedom and less pecuniary pressures. For instance, it is pervasive that most marriages end up in divorce primarily due to financial constraints. Additionally, emotional maturity or readiness play a vital role here. With age comes wisdom. Thus, this delay supposedly benefits couples who will get ample time to equip themselves before embarking on the journey towards child rearing. Finally, the desire for personal freedom and space has become increasingly important for young couples, who prioritise their independence and lifestyle choices over the commitments associated with raising children. This would, thus, benefit in marital fulfilment and less worry over bringing up offspring during one’s prime.  

While the aforementioned benefits of delaying parenthood are valid, there are minor setbacks to consider. Firstly, advancing age can have an impact on fertility, potentially reducing the success rate of conception. In other words, as individuals grow older, the likelihood of successfully conceiving a child decreases. Secondly, older parents may encounter challenges in effectively nurturing and deeply engaging with their children, particularly in activities that demand physical fitness, as age could pose a barrier to active involvement. However, these potential downsides can be counteracted with the help of modern technology and by maintaining an active and fit lifestyle. Nowadays, young women have even the option to harvest and save their eggs for use in the later stage of their life.

To conclude, while there are certain downsides to delaying pregnancy and upbringing of children motivated by factors such as financial freedom, maturity, and marital fulfilments and freedom, the benefits of such choices far outweigh the potential demerits. If more people consider these factors, marriages could experience more success rates, financial freedom, and fulfilment.

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