IELTS direct question – Military

Do you think that countries should focus more on building strong military forces? Explain your reasoning.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In our contemporary world, where war and violence are an everyday phenomenon, the question of whether nations should primarily allocate their resources to defence forces becomes imperative. I firmly advocate that, rather than channelling exorbitant finances into bolstering military might, governments worldwide should prioritise the fundamental needs and well-being of their citizens. This essay will expound upon my position.

Firstly, the proposition that wars bring only catastrophe and suffering transcends mere rhetoric; it is a stark reality that resonates across the annals of history. The idea that there is ample space for everyone on this planet is not a utopian dream but a pragmatic vision. Instead of perpetuating an arms race, nations could redirect their energies and resources toward fostering diplomatic and humanitarian endeavours. The ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel serves as a poignant example, illustrating the devastating toll of war on citizens, who find themselves scavenging for sustenance amidst the chaos.

Furthermore, the colossal amounts squandered on military endeavours stand in stark contrast to the glaring issue of global poverty and homelessness. It is a no-brainer that millions suffer from starvation and unmet basic needs. Governments, more often than not, turn a blind eye to this fundamental concern, allocating vast sums to the machinery of war. A judicious reallocation of these resources towards the underprivileged and homeless could, quite literally, transform the world into a paradise. The case of Costa Rica stands as a testament to the viability of nations without armed forces. Since abolishing its military in 1948, Costa Rica has channelled its focus into education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability, fostering a stable and peaceful society.

To conclude, prioritising the provision of basic needs over military endeavours is not only morally imperative but also strategically sound for achieving global peace and prosperity. In our shared humanity, irrespective of nationality, colour, or faith, the collective pursuit of peace should transcend the pursuit of destructive power. The path to a harmonious world lies in the compassionate allocation of resources to address the fundamental needs of every individual. Only through such endeavours can we hope to transcend the shadows of conflict and usher in an era of genuine global collaboration.

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