IELTS band score calculator

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Understanding IELTS Band Scores: How They Are Derived

IELTS Band Scores can often appear mystifying, but grasping the intricacies is pivotal for your IELTS journey. Here's an enriched explanation of how these scores are calculated:


IETLS calculator

The Scoring Range: IELTS band scores, ranging from 0 to 9, are like a spectrum of English proficiency. They even include increments of 0.5 (e.g., 6.5 or 7.5) for precise evaluation. For each of the four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking), as well as an overall band score, you receive a specific score.

Overall Band Score: The overall band score is the amalgamation of your skill scores. It mirrors your average proficiency level across all four skills. Let's delve into this with an illustrative example:

Rounding to the Nearest: As per IELTS standards, final scores are meticulously calculated to the nearest 0.5 or the nearest whole band score. Imagine your overall score lands at a precise 7.5 (as exhibited in the table above); fantastic! However, if your score is a tad more intricate, it's rounded to the nearest whole or half score. Here's how this practice unfolds:

  • Scenario 1: If your overall score hovers around 6.1, it gracefully falls to band 6. It's like gravity pulling you to the nearest whole band score. In essence, 6.1 gravitates closer to band 6 than 6.5.
  • Scenario 2: Suppose your overall score dances around 6.85, it elegantly settles at band 7. Why? Because 6.85's rhythm is more in sync with the groove of band 7 than the tune of band 6.5.
Band scoreSkill levelDescription
Band 9Expert userYou have a full operational command of the language. Your use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and you show complete understanding.
Band 8Very good userYou have a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. You may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. You handle complex detailed argumentation well.
Band 7Good userYou have an operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally you handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning.
Band 6Competent userGenerally you have an effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and misunderstandings. You can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
Band 5Modest userYou have a partial command of the language, and cope with overall meaning in most situations, although you are likely to make many mistakes. You should be able to handle basic communication in your own field.
Band 4Limited userYour basic competence is limited to familiar situations. You frequently show problems in understanding and expression. You are not able to use complex language.
Band 3Extremely limited userYou convey and understand only general meaning in very familiar situations. There are frequent breakdowns in communication.
Band 2Intermittent userYou have great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
Band 1Non-userYou have no ability to use the language except a few isolated words.
Band 0Did not attempt the testYou did not answer the questions.

Differentiating IELTS Academic and General Training Reading Modules


Academic Reading (AC)General Reading (GT)
Correct AnswersBand ScoresCorrect AnswersBand Scores

Your listening and reading scores are determined based on the number of correct answers you provide out of the 40 questions in the test. It's important to note that you won't receive any penalties for incorrect answers. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that there's a single listening test that is administered to both General Training (GT) and Academic candidates, meaning that all test-takers face the same exam with identical scoring criteria.


Correct AnswersBand Scores
39 - 409
37 - 388.5
32 - 347.5
30 - 317
26 - 296.5
23 - 256
18 - 225.5
16 - 175
13 - 154.5


Please note that the IELTS speaking test is identical for both General Training and Academic candidates, with the same scoring and evaluation criteria applied to all.

Scoring Criteria for IELTS Speaking Test Categories:


  • Speaking continuously and fluently
  • No pauses or hesitations
  • No self-corrections
  • Easily understood
  • Utilizing linking devices

Lexical Resource:

  • Demonstrating vocabulary diversity and paraphrasing
  • Using word collocations
  • Employing less common vocabulary
  • Minimizing errors

Grammar Range & Accuracy:

  • Employing various sentence structures
  • Utilizing different grammar tenses
  • Minimizing grammatical errors


  • Being clear and understandable throughout the test
  • Using intonation effectively
  • Accent not hindering understanding
  • Accurate word and sound pronunciation"

Click here to view IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors (public version)


Criteria for IELTS Writing Task

In IELTS Writing Task, your performance is assessed based on four key marking criteria, each contributing 25% to your total marks:

  1. Task Achievement
  2. Coherence and Cohesion
  3. Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

How to score more for "task achievement"

Here are some practical tips for enhancing task achievement in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1:

1. Thorough Chart Analysis:
- Begin by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the visual data, such as graphs or charts.
- Identify and emphasize the most prominent data points, significant trends, and notable comparisons.

2. Highlight Key Aspects in the Introduction:
- In your introductory paragraph, offer a concise summary that outlines the primary features observed in the visual data.
- This initial overview serves as a roadmap for your readers, ensuring clarity in your essay's main focus.

3. Substantiate Arguments with Data:
- Strengthen the body paragraphs with concrete data, numbers, and relevant dates extracted from the visual representation.
- Use this data to vividly illustrate the trends and comparisons discussed in your essay.

4. Eliminate Inaccurate Details:
- Ensure that the information presented is accurate and faithfully derived from the visual data.
- Avoid making unfounded assumptions and steer clear of providing data that isn't directly supported by the chart.

5. Maintain Objectivity, Avoid Personal Views:
- Uphold a neutral tone in your writing. Refrain from injecting personal opinions or subjective perspectives into your analysis.
- Stay committed to presenting the facts and objective observations apparent in the visual.

6. Craft an Impartial Informational Report:
- Approach your response as an unbiased, fact-based report of the data, concentrating on the "what" rather than the "why."
- The primary aim is to accurately convey the provided information.

7. Exceed the 150-Word Threshold:
- Make sure your essay surpasses the stipulated word count of 150 words. Falling short of this limit may result in a penalty.
- Strive to furnish ample details and insights within the prescribed word boundary.

Adhering to these recommendations will significantly enhance the effectiveness of your IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 response in terms of task achievement.

How to score more for "Coherence and Cohesion"?

To improve your score for cohesion and coherence in your IELTS Writing Task, follow these strategies:

1. Plan Your Essay:

   - Before you start writing, take a few minutes to plan your essay. Decide on the structure and organization of your ideas.

   - Identify the main points you want to discuss in each body paragraph and how they relate to the overall topic.

2. Organize with Four Body Paragraphs:

   - Aim for a well-structured essay with four body paragraphs. This provides a clear and organized framework for your essay.

   - Ensure each paragraph focuses on a single main idea and that they follow a logical sequence.

3. Use a Range of Linking Devices:

   - Incorporate a variety of linking devices to connect sentences and paragraphs. These devices help create a cohesive flow in your essay.

   - Use transitional words and phrases like "furthermore," "however," "in addition," "conversely," "on the other hand," etc., to guide your reader through your ideas.

4. Avoid Mistakes with Linking Words:

   - Be cautious with your use of linking words and phrases. Ensure they are used correctly and in appropriate contexts.

   - Avoid overusing a particular word or phrase. Diversify your vocabulary to maintain clarity and interest.

5. Use Referencing:

   - Employ referencing effectively by using pronouns (e.g., "this," "it," "these," "those") to link back to previously mentioned concepts.

   - This helps readers follow your train of thought and understand the connections between ideas.

6. Check Pronoun Clarity:

   - When using pronouns for referencing, make sure it's clear what they refer to. Ambiguity can disrupt coherence.

   - Clarify your pronoun references when needed, so readers can easily identify the antecedent.

7. Maintain Consistency:

   - Consistency is crucial for coherence. Stick to a consistent writing style and tone throughout your essay.

   - Ensure that your ideas logically progress from one to the next without abrupt shifts in topic or focus.

8. Proofread for Clarity:

   - After completing your essay, review it for clarity and coherence. Check if the essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

   - Look for any sections that may require rewording or restructuring to enhance clarity.

9. Seek Feedback:

   - If possible, have someone with strong writing skills review your essay and provide feedback on its coherence and organization.

   - Take their suggestions into account and make revisions accordingly. Join Lifestyle Training Centre today.

10. Practice Writing:

    - Regular practice is essential to improving cohesion and coherence. Write essays on a variety of topics to hone your skills.

    - Analyze sample essays to see how effective cohesion and coherence are achieved.

By implementing these strategies and consistently practicing, you can significantly improve your score for cohesion and coherence in your IELTS Writing Task.

How to score more for "Lexical Resources"?

To boost your score for vocabulary in IELTS (Writing Task 1), focus on the following strategies:

1. Diversify Your Vocabulary:
- Demonstrate a rich and varied vocabulary by avoiding repetition of the same words and phrases.
- Make use of synonyms and alternative expressions to express your ideas effectively.

2. Employ Specific Vocabulary for Data Presentation:
- Choose precise and contextually appropriate vocabulary when presenting data. Use numbers, percentages, and other quantitative terms accurately.
- Utilize words and phrases that are relevant to the specific content of the chart, graph, or table.

3. Master Collocations:
- Pay attention to collocations, which are words that naturally go together. For example, "a significant increase," "a sharp decline," "a gradual rise," etc.
- Familiarity with these word combinations enhances the fluency and accuracy of your writing.

4. Spelling Accuracy:
- Prioritize accurate spelling. Spelling errors can negatively impact your vocabulary score.
- Review your essay carefully and use spell-check tools to catch and correct spelling mistakes.

5. Avoid Wrong Words and Informal Language:
- Be cautious not to use incorrect or inappropriate words. Ensure that your word choices are contextually suitable and accurate.
- Avoid the use of informal language, slang, or colloquial expressions, as these are not appropriate for academic writing.

6. Use Domain-Specific Vocabulary:
- If the visual data pertains to a specific field (e.g., economics, science, technology), incorporate domain-specific vocabulary related to that area.
- This showcases your ability to use specialized terminology accurately.

7. Learn and Practice Vocabulary:
- Expand your vocabulary by reading a wide range of materials, including academic articles, essays, and reports.
- Keep a vocabulary journal to record and revise new words you encounter during your studies.

8. Contextual Understanding:
- Ensure that the words you choose fit the context and convey the intended meaning accurately.
- Familiarize yourself with the nuances of vocabulary and their appropriate usage in academic writing.

9. Review and Revise:
- After completing your essay, allocate time to review and revise your vocabulary choices.
- Check for any inconsistencies or misused words, and make necessary corrections.

10. Model Responses:
- Study model IELTS essays to see how high-scoring responses employ sophisticated vocabulary to convey information.

By applying these strategies and continually expanding your vocabulary, you'll be better equipped to improve your vocabulary score in IELTS (Writing Task 1.)

How to score more for "Grammatical Range and Accuracy"

You can avoid any possible grammatical mistakes and showcase your grammatical range and accuracy just by being proficient in English tenses. Click here to study English tenses in detail:

Moreover, to enhance your grammatical range and accuracy in IELTS Writing Task 1, follow these strategies:

1. Utilize a Variety of Sentence Structures:
- Diversify your sentence structures by incorporating a mix of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.
- Varying your sentence structures demonstrates your command of English grammar.

2. Use the Correct Tense:
- Pay close attention to the tense used in the chart or graph you are analyzing. Ensure your writing aligns with the timeline presented in the visual data.
- Use past tenses for past data and present tenses for current information.

3. Maintain Proper Word Order:
- Adhere to the correct word order in sentences. In English, the typical word order is subject-verb-object (SVO) for statements.
- Avoid errors in word order that can disrupt sentence clarity.

4. Master Adjective-Noun and Verb-Adverb Pairings:
- Utilize adjective-noun pairs and verb-adverb combinations appropriately. For example, "significant increase," "gradually declined," "sharply rose," etc.
- Using these combinations correctly adds precision to your writing.

5. Minimize Grammatical Errors:
- Thoroughly review your essay to identify and rectify grammatical errors. Common errors include subject-verb agreement, verb tense inconsistency, and sentence fragments.
- Be aware of your common grammatical mistakes and work on improving them.

6. Understand How Mistakes Impact Your Score:
- Familiarize yourself with the common grammatical mistakes that can lead to score deductions. Understanding these errors is the first step in avoiding them.

7. Employ Proper Punctuation:
- Use punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, semicolons, and colons, correctly in your sentences.
- Accurate punctuation helps clarify your writing and prevent run-on sentences.

8. Practice Writing and Editing:
- Regularly practice writing essays on different topics to hone your grammatical skills.
- After writing, review your work for grammar errors and revise accordingly.

9. Grammar Resources:
- Utilize grammar reference materials, style guides, and online grammar resources to reinforce your understanding of English grammar rules.

10. Seek Feedback:
- If possible, have a proficient English speaker or a teacher review your writing and provide constructive feedback on grammatical accuracy. Join Lifestyle Training Centre today.
- Use this feedback to identify recurring grammatical issues and make targeted improvements.

11. Learn from Model Essays:
- Analyze model IELTS essays to see how high-scoring responses employ diverse sentence structures and maintain grammatical accuracy.

By incorporating these strategies into your preparation and practice, you can enhance your grammatical range and accuracy, leading to improved scores in IELTS Writing Task 1.

The examiner evaluates your ability to present information, provide an overview, offer specific details, and maintain accuracy in your response. Below, you'll find detailed tables illustrating the requirements for achieving IELTS band scores.

Writing Task 1 and 2 Band Descriptors (AC and GT)

How to improve IELTS General writing task 1 band score?

To increase your IELTS General Writing Task 1 score, follow these tips and strategies:

1. Understand the Task: Familiarize yourself with the different types of letters you may encounter in Task 1, including formal, semi-formal, and informal letters. Understand the purpose and format of each type.

2. Analyze the Prompt: Carefully read the prompt and pay attention to specific instructions, such as word count, addressing the right person, and the purpose of the letter.

3. Plan Your Response: Take a few minutes to plan your letter. Identify the main points you want to include and the order in which you'll present them.

4. Address All Points: Ensure that you address all the points mentioned in the prompt. Missing any of them can affect your score.

5. Structure Your Letter: Organize your letter with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use appropriate paragraphing and formatting.

6. Be Polite and Appropriate: Use the appropriate tone and level of formality based on the type of letter. Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout.

7. Vocabulary and Lexical Resource: Utilize a varied range of vocabulary and phrases, but only use words and expressions you are confident about. Avoid overly complex vocabulary if it doesn't fit the context.

8. Grammar and Punctuation: Pay attention to correct grammar and punctuation. Errors can negatively impact your score. Proofread your letter to catch any mistakes.

9. Cohesion and Coherence: Ensure that your letter flows logically and that your ideas are well-connected. Use linking words and transition phrases to create coherence.

10. Word Count: Stick to the recommended word count. Under-length responses may lack detail, while over-length responses may be marked down.

11. Practice Writing: Regularly practice writing different types of letters to improve your skills. Get feedback from teachers, native speakers, or qualified tutors to identify areas for improvement.

12. Time Management: Practice writing within the time constraints of the test. Task 1 should take around 20 minutes, so manage your time effectively.

13. Read Sample Letters: Review sample letters to understand the format, style, and content of effective responses.

14. Mock Tests: Take full-length IELTS practice tests to simulate test conditions and evaluate your progress.

15. Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling to improve your writing, consider enrolling in an IELTS preparation course or seeking guidance from a qualified IELTS tutor. Join Lifestyle Training Centre today and begin your journey towards IELTS success. 

Remember that improving your IELTS General Writing Task 1 score takes time and consistent effort. Regular practice, focused study, and attention to feedback will help you achieve a higher score.

How to improve IELTS Academic writing task 1 band score?

To improve your Band score in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, follow these strategies:

1. Understand the Task:
- Familiarize yourself with the different types of visuals you may encounter, such as bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, tables, maps, and diagrams.
- Identify the main trends, key features, and comparisons within the data.

2. Interpret the Data:
- Spend time analyzing the data before you start writing. Understand the information presented and identify any significant patterns or changes.
- Pay attention to units, labels, and the time frame if applicable.

3. Plan Your Response:
- Take a few minutes to plan your essay. Decide on the structure of your response and the main points you want to cover.
- Consider the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

4. Introduction:
- In the introduction, paraphrase the information given in the prompt and provide an overview of the main trends or features you will discuss.

5. Body Paragraphs:
- Organize your essay into clear and coherent paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one key trend or feature.
- Use a range of vocabulary and linking words to describe and compare the data.
- Support your points with data from the visual, including specific numbers or percentages.
- Avoid including your personal opinions or speculations.

6. Cohesion and Coherence:
- Use cohesive devices, such as linking words and phrases, to connect ideas and create a logical flow within your essay.
- Ensure that your essay is easy to follow and that your points are well-organized.

7. Vocabulary and Lexical Resource:
- Use a wide range of vocabulary to describe the data accurately.
- Be precise with your word choices and avoid overusing certain words.
- Use technical and academic vocabulary when appropriate.
- Pay attention to spelling and word formation.

8. Grammar and Sentence Structure:
- Use a variety of sentence structures to add complexity and depth to your writing.
- Ensure that your grammar is accurate. Avoid making frequent errors.
- Practice using different tenses, conditionals, and passive voice where appropriate.

9. Word Count:
- Stick to the recommended word count. Overly long or short essays may impact your score.

10. Practice Writing:
- Regularly practice writing essays based on sample visuals. Try to simulate the conditions of the actual test, including time constraints.

11. Feedback and Self-Review:
- After writing, review your essays for errors and areas of improvement. Seek feedback from teachers, native speakers, or qualified tutors.

12. Mock Tests:
- Take full-length IELTS practice tests to assess your progress and work on time management.

13. Seek Professional Help:
- If you're struggling to improve your writing, consider enrolling in an IELTS preparation course or seeking guidance from a qualified IELTS tutor. Join Lifestyle Training Centre today. 

Improving your Band score in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 requires practice, analysis, and focused preparation. Consistent effort and attention to detail will help you achieve a higher score.

How to improve IELTS writing task 2 band score?

Improving your IELTS Writing Task 2 band score requires a focused approach and consistent practice. Here are some strategies to help you achieve a higher score:

1. Understand the Task:
- Familiarize yourself with the different types of essay questions in Task 2, including opinion essays, discussion essays, problem-solution essays, outweigh essays etc. 
- Aim for at least 270 words in your essay. 

2. Analyze the Question:
- Carefully analyze the essay prompt to ensure you fully understand the topic, the specific question being asked, and any relevant background information.
- Identify the key issues or arguments presented in the prompt.

3. Plan Your Essay:
- Take a few minutes to plan your essay. Consider the structure of your response, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
- Create an outline with main points and supporting details.

4. Introduction:
- In the introduction, rephrase the essay prompt and present your thesis statement or main argument.
- Provide a brief overview of the points you will discuss in the body of the essay.

5. Body Paragraphs:
- Organize your essay into clear and coherent paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one main point or argument.
- Use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph's main idea.
- Provide evidence, examples, and supporting details to back up your arguments.
- Ensure a logical flow of ideas and connect paragraphs with transitional words and phrases.

6. Vocabulary and Lexical Resource:
- Utilize a wide range of vocabulary to express ideas and arguments effectively.
- Be precise in your word choices, and use academic and formal language where appropriate.
- Avoid repeating the same words or phrases. Instead, use synonyms or paraphrase.

7. Grammar and Sentence Structure:
- Use a variety of sentence structures to add complexity and depth to your writing.
- Ensure your grammar is accurate. Avoid making frequent errors.
- Pay attention to verb tenses, conditionals, and subject-verb agreement.

8. Cohesion and Coherence:
- Maintain a clear and logical organization throughout your essay.
- Use cohesive devices to link ideas and create a smooth flow of thought.
- Avoid abrupt transitions or unrelated information.

9. Counterarguments:
- If relevant, acknowledge counterarguments and provide a balanced view of the topic. Address these counterarguments and explain why your position is stronger.

10. Time Management:
- Allocate your time effectively during the test. You should aim to spend approximately 40 minutes on Task 2.

11. Word Count:
- Stick to the recommended word count. Going significantly under or over the limit may affect your score.

12. Proofreading:
- After completing your essay, take a few minutes to review and edit your work for errors in grammar, vocabulary, and coherence.

13. Practice:
- Regularly practice writing essays on a variety of IELTS Task 2 topics. Analyze sample essays and seek feedback from teachers, native speakers, or qualified tutors.

14. Mock Tests:
- Take full-length IELTS practice tests to assess your progress and work on time management.

15. Seek Professional Help:
- Consider enrolling in an IELTS preparation course or seeking guidance from a qualified IELTS tutor if you need more targeted assistance. Join Lifestyle Training Centre today. 

Improving your IELTS Writing Task 2 band score requires dedication and practice. Consistently working on your writing skills, addressing weaknesses, and seeking feedback will help you achieve a higher score.

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Frequently asked questions.

❓ What is the IELTS Band Score Calculator?

The IELTS Band Score Calculator is a tool that helps you convert your raw scores from the Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections into an official IELTS band score.

❓ How is the IELTS band score calculated?

Your overall IELTS band score is the average of your four section scores (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking). It is then rounded to the nearest 0.5 or whole band.

❓ Can this calculator be used for both Academic and General IELTS?

Yes! The IELTS Band Score Calculator works for both Academic and General Training versions of the test, providing accurate score estimations.

❓ How does the calculator determine my final band score?

The calculator follows the official IELTS scoring system, applying the correct conversion for each section before averaging your scores to determine the overall band score.

❓ What is the difference between raw scores and band scores?

Raw scores refer to the number of correct answers in the Listening and Reading sections. These are converted into band scores based on the official IELTS conversion chart.

❓ Does the IELTS Band Score Calculator guarantee my final score?

While our calculator provides a close estimation based on official IELTS scoring, your final score will be determined by the official IELTS examiners.

❓ Can I use this calculator for practice tests?

Yes! You can use this tool to estimate your band score after completing IELTS practice tests to track your progress.

❓ How can I improve my IELTS band score?

To improve your IELTS score, focus on consistent practice in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Use official IELTS materials, take mock tests, and get feedback from experts.

❓ What is the highest possible IELTS band score?

The highest IELTS band score is 9.0, which indicates expert-level English proficiency.

❓ Is there a passing score for IELTS?

There is no specific passing score for IELTS. Different universities, employers, and immigration programs have their own minimum score requirements.

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