Idioms Beginning with B

By dayRefers to activities or events that occur during the daytime rather than at night.The museum is open by day, allowing visitors to enjoy the exhibits under natural light.
By the day1. Refers to something happening daily; 2. Indicates a situation that is changing or worsening over time.The prices for hotel rooms are increasing by the day as the holiday season approaches.
By half1. To change the amount by fifty percent; 2. Suggests an excessive degree of cleverness or ability.The new policy cuts costs by half, helping the company save money during the financial crisis.
By halvesTo do something incompletely or without full commitment.The project was poorly executed; they really dealt with it by halves instead of giving it their full attention.
By inches1. Describes a slow or gradual process; 2. Indicates a narrow margin or close call.The car crept forward by inches in the heavy traffic, testing everyone’s patience.
Inch by inch1. To progress in small steps; 2. To examine something meticulously.We made progress inch by inch in our negotiations, ensuring every detail was perfect before signing.
By installmentsRefers to making payments in smaller, divided amounts over a set period.They decided to purchase their new furniture by installments to manage their budget more effectively.
In installmentsDescribes something that is released or published in separate parts over time.The magazine will feature the article in installments, keeping readers engaged over several months.
By occasion of somethingA formal phrase indicating an event or reason for something happening.The event was rescheduled by occasion of the unforeseen weather conditions that made travel dangerous.
On the occasion of somethingUsed to describe something happening in relation to a specific event or celebration.The guests received special gifts on the occasion of the anniversary celebration.
By one’s own accountRefers to information provided according to someone’s personal perspective or narrative.By her own account, she was the last person to see the missing item, but there were no witnesses to confirm it.
On one’s own accountIndicates acting independently without relying on others.After years of working for others, he decided to start a business on his own account, following his passion.
By order of someoneRefers to actions taken according to instructions or authority given by a specific individual.By order of the school principal, all students must wear uniforms starting next week.
Under the orders of someoneIndicates being commanded or directed by a superior, often used in military contexts.The troops operated under the orders of their commanding officer, following the strategy laid out for the mission.
By ruleRefers to actions or decisions made according to established laws or guidelines.The team operates by rule, ensuring that every decision aligns with company policies and regulations.
By rule and lineA dated phrase meaning to do something with precise measurement or accuracy.The architect designed the building by rule and line, ensuring every detail was accounted for in the blueprints.

By successionRefers to a legal process where one individual inherits or takes over from another in a formal context.The new CEO was chosen by succession, following the company’s established protocol for leadership transition.
In successionDescribes a series of events occurring one after another in a sequential manner.The speakers presented their ideas in succession, each building on the previous one’s concepts.
By the authority of someoneIndicates that an action is taken with permission or power granted by a specific individual.The contract was signed by the authority of the board, ensuring all legal requirements were met.
On the authority of someoneRefers to statements or actions supported by the endorsement or permission of a particular individual.I was informed on the authority of the manager that the project deadline has been extended.
By the clockMeans to do something carefully and punctually, often with a focus on keeping to a schedule.We need to finish this project by the clock if we want to meet our deadline.
By the timeRefers to the point at which something happens; often indicates a time frame in which actions occur.By the time she arrived at the party, most of the guests had already left.
By the name ofIndicates a person or thing known or referred to by a specific name.I received a letter from a colleague by the name of Sarah, who I had not met before.
Under the name ofRefers to a pseudonym or alias used by someone for their work or actions.The author published several novels under the name of a well-known pen name.
By the seat of one’s pantsTo rely on instinct and experience rather than detailed planning or theory.I had to navigate through the city by the seat of my pants, as I had never been there before.
By the skin of one’s teethTo barely succeed or manage to achieve something, often in a precarious situation.She passed the exam by the skin of her teeth, scoring just enough to pass.
By virtue of somethingIndicates that something is achieved or granted through a specific means or reason.He gained respect by virtue of his hard work and dedication to the community.
In virtue of somethingRefers to obtaining a position or recognition due to a specific reason or circumstance.She was promoted in virtue of her outstanding performance over the past year.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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