Idioms Beginning with B

Be Well AwayTo be far from a particular location or to be significantly intoxicated.After hours of hiking, we realised we were well away from the nearest village, lost in the wilderness.
Be Well OffTo be in a comfortable financial situation, possessing sufficient resources to live well.They are quite well off, enjoying vacations abroad and dining at upscale restaurants regularly.
Be Well ConnectedTo have influential relationships or contacts that provide advantages or opportunities.His success in the industry is largely due to being well connected with key figures in the business world.
Have a Good ConnectionTo maintain a solid network of clients or customers that ensures a steady flow of business.The real estate agent quickly built a good connection in the community, leading to numerous referrals.
Be Whole of MindTo possess sound mental faculties, often used in formal contexts like legal documents.It was essential for him to declare that he was whole of mind when signing the contract for the estate.
Be Whole-MindedTo be fully committed and dedicated to a particular cause or pursuit.Her whole-minded approach to community service inspired many others to join her efforts.
Be Wide of the MarkTo be incorrect or off in one’s assessment or conclusion about something.The prediction about the event’s turnout was wide of the mark; only a handful of people showed up.
Come Short of the MarkTo fail to achieve a goal or reach a desired level of performance.Despite his efforts, his presentation came short of the mark, leaving the audience wanting more depth.
Be Worth Doing SomethingTo be valuable enough to justify the time and effort invested in it.Taking the time to learn a new language is worth doing for the opportunities it can create.
Be Worthy of Doing SomethingTo possess qualities or standards that merit consideration or deserving of a specific action.Her exceptional talent and dedication make her worthy of receiving the award this year.
Be Written in Black and WhiteTo have something documented clearly in writing, often as evidence or proof.The agreement was written in black and white, ensuring both parties understood their obligations.
See Something in Black and WhiteTo perceive things in a simplistic manner, often overlooking complexities or nuances.He tends to see issues in black and white, ignoring the grey areas that could offer alternative solutions.

Bear a Resemblance to SomethingTo look or appear similar to something or someone, often in a physical sense.The new painting bears a resemblance to the artist’s earlier work, showcasing her evolving style.
Bear a Semblance of SomethingTo show a slight or superficial likeness to something, but not necessarily in a significant or genuine way.The new café bears a semblance of a Parisian bistro, but the food quality is far from authentic.
Bear Down on SomethingTo move quickly towards a target or destination with intent or urgency.As the storm clouds gathered, the ship bore down on the shore, hoping to reach safety before the rain hit.
Bear on SomethingTo have relevance or a connection to a particular topic or issue.Your comments about environmental policy bear on the discussions we had last week about sustainability.
Bear MarketA situation in the stock market where prices are falling, leading to pessimism among investors.Investors were cautious during the bear market, opting to hold on to their cash rather than risk further losses.
Bull MarketA period in the stock market where prices are rising, encouraging investment and optimism.Analysts predicted continued growth in the bull market, prompting more investors to enter the market.
Bear SomeoneTo give birth to a child or to tolerate someone, usually in a negative context.Despite her struggles, she bore him two children, but she couldn’t bear the emotional turmoil any longer.
Bear With SomeoneTo exercise patience and understanding towards someone, especially during a challenging situation.Please bear with me while I sort through these technical issues; I promise I’ll have it fixed soon.
Beard the Lion in His DenTo confront someone in a position of power directly, especially in their own environment.Determined to resolve the conflict, she decided to beard the lion in his den and discuss her concerns with the CEO.
Walk Into the Lion’s DenTo enter a challenging or potentially hostile situation without preparation.After the merger fell apart, he had to walk into the lion’s den and answer tough questions from the board.
Beat a Dead HorseTo continue discussing or pursuing an idea or issue that is no longer relevant or has been settled.There’s no point in revisiting that topic; you’re just beating a dead horse at this point.
Work Off the Dead HorseTo complete work for which payment has already been received, often in a laborious or unenthusiastic manner.The contractor was still working off the dead horse from the last project, trying to finish what was already paid for.
Beat About the BushTo avoid addressing an issue directly, often by speaking in vague terms.Instead of beating about the bush, just tell me what you really think of the proposal.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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