Idioms Beginning with B

Be Put Up Against the WallTo be in a situation where one has no escape or options left, often used in a metaphorical sense.After losing his job and running out of savings, he felt like he was put up against the wall.
Be Up Against the WallTo be faced with a difficult situation or dilemma, where options are limited or non-existent.When her car broke down in the middle of the night, she was really up against the wall without a plan.
Be Quit of SomeoneTo be free from the influence or presence of someone, often implying relief.After the breakup, she felt a weight lifted and was glad to be quit of all the drama.
Be Quits with SomeoneTo have settled a score or balance with someone, often after a conflict or dispute.After years of rivalry, they finally called a truce and were quits with each other.
Be Reflected in SomethingTo be evident or visible in something, indicating a direct connection or influence.His dedication to the project was reflected in the high quality of the final presentation.
Reflect on SomethingTo think carefully about a situation or decision, often assessing its impact or consequences.She took time to reflect on her choices before making any drastic changes in her career.
Be Related to SomeoneTo have a familial connection to someone, indicating a blood relationship.I discovered I am related to a famous author through my grandfather’s side of the family.
Relate to SomeoneTo understand or empathize with someone’s feelings or experiences; or to have relevance to someone’s situation.It’s important for teachers to relate to their students in order to create a supportive learning environment.
Be RingedTo be surrounded or encircled, or for birds to have a tracking device placed on them for research purposes.The ancient fortress was ringed by a deep moat that made it nearly impossible to approach.
Be RungTo make a sound, often in the context of a bell or similar instrument.The church bells were rung at noon, announcing the start of the festivities.
Be SeatedTo be invited or placed in a sitting position; can also refer to being established in a role or position of authority.As the guests arrived, the hostess welcomed them and asked them to be seated at the dining table.
Be UnseatedTo be removed from a position of authority or power, often unexpectedly.The unpopular mayor was unseated in the recent election after years of controversy.
Be Set on Doing SomethingTo be firmly determined to achieve a specific goal or task.After the success of his first novel, he was set on writing a sequel that would captivate readers.
Be Set to Do SomethingTo be fully prepared and ready to engage in an activity or event.The team was set to launch the new product after months of development and testing.
Be Soft in the HeadTo be considered foolish or lacking common sense, often used in a light-hearted or humorous context.He might seem charming, but sometimes he’s a bit soft in the head when it comes to making decisions.

Be Sold on SomeoneTo have developed a positive opinion about someone, often due to their actions or character.After helping us move, we were completely sold on our new neighbours—they’re genuinely kind people.
Be Sold Out to SomeoneTo have been betrayed or compromised, especially by someone you trusted.Many felt that the politician had sold out to corporate interests, neglecting the needs of the public.
Be Someone’s Right-Hand ManTo be the main assistant or support to someone in a professional or personal context.Ever since the project began, I’ve been his right-hand man, handling most of the logistical details.
Stay on the Right Side of SomeoneTo maintain a friendly or supportive relationship with someone, especially to avoid conflict.If you want to keep your job, it’s wise to stay on the right side of your manager, especially during busy seasons.
Be Stiff-NeckedTo be inflexible or resistant to change, often displaying a sense of pride or arrogance.His stiff-necked attitude made it difficult for the team to propose new ideas during meetings.
Have a Stiff NeckTo experience physical discomfort that limits movement, particularly in the neck area.I woke up with a stiff neck and couldn’t turn my head without pain.
Be Stuck for SomethingTo find oneself in a situation where something is unavailable or difficult to obtain.After the event sold out, I was stuck for a ticket and missed out on seeing my favourite band.
Be Stuck on SomethingTo be deeply infatuated or fascinated by an idea, concept, or interest.I’m really stuck on the notion of sustainable living; it’s all I can think about these days.
Be Stuck on SomeoneTo have a crush or strong feelings for someone, often in a romantic context.She was clearly stuck on him, constantly blushing whenever he was around.
Be Stuck with SomeoneTo be in a situation where you cannot get rid of someone, usually implying annoyance or frustration.I didn’t choose this partner for the project, and now I feel stuck with someone who doesn’t contribute.
Be Stuck UpTo be snobbish or arrogant, often implying a disdain for those perceived as inferior.Ever since he got that promotion, he’s been really stuck up and hard to approach.
Be Stuck-UpTo find oneself unable to proceed due to an obstacle, often referring to travel or plans.We got stuck-up in a small town when our car broke down, but it turned out to be a lovely place to explore.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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